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Markus Reese

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Everything posted by Markus Reese

  1. For me, I would think the ram in regards to the later statement. Processor should be able to handle it because while it does have alot of physics etc to calculate, the graphics for the most part are simple. The complex objects and texture maps would tie up ram pretty bad though as it would need to store and recall every piece, it\'s orientations etc.
  2. Something very important, watch your horizon more than directly the ground. Looking straight down, is tough to tell when you get close, however watching angled makes it alot easier to judge when you are getting close. If the ground seems like it is coming up faster, approach a bit slower. The visual clues such as shadows etc will do alot more than the altimeter. Something important to think about is that your approach of 50m/s is 180km/h or over 100 mph. Once I hit below 5000m/s I would slow it down closer to 20m/s which will get you more reaction time and less space needed to decel.
  3. The bouncey leg problem is something I experienced in the early days of my flights. This is due to the horizontal velocity on landing. The leg hooks and flips the rocket over. Can watch my vid here of my minimus landing to get how I like to set up and get control in landing. Even though Minimus has alot less gravitational effect than Mun, the principles are the same. See part 3 of the playlist for landing.
  4. Won\'t have time to do this one, but first thing I imagine that would be cheating.... Whale Probe
  5. Myself, I like the powersat/dynasat kit. Later on, the combo of parts it entails such as the zeoxyne kit makes alot of fun. The toughest part about setting up sat networks is getting the nice orbits so they stay spaced out.
  6. QFT (quote for truth) I was landing a massive lander today as part of a test for Bioman\'s challenge he posted, was going well, til I realized I was looking at the wrong fuel tanks and ran out of fuel 500m off lunar surface on the lander! Edit: Another one was my first recording of my minimus landing. I did it as an unbroken stream, was coming in for a landing. Almost down and then instead of hitting shift, I hit space XS On top of that, my accend engines at the time was solid booster, no coming back from that.
  7. I plan on filming the whole thing when I do! The real challenge will be if I can using all stock parts ???
  8. To know which 90 to burn towards, the direction you are facing is where the half you are orbiting towards will move. Give a light burst to see which direction you are going. Also use your gymbal and heading, keep yourself aligned to the horizon
  9. It looks to be a collision problem. The way you have your tri couplers there, they are clipping, or occupying the same space. When your rocket loads up, these pieces flex off eachother, since there is no velocity, it isn\'t reading a collision in your report, but the flex does cause the structural failure you are seeing. A tri coupler can never directly connect in line under another tri coupler without this issue unfortunately. To create a triple stack ship, radially coupler a stage around your command module stage. After that you can mount tri underneath. You can rotate and manipulate parts using your q, w, e, a, s, d controls like the flight controls. These will rotate parts 90 degrees. hold shift to do fine rotations.
  10. The main key to burning retrograde like shown is to use your gymbal or visual clues in space. The gymbal is the most accurate since the two green marks are respective to direction of travel. The empty circle with perpendicular lines is direction of travel, the 'Y' out green circle is direction you are coming from. Point to that for your breaking burn. To acheive orbit, always condsider that your breaking location is where your new apoapsis will start to form. So to capture a specific orbit, break until the apoapsis is an altitude you want, then stop breaking until apoapsis. When close to apo, do your full orbital breaking maneuver.
  11. I wonder if there is some control input that your game file is receiving causing it to turn. The best stable test is a short single column rocket. Very simple for just to space and back, see if it is banking. There is something else that can happen on older machines, and is an error when loading up the rocket that can cause thrusters to break off. When you load the rocket, do you hear the sound of say a stage separation and next time you go to it, does it ask you to clear the launch pad? If a nossle is breaking off, you will end up with uneven thrust. Also see if there is any failures in your mission report to see if any failures are occuring before launch.
  12. I made a couple changes and was able to get it stable. First I made the central initial stage the slightly smaller 45 gymbal rockets, helps keeping alignment and pulled off the outer SAS. I pulled out the command module SAS for an advanced SAS. I put three fuel tanks instead of the four on the lander bay to help balance. There is still some drift, but that was caused by some flexing in the booster engines.
  13. Myself, I like to do the hanging style as well for my rovers. I have the basic launch module on top of the rover, and mount the landing engines around the side. By having the rover hang just a little above the bottoms of the lander legs, when you de-couple, it is just a short drop to the ground. Just launching command module isn\'t too hard, doesnt take much of an engine to do the final get away.
  14. Is it the game or a mod being used that is causing a bug? I have landed very close to other structures and not blown up, but perhaps not quite as close since my multi landing areas tend to be fairly large.
  15. Nice altitude blue! Is 5M km latitude stationary?
  16. My current featiest feat is my awesome kerbalcast system I did for fun. I haven\'t yet thought of anything more sciencey to beat it. I had shown as part of a moon base I set up. All near perfect circular orbits at the same altitudes for their planes.
  17. The Tipping thing can happen sometimes if you slide a little over time. Or something breaking over time. There are changes with the next expansion coming however. With the up scaling for eva, it will improve collision mechanics and is supposed to help improve stability.
  18. We should put in a request into the mod forum. Is a command capsule capable of having wheels? Make the reliant robin command module. One piece with the basic lift fins!
  19. Pics and proof, no magic boosters, very easy flying as well.
  20. Yeah, I had lagout on the altimeter too. What I do is I use the altimeter position to get my bank, then use the map to watch my apoapsis. When I get the initial launch and some of the big engines are gone, I flip to space center and back to reset the altimeter.
  21. I am really looking forward to if we get gas giants too. More though for atmospheric moons!
  22. best thing you can do is put it up as a poll. Game is paid by supporting members like you and I, so do it up, and if good, I would support!
  23. I don\'t use RCS either for the actual landings. I prefer pure gyroscopic control.
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