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A Fat Pokemon

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Everything posted by A Fat Pokemon

  1. Nope, older craft of mine are still on the Mun and Minmus. And yes, all of my debris along with the ships just disappeared. EDIT: I think I know what went wrong, should have realised this sooner I think it has something to do with the Remote tech mod, as those craft were my only ones up there since I noticed. May this thread be locked please?
  2. I just noticed that all of my craft that I had orbiting Kerbin are gone (Goodbye my massive random structures and halo ring ). Anyways, im just wondering if this is linked to that bug that occurs when you leave Kerbins SOI where it rips ships out of their orbits, but I've only heard of it doing it to craft that are on or orbiting the Mun and Minmus, and craft orbiting or on Kerbin are apparently fine Im not posting this in bug reports for a reason, as there is not enough detail to sho how to replicate it and such, but I am merely wondering if anybody else has experienced this and if they know the reasons as to why this happens.
  3. Time to pull out the good ol' orbital lawndarts again
  4. I saw something similar whilst in map view. I was just coming back to Kerbin with a new drop pod design and I saw a small white dot come flying over to Kerbin and slingshot around it, it was quite strange
  5. I once landed directly on the runway Quite easily actually
  6. My craft should be able to do many fo the missions easily enough! I made a 7 billion by 2.7 billion orbit around Kerbol, albeit not leaving Kerbin's SOI at the best time, its by far my best craft with the highest delta-V I've ever seen maybe not THE highest, but this thing is crazy
  7. With one of my newer designs of craft, It made it to the south pole in roughly 30 minutets. Unlike my other, which had enough fuel for a return trip but took 40 minutes to get there, this one had just enough fuel to get close enough, and then glide the rest of the way
  8. Never once i fly all of my insane, super unstable craft which I often build all by myself, I just don't see the fun in letting something play the game for you
  9. Your escape is at 68 years, 35(?) days, and something hours? It never changes Also, I got out to something around 200,000 T which is tetra meters I believe
  10. This is the .15 thread, you should be posting in the .16, theres no use to bring up old threads
  11. After opening up the spoiler and looking at it, I attempted to click 'X'
  12. If you can do a sundive, It's possible If you can get an elliptical(?) orbit around Kerbol by leaving Kerbin's SOI at the right time, and burn retrograde once your reach your apoapsis (The one farthest from the body you are orbiting, I think its that ), then it should be pretty easy to adjust the orbit to enter Moho's SOI. Now im not so great with this, but I would say that if you entered Moho's SOI and you were going the same direction as it is around Kerbol, acheiving an orbit around it shouldn't be all too hard, but then again im not quite sure about this.
  13. All the buttons seem to be just for aligning, which could be done manually. Definently going to download this when its finished!
  14. Already done got a sorta colony going on the Mun, Kerbet-ball stadium and all xD
  15. I dont use any mods, but the best I've gotten was a 6m difference between the 2 orbital points. Though it appeared later that the kraken had a bit of a run through with my ship, altering its orbit
  16. The .17 changelog hasn't been edited since Aug.27th, maybe it will come soon? A bit of a surprise perhaps
  17. I found something similar as well, and when hovering my cursor over the icon while 30k-ish away from it, no name appears for the object, though I may be too far away. Instead of in the water, I found it on an island, though I think it may of been de-orbited debris.
  18. Depends on how heavy it is really If you can manage to get that into orbit, then simply de-orbit above the pole and use parachutes, and a bit of fuel to land safely.
  19. I haven't yet, but I'd like to sometime.
  20. Already beat that in .15 So, I've already gone faster than you with stock. No CFG edits like I assume you did, after seeing your CFG edited decoupler post, but oh well, its always fun to reach some insane speeds
  21. I got a sucessfull orbit without using the fuel bug, but once I was up there, I decided to cheat a little, and used it I made it all the way to Minmus, and landed on it, and am now looking towards a return trip I'll upload the pictures when im done
  22. I think I should get some good work in on my rover designs for the new planets
  23. Nice I completed my first stock docking with lander legs not to long ago, and I've got rendevous down to a pretty easy routine myself
  24. I've finally accomplished one of my self-set challenges, which was to dock two vehicles using lander legs. The orbital rendevous of the mission was simple for me, after having some practice at it. I ended up docking twice, with a third attempt where I had run out of RCS fuel. The first attempt, was quite successful. I ended up backing a craft up into the other craft, and having the other craft clamp it. The second attempt was also successful, but I ended up spending a lot of time on it due to the other craft spinning. This time, instead of backing up, I approached the other craft and clamped it. This, in all, was surprisingly easy for me
  25. It was more of burning when the ship was pointing in the right direction during a crazy spin It was very ridiculous *EDIT: My bad for repost, still kind of lost with parts of the forum
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