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A Fat Pokemon

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Everything posted by A Fat Pokemon

  1. Heh, good luck on that. I think when I compiled this one time I think I had 200 pages to go through as well, and it was not the most relaxing thing.. Well, atleast I can now catch up on the new story that has sprouted since most of the old one on this thread vanished. ----- Master of carpets
  2. Behold, Kraken powered flight! As posted above, Kerbals on ladders have some nice effects. As they are holding onto a ladder, and are clipping into a part, say a strut as they're light objects.. It pushes the strut away, but 'pulls' the ladder with it. I've done this with 3 parts, a small ladder, octagonal strut, and the smallest strut piece.. Though I suspect you could do it in two as well.. The egg tends to push in one specific direction for a pretty random period of time, if the Kerbal is not moving around. Putting an Egg into orbit and using a probe core to rotate let me somewhat choose my trajectory, though as I said, the thing has a mind of its own and decides to start accelerating in some other direction.. I did once make a variation that could actually be controlled rather reliably, and had very few 'direction swaps' but unfortunately I have no idea where that craft is..
  3. Think I joined around .13.. Fun times Also I do really miss that atmosphere of Mohos as except for Tylo, it was the only one that gave me a nice challenge
  4. Well if you have enough explosive-ness maybe..
  5. 2203 M/s was achieved at around >10 meters, and it stayed under 307 meters.. It was supposed to be a planetary exploration vehicle for Kerbals, until I realized that pressing the up key made it defy gravity and start floating up at a decent speed, and pressing the down key turned it into a speed machine of doom. Edit: Ahh whoops, missed the jet only part. Also, whatever happened to that 'delete-your-post' button we had so long ago?
  6. Ahh, I remember this. I saw some people placing ladders on boosters and such a while ago to dissipate heat.
  7. Heh, I remember that challenge.. I managed to land and return from Minmus for it.
  8. I've had objects fly that were not supposed to.
  9. Heh, Moho was even harder to land on after its initial release, with that atmosphere that would overheat your engines if you had your thrust too high. Oh I miss that atmosphere
  10. I have the end results of my crafts... This is back when jet fuel tanks still had oxidizer
  11. I never managed to get this thing into orbit without using hack gravity... Seems its center of thrust was a bit off causing it to always spin out, and it also had a few structural problems while in the atmosphere...
  12. My first attempt was in .15 I believe, and didn't take me too long either... managed to 'dock' two crafts together using landing legs.
  13. The message already existed in .22, so its unlikely the magic boulder made a return.
  14. What do you mean? I can put them on just fine
  15. Flyboy, it's battle time. ..Just kidding, no PC would survive that easily.
  16. Actually, I was making an orbital crash-ball, but was surprised when it started flying...
  17. Not boasting, but I've managed some engine-less craft of my own.
  18. Holding onto ladder rungs in an unprotected, fiery ball of mysteriously flying struts is always a great idea.
  19. I'll be entering this later... One question though, does it count if it launches off kerbin yet still produces 'thrust' in space without engines?
  20. I've tried to complete the tech tree using the realistic sized solar system mod, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-22-WIP-Alpha-Real-Solar-System-%28Kerbin-Earth-rescale-etc%29-v3 It definitely makes it a lot more challenging.
  21. Last time I did a drop pod challenge it ended up flying on its own...
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