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A Fat Pokemon

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Everything posted by A Fat Pokemon

  1. I say just try it quicksave and if anything goes wrong, you won't have lost anything. Im pretty sure you would be able to land that
  2. I'll consider using mechjeb for this, just this once
  3. This should be posted in the suggestions forum though first read the "not what to suggest" stickied post, as some of your ideas are in there. Also make sure to use the search function before you create a topic, as there might already be one about the same.
  4. I think I'll try to add this in, though it does vary, so I'll see what I can come up with
  5. I just know when to burn and whatnot, never touched any of the maths everybody likes to do I guess I just have an ability to know when and where to burn
  6. On the atmosphere bar, the point where you enter a different "shade," the black, dark blue, light blue I think I might just change it around a bit, as I now see what the problem with that is
  7. I still hold the record By the way, your Kerbin space station appears to want to follow it
  8. I think im going to drop a stock rover down on gilly, it would for sure be easy to travel around there, maybe look for some easter eggs
  9. They look like people In the second picture, the "person" closer to the center, does he have a mouth?
  10. I haven't searched the Mun for it yet, even though I know about where And with spoiler tags, I don't know either
  11. Okay good When I had tested it, I simply looked for the efficiency rising before I ejected them. Actually watching for a change in my velocity never occured to me
  12. Oh, and also nice job on your missions I've also landed on each planet.. including an attempted Jool landing Just finishing up with the moons now
  13. If you can match the moho orbit good enough, try quicksaving each time at your periapsis? Or apoapsis, the one that is not intersecting the moho orbit. Once you have a pass that comes close enough, but just doesnt get into its SOI, you can quickload the save and adjust your orbit so you can arrive earlier or later, or whatever you need to do, and intersect it. Also you will want to try to intersect moho when it is going its fastest, at its lowest point or around there. This will reduce the amount of velocity you will have to burn off, as a 30x30k orbit is about 1000m/s
  14. Im pretty sure its planned to be removed soon, just not sure why it wasn't in the recent update
  15. I've managed to land on every planet, and the moons Laythe and Vall. Had a close encounter with Ike on my first Duna mission, just narrowly skimming the top with only a hundred or so meters to spare
  16. Try to angle your orbit so its matching bops, and thrust until your trajectory reaches it, hopefully I worded that right Maybe you can try quicksaving each time, so if you make a really close pass, but your not in it, your can just reload and try to fix your orbit
  17. The space Cthulu was having a go at my ship too, though he isn't as strong as his older brother, the Kraken, and I wasn't even in warp!
  18. I don't see a mobile app coming soon, because of the amount of controls you need, it would be too much for the screen, but a tablet app would have the size maybe. This has been suggested before, though it would be a nice thing to have Just if it were to happen, it would not be for a while yet
  19. First, my close encounter with Ike during my Duna mission, I had just enough time to boost myself to go right ove the top of it, with literally only a 100 or so meters. http://imgur.com/zF5qW,LkwIA#1 And this is just some screenshot that I like a lot http://imgur.com/zF5qW,LkwIA#0
  20. Found this in the weird crater on the side of Moho facing the sun. http://imgur.com/r55IJ
  21. This thread is to compile some basic information of the planets, as I've landed on every single one now, and am just doing the same with the moons. Below are my finds of the planets and moons, and if anybody would like to add, I will update the main post with the new info (All information provided will be considered, as some might not be exact, and anything useful to this list will be added if its not, so please share your finds ) A good spreadsheet for for some information on the orbits and physical characteristics on the planets/moons: The KSP wiki is also a good source of information on the planets/moons: http://kspwiki.nexisonline.net/wiki/Duna Note: With air breathing engines, the efficiency rises on each planets atmosphere, as well with Laythe, but it hasn't been confirmed if they do or not they actually "work," except for Laythe, which has been confirmed. Duna: -Atmosphere bar shades at: (41k edge), 26.6Km, 14.4Km, 3.1Km (The atmosphere is about 20% that of Kerbin, so a powered landing might be required) -Air-breathing engines do not work. - -Nuclear engines work well on Duna due to the thin atmosphere, about an average of 700 impulse at ground level -Possible to glide in and land with the right setup -Easiest planet to visit and return from, that's if your going for a landing -The red-ish planet! -Gravity: 2.94 - {Ike: -No atmosphere -The gravity seems somewhat similar to Minmus's Eve: -Atmosphere bar shades at (100k edge), 84-85k, 56k, 28-29k -Requires the least Delta-V of the planets to reach -I found that engaging your parachutes too early will result in them being ripped off before even fully deploying, but it may be related to my ship design -Make sure your ladders touch the ground, or atleast a kerbal does not have to jump to grab one like on Kerbin or elsewhere, you most likely won't be able to reach it. -A spaceplane can work well here, due to the thick atmosphere -Air-breathing engines do not work. -Gravity: 16.68 {Gilly: - "Bugged surface" -Gravity: 0.005 Jool: -Atmosphere bar shades at (138k edge), 130k, 90k, 53k -Air-breathing engines do not work. -You can "land" on Jool, at a point where your craft will have just stopped moving, though you'll become part of the Krakens meal -Aerobraking should only be done in the first few K of the atmosphere, e.g: 127-130k is a great altitude for this - -Gravity: 7.85? {Laythe: -The gravity is similar to Kerbin's -Mostly water as most people would know, but with a few mounds of land -Atmosphere starts at 55,250M -Atmosphere bar layers at (? edge), 41k, 24.5k, 9k -Atmosphere is about half of that of Kerbin, so spaceplanes might have a bit of trouble -Above the ocean, parachutes deploy at 14000M, and fully open at 500M (I believe, the 14000M and 500M vary depending on the height of the land you are above, if you are above any, so in addition to the 14000M and 500M, the height of the land is added) -Air-breathing engines work (The turbojet? engines seem to have a max altitude of around 6Km) -Gravity: 7.85 {Vall: -Mun like gravity -Gravity: 2.3 -No higher than 1X warp till 24500M {Tylo: -No atmosphere -Gravity: 7.85 {Bop: -No atmosphere -Gravity: 0.59 Moho: -Atmosphere is very thin, atmosphere bar changes at around 27.8k -Atmosphere bar shades at: (40k edge?), 17-23k, 10k, 3k -It IS possible to land on Moho, but it requires you to watch your throttle and engine overheating very carefully, as your engines might explode (I would recommend some high thrust engines for your descent, as you can kill your velocity faster and not worry so much about overheating) (Trying to land in the "eye" of Moho results in your whole ship exploding, as I found out, but you can land on both the dark side and light side) -Parachutes will not work almost everywhere, except almost at the very bottom of the odd looking crater on the side facing Kerbol, but even then you would not be able to land. -a 30k by 30k orbit requires you to be going about 900m/s, so you will probably need a lot of fuel. -Air-breathing engines do not work. -It seems that at around 30k? your engines change colour, possibly indicating when your engines will start to overheat from being used. -There are two volcanoes on Moho, the visible one on the light side, and another directly opposite of it on the dark side. Landing inside the light side volcanoe results in exploding, but it is unknown if the same happens with the back. (The volcanoes also make great landing spots, as they are higher up, and the lower you go, the more quickly your engines overheat.) This list is for the approximate delta-V required to obtain said orbit or escape the atmosphere: Laythe: A delta-V of 2960 for a Laythe surface to 65km (~10 above atmo) orbit. Eve: It takes approximently 11,500 m/s delta-v to acheive a 100km orbit from Eve's surface, with a TWR of 1.5 to 2. (Sorry if this doesn't get completed very fast and its not exactly accurate, or well worded either) I will be updating this thread as I find more info, and if any info is submitted
  22. Though you said no mods, something I've done was made a classic UFO and used the kethane mod just for refueling. It can go to both moons, refuel, and go to the other
  23. Would this happen to be your UFO? If it was, then that was me in your game, sorry.
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