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Posts posted by bigyihsuan

  1. 11 hours ago, theJesuit said:

    I'd ask on the Skyhawk Kerbalism page.  I think it may have something to do with that as it hasn't been updated for nearly a couple of years.

    Hey @CessnaSkyhawk and any others working on the Kerbalism patches:

    I'm using Kopernicus release-1.12.1-202, Beyond Home 1.5.3 (the ballisticfox fork), Kerbalism 3.19 with Skyhawk Kerbalism v1.0.2, and a mix of BDB, Near Future, and stock/Restock panels; and I'm getting this problem where, even though the solar panels are tracking the sun(s) and staying in sunlight and having "perpetual" power generation, they inevitably run out of power when I leave to the Space Center or the Tracking Station. Is there a fix for this?

  2. 7 hours ago, theJesuit said:

    Sounds like a similar problem. Are you using kopernicus, AND what version of Kerbalism are you using?

    Also, are these stock panels or from a mod like Near Future?

    Kopernicus release-1.12.1-202, Beyond Home 1.5.3 (the ballisticfox fork), Kerbalism 3.19 with Skyhawk Kerbalism v1.0.2, and using a mix of BDB, Near Future, and stock/Restock panels.

  3. I'm also having problems with ships (seemingly) not generating power after leaving to the space center or tracking station. This is even when the power generation is perpetual, with nothing turned on but an antenna, with plenty of solar panels and battery to last the night. Why is this?

  4. 5 hours ago, WolfieKSP said:

    Hi, is there a 10x rescale dV map? 

    It's simple to calculate the dV needed for a rescaled system, so you don't need a dV map. The formula for this is

    new_scale_dv = sqrt(new_scale / old_scale) * old_scale_dv

    So, for JNSQ rescaled to 10x from 2.7x, the dV for, say, launching to LKO, is sqrt(10/2.7)*4500, which is about 8660 m/s.

    In most cases it's scaling from stock scale which is 1x, which essentially drops it from the equation. In your case though, you'd need to find the ratio between the new scale and the old scale (compared to stock) to get roughly the correct m/s of dV.

  5. On 6/10/2021 at 10:27 PM, Errol said:

    I can't seem to find a way to run simulations from the alternate launch sites available in making history (woomerang and desert). Does anyone know if this is possible? If not, would it be possible to add via mm patch? If not, @linuxgurugamer could you add those options?

    I'd like this as well; I use Woomerang exclusively as a high-inclination launch site, and I'd like to simulate launches from there.

  6. I'm trying to run a SCANSAT AltLoRes scanner, but for some reason the scan keeps stopping because of not enough data storage space. I have a Communotron 16 on the vessel.

    Is there a way to see the amount of data the scanner is generating? How can I make sure the scans are being transmitted?

    This is the error message it's spitting out:



    EDIT: It seems to be working fine after turning on the scan, then leaving to the KSC//Tracking Station. Though, I'm getting "Not enough EC" warnings even though I left it pointing at the sun.

  7. On 5/14/2024 at 12:56 PM, MeatyOkra said:

    I did not install the "ParallaxStockTextures" pack as mentioned by the BH readme. I did install the "ParallaxStockScatters" pack. There is a warning popup at launch about the missing terrain config, but ignoring it seems harmless.

    I got the infinite loading thing too, uninstalling Parallax from CKAN and manually installing it without the StockScatters and StockTextures fixed it.

  8. 6 hours ago, tater said:


    Booster catch attempt this year... I really really hope (and I hope they hope) they get it right the first time, otherwise mayhem's gonna ensue when Superheavy smacks into the chopsticks too fast, and the launch stand, and the deluge system...

    Fingers crossed.

  9. 16 minutes ago, GuessingEveryDay said:

    A couple redditors think they might stick a turbine between the combustion chamber and the nozzle.

    A turbine in the engine exhaust seems absolutely wacky! How is it gonna be cooled when it's constantly blasted by rocket exhaust for minutes at a time?

  10. 1 hour ago, Mr_Memetic said:

    any way to fill multiple tanks with the right fuel at once? EX: filling multiple oscar fuel gets tedious after a while.


    If it were to get added in, it would be nice to add a way to click-drag the fuel tanks you want to modify in the gui.

    You can always copy the filled tank.

  11. 2 hours ago, adriangm44 said:

    But which rocket can bring a Mariner probe into orbit of every planet and moon?

    There's always taking a Titan, tacking on a Centaur, and slapping on larger SRBs

    2 hours ago, adriangm44 said:

    Maybe I didn't think it was possible but it's worth a try.

    The mission profile I run is this:

    1. Launch the lander to the moon of your choice, with an Agena transfer stage. Park it in orbit around the moon.
    2. Launch the lunar transfer module, which is a Centaur D with a GATV passive docking port on top of the avionics unit.
    3. Launch a Gemini capsule. rendezvous, and dock with the Centaur. Transfer to the moon.
    4. Once in lunar orbit, rendezvous with the lander. Undock Gemini from the Centaur, dock to the lander, transfer crew. Then dock the Gemini back to the Centaur.
    5. (optional) Detach the Agena and begin deorbit.
    6. Land on the moon.
    7. Return to orbit.
    8. Gemini-Centaur rendezvous with the lander can, dock to it, transfer, dock back to the Centaur.
    9. Dispose of the lander, leave lunar orbit back to Kerbin.
    10. Reenter, and enjoy.

    The first time I did it I had a Titan LDC launch an Agena-Centaur to orbit, but I found that was massively overkill and you could use just the Centaur instead.

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