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Everything posted by TeddyDD

  1. CKAN. There is no better way to do this. I fixed this recently. Also, you could use Part Manager Plugin to get rid of unwanted parts. Or fix metadata by yourself
  2. Well, I care more about functionality than how it looks. When you have a lot of mods stock toolbar isn't really convenient to use
  3. I can agree that Blizzy's toolbar is way better than stock.
  4. This is simple. EVERYTHING should be working and complete BEFORE 1.0 (excluding moving to Unity 5) Any other situation is unprofessional and lame
  5. And you still going to call next release 1.0 instead of making one or two more beta versions? Publishing of an incomplete game is a bad idea but it been mentioned hundreds of times on the forum. Waste of time to write about this again.
  6. THIS Besides - one of the best mods ever. Definitely should become stock Congrats!
  7. I launched this: And I build nice lift rocket. It's inspired by Neptune 1 from Orbiter
  8. 1. Semi realistic rockets. That's mean no asparagus and other strange things. 2. 3 times bigger crew capacity than required for long duration missions. 3. Revert and quickload only when game bug appears. 4. Not using NERVA engines for surface landing, no RTG for manned missions (usually) 5. One way trip is not an option (obvious)
  9. I play only sandbox. Science mode is ok (or I at least it was when I played it in 0.23.5 with Interstellar mod) but career is terrible grind based on cash and contracts.
  10. I run lots of mods and have no major problems on Linux
  11. Well, I used to be quiet sceptical about Shuttles but finally I design my own. It's based on one design I saw at forum. It works pretty well with FAR and KIDS (750 dV to spare in orbit)
  12. I can do everything from this list manually but sometimes use MJ for repetitive tasks or for high precision maneuvers like gravity assist (and I do not mean Mun > Minimus flight, rather something like Kerbin > Eve > Duna)
  13. For players who like mods and don't use Linux 64bit version - yes. For me KSP without mods really sucks and I not going to play stock any more. I don't mean KSP is bad game. KSP is awsome base, but majority of gameplay fun comes from mods.
  14. Space Engineers have pretty bad optimalization. It this case KSP is way better. Only thing I miss in KSP graphics are good looking planets surfaces and clouds. Currently planets looks terrible.
  15. And any non-procedural fairing is big clutter in your parts list <yay> I'm +1 for procedural everything
  16. There's already one. It's called KerbalEDU (And I'm going to buy it sometime) Seriously: Rimworld like Duna colony simulation without combat (may even be a separate game)
  17. FAR might be hard for players... that haven't ever seen any real aircraft At the moment it's way easier than stock aerodynamics. Personally I'm going to use FAR as long as it will be available for us thanks to ferram4's kindness and hard work.
  18. Not me but my gifted Girlfriend made Valentine's card for all her friends and KSP players. Enjoy Full version: http://kyasarinn.deviantart.com/art/Would-you-like-be-my-Valentine-513637180?q=gallery%3AKyasarinn%2F48045424&qo=0
  19. These tanks are really nice! Could you possibly consider creating a set of textures for for Procedural Parts or sharing textures sources so I gladly would try to take care of it?
  20. I recently started using Linux 64 bit KSP. 5+ gb of mods. I'm really happy with this
  21. And I'd like to read this novel. Unfortunately I can not find it Anyway here's album with my previous, unsuccessful attempt: http://imgur.com/a/581YS#0
  22. Today I installed KSP on my Linux Mint and I'm really happy that my mod heavy install works like a charm Performance is also better than in Windows version. So now I can finally start preparations to my great post Apollo "Ares" Kerbin > Eve > Duna mission
  23. This mod is brilliant! I'm going to delete all stock wings when this will be released as stable final version
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