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Everything posted by rasheed

  1. What do u mean by the 1 to 0.75 or 1 to 0.5 adapters?
  2. Sorry if i sound a little mean but, I dont really care about the single gimbal ability. All i want is the Updated Angara. If ksp releases single axis gimbal at like 0.25 which is like a long time then ull start work.
  3. What if the universe never existed
  4. Aw man i though u made the Adapter for the fuel tanks.... oh well more tanks for me
  5. Since its October... Card i wish for new station parts. And new solar panels. I bet a ISS-type panel will be made
  6. I think i know what happened, While the craft was reentering, its hot temperature caused it to go back in time.
  7. My account is still here but..... i lost over 80% of my posts and all my rep points, stupid nub messing with the server
  8. I wish that solar panels and batteries are coming...
  9. The kerbal on Vall is a reminder of the first vall landing. and yes there will be a rescue mission right away. i hope i get luck this time. -.-
  10. Pictures are here now
  11. Ok, i decided to land my first lander on laythe. When i was burning to orbit, i saw Jool. i checked the map and its perfectly lined up. Now 328 days later, when burning to gain orbit around jool, i got a capture to Vall, still in escape trajectory, what are the odds, of burning at a random time, only to make a capture to Vall, i landed on Vall and left one of my crew members there for my first landing there. Now i regained orbit around Jool, when burning to tune the orbit ready to go to laythe, i got a capture to go to laythe. at this point, i was like ohh my day is so lucky. Not, during landing, i was heading towards a slope. I tried to burn out but it was too late, One of my lander engine got destroyed, and only to find that jet-packs don't work on Laythe so i cant move to a new location quickly. I bailed a crew member out, i now tried to get the lander upright with my only crew member left in the ship. Unfortunately, the lander exploded and my crew member died. So that means One stranded on Vall and another on laythe. -sigh-. i thought i could of when to Tyle. I thought today was gonna be lucky. Pics are here: http://imgur.com/a/VnOOt#0
  12. ... Mod, please close this thread. stop necroing post people. its not a good thing to do
  13. Lets just hope u will come back. whyyyyyy.
  14. This dumb bug stranded bob on duna. KILL THE BUG AT ONCE
  15. Jeb: Dead Bill: Dead Bob: stranded on duna due to my lander being blown apart by the Kraken mk2
  16. im orbiting Duna currently with my damaged lander. The space kraken has returned and torn my transfer stage apart and torn a tank and engine off. 1 tank down 3 left. guys can i still land on duna due to the asymmetrical thrust?
  17. Aerideyn, aren't u from roblox, if so, are u still working on Tests?
  18. AD-edge. u double posted. my suggestions are 1. 1m warp 2. more planets and a asteroid field 3. Docking 4. re-entry effects 5. stock solar panels and space station parts.
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