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Everything posted by Supernovy

  1. You need to contact an administrator like myself via this thread or by reporting the opening post of the thread and stating your request that way. I assume you're talking about this thread? If that's the one, I can remove it as soon as you want.
  2. Thanks. Try turning it to 2x, to see if that does anything to the fairings and cargo bays.
  3. What did you do during your first mission? It may be that you invalidated the "scientific data" contract via something you did.
  4. Marked as Not a Bug. The Centre of Lift marker only reflects lift, and this is the intended behaviour.
  5. A screenshot of the crafts in question would help diagnose the issue. Mk3 parts do have lower breaking tolerances than expected, but your choice of landing gear may exacerbate the problem. A screenshot would clear this up.
  6. This may be a craft-specific error. Could you provide a screenshot of the craft, or ideally the simplest craft that can reliably reproduce it?
  7. I assure you, all the acting moderators on the forum are completely human or human-created
  8. Yes. Are you one hundred percent sure that's what you want? Remember, you can't change it to something else or change it back once it's done.
  9. Yes. We will only do it once per person, though.
  10. It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our moderation. No-one cared who I was until I put on the avatar.
  11. When I went to give in my fee, Kasper decided to waive it because I spent more on the air tickets to the Netherlands and back. I spent a couple nights at his place, and I ended up dropping one of his criminology textbooks in a swamp. Then we made obscene gestures at Belgians. It was a great time.
  12. If you want to become a moderator you can contact the lead moderator ( KasperVld ) or the community manager ( KasperVld ).
  13. Welcome to the community, Flyinpenguin117!
  14. Thread moved to unmodded support. If it is modded, contact a moderator (e.g. here) to move it.
  15. I just checked, it's three posts.
  16. As far as I remember, it has to do with the order of nodes in the config file. All nodes can be attached to, but only either the last two or first two (I forget which) can be attached by.
  17. I think having them saturate after a while, and then either having to torque back the other way or hit a 'desaturate' button would be kinda fun. Especially if more reaction wheel parts mean more total angular momentum and desaturation returned all the stored angular momentum at once. You could make a catapult. On a more serious note, RWs should be changed if you want people to use RCS for turning in space. At the moment, pod torque is sufficient to turn most reasonably sized ships and RCS is used mainly for translation (someone else already touched on this). RCS may have to be buffed some for that to work out, though. But that is a little off-topic. I think they work fine for moving ships around, although that means they're strong enough to be a tad silly sometimes, and they're the only viable way to rotate a spaceship.
  18. The Kerbal Space Program twitter account just tweeted this: Use this thread to discuss if and what changes you'd like to see to reaction wheels.
  19. I missed the first time : ( Claw is up next.
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