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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by drwolf
this yup jebs going to serf back to kerbine.
sorry forgot to add them there you go
cant wait for the 0.16? well here\'s something to play with. Note: if named the rocketplane seagull and you can finde the seagull+glider here http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=16566.0 NEW stock parts Rocket sled plan no modparts hm i think, for the people with the demo and people that like to play vanilla. name is (SOMGB01) and i plan if i\'m still bored to build bigger better, MUCH BIGGER Rocket sled plan. but i don\'t think i will get a big plane of the runway. OMGCB01 OMGCB02 WARNING FLY AT YOUR OWN RISK how not to explode (OMGCB01) step (1) DONT PANIC step (2) before it hits the end of the runway release the plane and pull up or it will explode step (3) get it to 3000ft. it may explode? step (4) realise parachute just after landing (90%underside alerones will explode) or she will explode ???. oh and you will need mods: NovaPunch Remix Pack http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4180.0 Damned Robotics http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10662.0 REMEMBER: DONT PANIC and have fun. (oh and one more thing if you want a good lol tack of the two middle fuel tanks, the sled will lift of the runway. ???)
just adding the .craft.
thank you :-[. have fun with it. mabe you guys can land it with aut the parachutes, i never did.
i\'m a n00b, don\'t know how to add them to my post. sorry don\'t quit get you. hm well there at the highest possible point relative to where there attached. and thanks for replying to my post :-[.
it starting to look good sorry my last post :-[ it was not meant to offend. next time ill think befor i post.
hehe ;P
thanks . i have and it not a lot of help. im severely dyslexic, im werd blind, it all looks the same to me :\'(. the nazi did bild sume flying disc planes and atleas on flying sorcer but there to unstable to fly with aut computer assisted control so thay never got them of the runway. oh and yes nazi ufos ar just conspiracy theory crap. :-[
it\'s Fantastic.
so i wont to bild as a mod a flying source, but ferst i wonted to see if one will fly in KSP. it flys well but it turns like a brick on the runway. test flight cgi pic of a flying disc, i\'m planing sumthing more like the WWII disc\'s hehe but ferst i need to learn howe to bild ksp mod parts ??? and master blander a UV maping and.......so on. sorry for my bad spelling and what you guys think of my IFO. Now with the .craft .
like this one 'We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time' + 'you must agree to the terms and conditions to continue to use this XXXX' it my be there when you patch your xbox or wow and so on but it dont mack it legal in low. sorry for the bad spelling?.
hm well as far as i now the contracts for videogames ar not legal Contract, as you pay for a game befor you agre to the contract, EU low says you have to see the contract ferst for it to be a legal Contrac. sorry for my bad spelling.
rule one of europe club is the purchaser ownes the thing thay buy, its been the law since medieval times. this is just reinforcing that low.
atlast i did it i was aiming for the mun but i got to minimus =P . and this is where it goes horribly wrong a textbook perfect landing ???.
and by buying the game now you\'re helping them finish the game. KSP is £8 ish + tax, it cost me £8 to go see a move in 3D . ps i dont like paypal too.
i watched 7 minutes of terror and thought to myself cool were can i get on so i did this with stockparts. and here\'s what happened naw i now it werks i\'m going to crash one without parachutes ;D hm.... land one*.
jebediah wants one can we have one too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Orion_%28nuclear_propulsion%29
sorry no, dont now Dirwolf20. i just pick random leters up and if im lucky thay spell ward ;P.
hi Abraham Drinkin i thort it woud just fliy straight of the launchpad into the ground, but the wings werk well and most of the time there is now role or spine. if it start to move i just bern the frustaters. if that dont werk then i say R.I.P to my kerbanorts and lorunch my next rocket. Imandreas thank you ;D. i\'m the nancherla pray of the Grammar Nazis, i\'m severely dyslexic. its so bad i am werd blind. ( it all looks the same to me :-[) funny thing i can read i just cant spell :-X lol ill just have to add a health warning to my posts saying reading them my be bad for you hehe.
i started with normal 3 stage rockets but then i thort what the hell ill go for sumthing fun. it werks 90%of the time so far if not got to the mun but if not sent my karbanauts aut into interstellar space, with this rocket. (that whas not one of my best mishens r.i.p guys) or left them stuck orbiting the sun. and the mark two. first stage is just to get it off the launch pad. the New mark 02.?? i swoped the 9 fuel tanks for 5 on stage 2 as my speed droped to 0.08 by abut 2000m ;P so what you think good bad or indifferent.