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Everything posted by drwolf

  1. so i\'m on my why to minimus, but i mess up the trajectory. as i\'m trying to save my mission to minimus this hapens. oh i think to my self hmmmm land on the mun?. : ofcourse i am. so back it is to kerbal and on to the mun. you see that space debri well it\'s heading for my ship :\'( luckily i survived the impact. im sorry to say i have no pic of it as it was at warp oh and here you see me aiming for my old landings sites and and here is the landing. oh and the impact of the space dabri jamed the lader :\'(. next is a trip back home for my little astronauts.
  2. were not all hardcore space sim players. im lucky if 1 in 5 mun landings end with a successful landing. the landings ar a lot of fun but geting there with aut 2x is tedious. especially when i like to slow burn out of kerbal\'s orbit. but if the game engines can\'t cope with 2x this is all mute. still we need something to replace it.
  3. stormtrooper kerbals ??? cant wait to see this starwars mod finished.
  4. :-[ sorry dont no there name here\'s a pic of what i meant
  5. you know what jeb says 8) 'a landing is just a controlled crash'
  6. that........... thats........ just so epic. reminds me of the skyships from john carter
  7. NOTE: i\'m severely dyslexic sorry for bad spelling and my grammar. WARNING the plan will not load in 0.16 ill need to rebild it :\'( this started off as a bit of fun on a slow day. i wanted just to build a rocket sled that launched a glider but things got out of hand ;P original post here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=16347.0 step (1) lornshe stage one. she should run to the end of the runway. step (2) detach seagull when the rockets run aut of feal. the sled will explode as it runs of the runway :\'(. step (3) as the rockes on the seagull fire aim the nose at 90 degree up. step (4) climb until fuel runs out step (5) level auto and release the glider step (6) fire rockes and climb so that you can fly back to the glider and follow it. step (7) land the seagull?. have fun and please tell me what you think.
  8. so you have crashed on the mun sit back and hit play
  9. thank you, atm i feel like a guy holding his new born child. thats my baby :-[
  10. it looks like sumthing from classic star trek. cool rocket man.
  11. i like it. never thought of adding downward tilting wings to my rocket sled. you mined if i ninja the idea of you for my big plane. ;P it\'s got to be better than adding more fuel tanks. but not as much fun.
  12. yes yes and yes. 'in this greedy corporate age it\'s easy to forget that there are still people that have a dream' love the comic.
  13. feeling you get when flying by a glider you just launched from you rocket plan. kerbulls say it all
  14. well getting the new plan of the runway is a challenge. but lornshing the glider with nothing exploding is sweet. and omg the glider flys. i thought it would just spine off into oblivion.
  15. listening to this will leaving kerbal orbit for the mun. listen to it as kerbal gets smaller and smaller, manly tears :-[ of joy. Danny Elfman - Final
  16. that\'s GENIUS. why did i not think of that. ???
  17. thanks for the post Damion Rayne. my ges is end of the week but gesing is like betting, haus winner every time.
  18. i am naw werking on a rocket sled plan with glider, yes i did say that. it launches a glider. it needs a more testing*. (* its a **** to fly but the glider flys ok).
  19. drwolf


    it\'s a good one to i can see when finished KSP selling aswell as mincraft on the pc. there is nothing like ksp. its got to be the ferst sandbox sim space program game?. just look at all the stuff the fans come up with, one guy moded a working submarine and KSP is still in alpha. unlick AAA game companies squad can afford to live of pot noodles until then (i guess). the big problem is the game burning out before then.
  20. i lost a fortress to zombie clamshells ???. you got to love DF just like ksp its more fun then a AAA game and its free.
  21. well the escapist is not the best source of information, but this looks interesting. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/118544-Engineers-Propose-Interstellar-Spacecraft-Fueled-by-Lasers
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