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Everything posted by rasheed

  1. Ill just post this here. My city http://www./download/bpeer5c11o2maqf/City_for_KSP.skp Its now ready (or not) to be exported to unity
  2. U teleport into the sun. being myself (try to crack this)
  3. I live in Georgetown, Guyana. Nothing interesting going on here
  4. Its kinda outta scale (too small) im keeping it like that to make building easier and it will be scaled up when its finished. UPDATE: Added slope to the roads, residental block added, made jeb's house (far right)
  5. Last time i tried to test reusable 1st stage, return to the pad was easy but borked the fuel and wrecked the 1st stage
  6. Im kerbria and im doing fine, requesting permission to join yo alliance
  7. Happy birthday server fixer upper
  8. prototype city in progress, currently has a power plant and a commerical block.
  9. Because blender is to insane to learn (im twelve) I instead use sketchup. will be back with a city
  10. Im impressed with the new update. Improved performance, gotta get used to the new SAS system and i like the new space centre.
  11. Y Brain.exe has stop working. gjbs;dfbgs;.........system failure fsladnjfa;sdfg. Terminating forums
  12. ARGHH -activates mid reader on myself- Sorry about that, part of my brain exploded and my jaw is missing D: i have to this, u got more star systems o.o and more planets, working! Hope this comes out soon
  13. On april 12, 2012 i was searching for a space sim and i stumbled on KSP. Decided to watch a few vids about it before DL'ing the demo, 15 minutes after downloading the demo i bought the full version, rest is history
  14. I donate 3.28 to ksp. RESET 5 million left!
  15. I..........I.......... U beat DYI to the job O_O I think fairings factory is taken out of production
  16. Lost a moon landing? thats nothing compared to what happened to me. I built an HUGE mun base that took apox 13 launches to build. I was doing my first rover trip to the finished base, as soon as i reached 2.5 km THE ENTIRE THING SHOT UP INTO THE SKY AT LIKE 2849 m/s. After many stuggles i landed the base (it was symmetrical) and when i touchdown the entire thing exploded. After that i may never play KSP
  17. Updated with some changed rules. My house burnt down and i buy a new one Cost: 1,500,000 Total left: 3,500,000
  18. There's how this works. We start off with 5 million US money We buy stuff and as we buy the total amount goes down. Oh and no gaining money in anyway and no debt. Last one to spent out all the money loses and it resets.... Lets start. I buy Squad for $549,490 Some more rules: Forgot to mention that the spendings must be non-nooby Total : $ 4,450,510
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