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Everything posted by nubeees

  1. Near the end of that gameplay video there's what looks to be some kind of miniaturized inertial confinement fusion drive for sure
  2. Perhaps liquid core nuclear then? The exhaust doesn't look like a chemical combustion someone mentioned the finned engine here's a shot of it in action: It too seems to not use combustion. Maybe nuclear? last edit for this post useful link:
  3. Likely suspect (for 'krepstien drive, threads got merged):
  4. constant thrust trajectories confirmed! If solar sails aren't around by launch, I assume they'll definitely be modded in very quickly. *edit looks like someone already mentioned this. Whoops! Still exciting
  5. Posted a thread exactly for that. Thanks spaceception!
  6. Thanks to Spaceception for supplying this link: https://www.videogameschronicle.com/features/interviews/an-in-depth-conversation-with-the-creator-of-ksp2/ Two quotes stood out: Well, you heard him! We've got an easteregg to crack! What details about this magic drive can we pry from the released teasers?
  7. They've been showing off magnetic nozzles (without actually using them), so there's clearly more than a few plasma-based propulsion systems!
  8. Good find! This quote is probably worth its own thread entirely:
  9. Should be-- I haven't changed the mod recently, and most of those issues appear to be hardcoded kerbal EVA behavior problems. The centrifuge one probably could be fixed but I'd need to do a bit of calculus to account for constant change in acceleration direction. That last bullet point I don't actually know the cause. Lisias has opted to help continue Munwalk, so who knows! He might come up with a better system for locomotion that negates a lot of these problems! I'm fairly certain he knows how to handle raycasting.
  10. Is there a bug with changing light sources? I've been trying to get the procedural galaxy addon 'To Boldly Go' working, and it does except a ship on the launchpad will rapidly overheat and explode if I zoom out in map view then pan past a hotter star. Planning on doing a complete reinstall of KSP to see if that helps, but I figured I'd ask here first. Update: A complete reinstall of Kerbal Space Program, Kopernicus, and TBG did not resolve the issue.
  11. This was my original assumption-- they shifted the sun angle for lighting but left the planet in its original orientation. I really like this theory!
  12. update: a complete reinstall of KSP, Kopernicus, and TBG did not resolve the issue. Has anyone had troubles with To Boldy Go and Interstellar? I'm having an issue where focusing on another star in map view causes my vessel to rapidly overheat and explode-- even in timewarp. At one point it even listed every part of the vessel as having a temperature of infinity! I'm guessing its KSP-I since that plays around with how heat works, and it seems to also be linked to the lightsource switching somehow, but I'm still trying to nail down the cause of this bug. Any help or suggestions would be great! After quite a bit of troubleshooting I've found it still occurs with only kopernicus and TBG. This might be a kopernicus problem, but I'm sort of out of ideas other than completely reinstalling KSP. Essentially, zooming out in map view under certain circumstances (I believe specifically when the game shifts light sources?) causes the vessel to rapidly overheat and explode. I think this might have to do with it assuming that the other light sources- ie, from a blue giant- are in the place of kerbol, and with kerbin's distance from kerbol that places the vessel in range for heating problems. Not sure why i sometimes get infinity for heating-- maybe that has to do with the galactic core.
  13. Several people have mentioned the day/night terminator on Duna in the trailer (or what looks to be Duna) is sideways, with the polar ice cap pointed directly at the sun. Any theories as to what's happening here? Rendering error in the trailer? Kraken attack? A giant impact? Ike does seem to be missing from the camera shot, afterall.
  14. Update: I'm back home, which means I was finally able to upload the sourcecode to comply with the Kerbal Space Program addon guidelines. Thank you to Stone Blue for bringing this to my attention! I'm going to be leaving Munwalk in a semi-orphaned state. If something is severely broken, I'll try my hand at fixing it, however it has outgrown my understanding of KSP and its game engine. If another modder would like to pick up where I left off I'd be grateful! Also, for those interested, I apologize for my code being such a mess.
  15. I replaced the launchpad.dll and EL version with the updated ones from the main extraplanetary launchpads mod and it seems to work without issue. If someone does pick up this orphaned mod, it'll probably be pretty straight-forward to officially fix up!
  16. Thank you! I've never actually used Spacedock before. That explains why it didn't seem quite right. Should be available now
  17. Are there any good sources from which to learn how to add buttons to a part's (in my case, an EVA'd kerbal) right click menu? I've been searching and digging through other mods for the past few hours and cannot make sense of it.
  18. I have figured out how to entirely disable drag on Kerbals. This means, with a little bit of coaxing, I could get my kerbal to stand and walk on a moving airplane!
  19. Looking through that mod's sourcecode makes me feel like a complete noob lol Thanks for the link! I think a complete overhaul of how I'm handling walking is now in order
  20. Will try. The centrifuge especially looks promising. My current test centrifuge is more of a 'dumbbell' style, but it doesn't curve as it should so it can be difficult to work with.
  21. This sort of space opra-like artificial gravity could be done pretty easily if I can get acceleration-based kerbal movement working. Simply have a 'gravity field' that pulls all kerbals in the ship's relative 'down' direction, and perhaps inertia dampeners which impart a force to counteract acceleration from the parent ship. It would be a separate mod from this, but its entirely possible.
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