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Everything posted by nubeees

  1. Alright, I'm sorry if this question has been already answered, but for me, Tweakscale is just flat out not working. I right click, and theres no scale option. My friend seems to have gotten it to work fine, and claims that there was some additional step you need to do to get the thing working. Any help is appreciated.
  2. Someone needs to hurry up and host a DMP server with this mod!
  3. Kerbal Space Program: The one game I actually want to find PvP servers, but can't. >.<
  4. Is there a conflicting flightGlobalsIndex?
  5. How do I make my edits to a planet, Specifically a PF one, Permanent? Also, I can't seem to get my oceans to render in scaledspace. *Edit Also, just incase you didn't know, for some reason atmospheres are making rings invisible. I do not know if this has to do with the fact that the atmosphere belongs to the planet with the rings, or just the rings themselves are being weird.
  6. I have discovered that the kraken is not dead. Through hyperedit shenanigans, I've found that it now resides inside the black hole! xD As Meta mentioned, lots of phantom forces, it ripped my ship apart, but thats because I was REALLY close to it. The orbital velocity was INSANE.
  7. Idea: ROGUE PLANETS! > They're now possible.. Things in interstellar space don't receive light, right? If so, that could be rather dramatic and epic.
  8. Nice! Something with orbital mechanics must've changed.
  9. Seemed fine with anything orbiting Kerbol. Plus I tried using an infinite fuel cheat and the largest engine in the game (which is endlessly fun), and it still didn't work quite right. XD *edit P.S. this mod is still amazing regardless of glitches and kinks that need worked out.
  10. Its seems like orbits are WAAAAY broken... I tried to achieve an orbit around a star, and couldn't. Also, I edited Minmus to be around Dolas, and still, if I tried to hyperedit my ship to it, the ship would have an orbit for a split second, then fly off...
  11. Ok I was thinking it could work somewhat like Deadly Reentry, where parts blocked by other parts are not heated. (I'm not actually quite sure on how DR works)
  12. I seem to be having an issue with clouds not being displayed at all... The EVE mod works fine but Better Atmospheres does not seem to cooperate with it Any help?
  13. Quick question: Does this mod make cargo bays and fairings useful (other then for aesthetics)?
  14. Alright, I removed the Dangit mod, and my ship seemed to have loaded fine. I'll have to do some more testing before I know if that really fixed it though...
  15. Huh... I'm not sure then, I suspect Ferram mostly because it was the default fins that were causing the game to spontaneously forget physics and fling me into space stupendously fast...
  16. It seems that if I have Ferram on, I can't put fins on my rocket or else the game entirely flips out and shoots me into space at ridiculous speeds... *edit I think I found a suspect for these issues; I have a newer version of module manager then what comes with the download... I have no idea if it is whats causing the problem though. *edit 2 I downgraded module manager to the version Ferram uses, it seems to work fine now. Looks like Ferram needs an update. *edit yet again Nevermind that, My game is flipping out again. O.o
  17. I have a question; would it be at all possible to make a lighting fix? By that I mean so that a planet in another solar system isn't still being lit up by the sun, and planets like Kerbin aren't being lit up by other solar systems added?
  18. It seems that I cannot give Kerbin rings no matter what scale I choose. I haven't tried other planets yet, but I'm sure there's not much of a difference... Thanks for telling me what rotation lock is supposed to do though!
  19. My inner ring number was 1000000 if that helps. Remember, we're talking about Kerbin here. I click the button to give it rings and an astounding nothing happens. xD *edit also, what does rotation lock do?
  20. I have been attempting to give Kerbin rings just for fun, and its not exactly working. I checked Kittopiaspace/textures to check for the kerbin_ring.cfg that you mentioned and only found a kerbin_ring.png... Any suggestions on what may be going wrong?
  21. Thank you, I'll try that out as soon as possible. (That is, if I don't find a way to strangle my laptop first)
  22. For a while now I've been having an issue with bluescreens, so I started taking pictures of them all and I've compiled them into a sort of bluescreen collage... Here it is, if you can help, please do! https://imgur.com/a/Gjvsd
  23. I made an impossible asteroid, Astarus, with an impossible comet called Comint orbiting it... The results were hilarious. I even made a download link! Here: http://www./download/12gko8fw70zjn8k/TheAstarusSystem.zip Have fun, and remember, if you get close to Astarus, physics goes out the window. XD I found that its a great way to get to the Mun. And don't try landing on Comint... You'll see why if you load this system up... Have fun!
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