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Everything posted by drwolf

  1. thank you for the warm welcome. i see if got a lot of werk then, me and blender dont get on so well if got a little bit of skill at sculpting but i\'m not good at mastering the programs > http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l493/mishome/head_and_eyes_01.jpg
  2. for years i have loved spac and SF but there\'s not a lot aut there in tv and film that has physics or atlas bast in some reality. all the ones i know and love are all japones (1) Wings of honneamise (2) Gunbuster (3) planetes and ofc i love (4) startrack (5) babylon 5 but that\'s scratching things to breaking point. can you name me some shows to watch?. sorry for bad spelling and gramer i\'m disylexic.
  3. hello i\'m the crash test monkey =P. i love KSP it\'s the most fun if had in months. to think a game where you launch rockets into space would be so much fun. it\'s a refreshing change from the BS you get from companies like EA. long live the inde\'s. i wont to mod ship parts but ill have to see if i can master a free 3D modaling pragram that i can mod KSP in. all i now is sculptris and lightwave 6.5 wich will not werk on Windows 7 >. oh and ps severely dyslexic so my spelling can be more of a shot gun field with letters at time.
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