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Everything posted by rasheed

  1. Left this alliance to join another, sorry kerbs, But ill be yo royal member
  2. Wait i haz question, will these new tanks be procedural? u know, editing the height and maybe the width.
  3. http://www./?kxmucv92qx4vi36 Heres the file. If u want windows then here u go. http://www./?5dizaxj3f5sc221. It should be tiled so that the first line is inline of the door.
  4. So Raz. Instead of erm.. Having to write my own module (i can't do it). Making it so that adding a certain gameobject at a certain angle emit smoke on launch.
  5. I asked that request in the first place, i was only replying to that dude
  6. Eh, on my plot, the model is not UV mapped and im not that good. Plus not all that materials will be used. It doesnt lag for me and i fixed the problem, currently it uses 7 materials. Eh, no normals, no transparency, no spec Plus, the materials dont contain 3 stuff per set. only 1 so its not that performance impacting. For TheCardinal, I have a factory made just for that.
  7. There is an liquid fuel only tank, just just G when your mouse is on the tank
  8. GAH, everything is not working for me. If this grass texture appears the windows doesnt. If the windows appear then the grass dont appear! gahhhhhhh!!. This is not going so well Everything appears well in unity but ingame ehhhh not so much. I have no idea what im doing wrong. ughhhhhhhhh.
  9. Eh, time on an other game reduced from 8 hours to 0. KSP U ATE MY GAMING TIME !
  10. Eh, amazing video. Finally convinced me to get Bac's mod.
  11. Answer the person above you and then make a question for the person below you. ...you accidentally fell into an alternate dimension?
  12. Why not add an option for an oxidizer only tank, would work great for SSTO's.
  13. Yo rothke. Something is wrong. The grass textures appear in Unity but in-game they are white? I know its not your fault but mine. I dont know what i did wrong.
  14. While testing out a top secret plane, it crashed and fragments destroyed my rocket on pad that i was gonna launch later. Not to mention i wasnt pointing at it
  15. And i thought i wasnt the only one making custom launch sites.
  16. Hopefully my final final revision. Added a Research Building for my company. nothke if your wondering about the mast thing, its cuz if i put it on the building the height limit would be broken.
  17. Im having alittle problem. On the radio building. It is transparent in-game but in unity its not. help plz. And no it doesnt have anything transparent or no transparent shaders.
  18. heheeh, it would exceed the max height by far so i did that.
  19. Made an near exact replica of the Saturn V. On the pad. Ermmm, dang center engine overheated and exploded and the rocket proceeded to lose TWR and collaspe near the pad. My abort system works though and some of the fuel tanks survived. NEXT!!
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