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Everything posted by BlazingAngel665

  1. It would be amazing if modders could put out planets. Please, prettty please please please teach us your wisdom.
  2. I feel mildly offended that 17 year olds are lumped in with the 11 year olds.
  3. Either, it would be good to know if it lags but If I wait until Monday thats fine too. Tomorrow by midnight a release will be out, because I will be AFC for 5 days. The release will contain a less than perfectly textured CBC and a CSS that I hate with a passion but it should work fairly well to start with. I learned a lot in two weeks so the redos will be much better.
  4. Never ask a developer when. Never. Release dates are the holy and sacred numbers of KSP
  5. That will be fine, let me know if there is serious lag issues or something.
  6. Actually both were from Crash'n'Burn who has vanished. . . . I appropriated the Soonâ„¢ because it is so useful. The bear is all Pavel.
  7. @Rocket Turtle, @Darth Vader I need your testing results. . .
  8. Sorry for the double post but it's time for a development update.
  9. You got me over here from the reflective metal thread This is quality. It looks really nice. Maybe we could use it to remap action groups during the flight?
  10. Plugin? Please? Pweddy pwease? [/begging] I am using youtube to do this. Blender was November to February, Unity/game objects/part tools/relearning blender took until May,GIMP has been my most recent endevour, I think I will save C++ until school starts again Plugin wise would it just be a new shader option under KSP/reflective?
  11. Reflective Metal Surfaces I'm sorta new to this whole thing, but I was fairly certain that a specular shader was what I wanted. Trying KSP/specular did make it rather shinny but I was looking for more of something like Is there a way to do this? Is there a hacky way to fake this? Is there a good way to do a silvery metallic texture that looks like this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  12. @ Nova you guys should do an official KSP CS partnership. They paint some kerbs on their rocket and you do like a weekend where 20% of the price of KSP goes to CS
  13. Neptune is my favorite. I want to build a Calrissian Station there. Mine fuel and sell it to passing ships on their way out of the solar system.
  14. It was my pleasure, I hope to do more eventually. I am very inspired by what you guys are doing and think that anything that it is a step towards space for everyone. Look at aviation, the Wright brothers didn't have a billion dollar budget or access to manufacturing plants across the nation. They didn't start with a Ramjet powered delta wing. They used what they had and in the process they started a revolution same as you guys. Godspeed and Ad astra.
  15. My pleasure. I also think that link will make it to the front page. . . .
  16. When you guys have some code done I would do a pre-release video for you if you wanted it.
  17. I made it for them. Can't let them have so much fun in KSP they forget about IRL right?
  18. The part is fixed. It asked me to post a crash report so I did.
  19. Its Human sized, not kerbal sized. Scaling it down made the detail on the engine not very impressive so I left it full size so you can bask in it's glory! And Counting!
  20. Copenhagen Suborbitals Pack VERSION 0.2 Features Sapphire rocket Heat 1x Spaceport License is in the download. All credit goes to http://www.copenhagensuborbitals.com/ Godspeed, you two (and the other people) are true kerbals at heart! VERSION 0.1 +Added Sapphire rocket model +Added Sapphire rocket texture +Added Sapphire rocket .craft file VERSION 0.2 +Added Heat 1X +Added Reflective Shaders Plugin by Razchek
  21. I made a mod for the Sapphire rocket Spaceport Hope your launch goes very well. Ad Astra!
  22. I was trying out a new mod I had made, a single piece rocket. The model loaded fine but at launch it did not fill with electrical charge a right click show that it had 0.00 electrical charge even though it was supposed to have 5. The light at the bottom remained purple so I ended the flight. I added the launch stabilizers thinking that they would charge it up. This time at launch it still had no power and the light remained purple for about 20 seconds, at this point in time the game crashed and provided me with the following. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jbvjbfuhanpih4t/2013-06-20_001828.zip EDIT: Windows 7 Super big fancy computer Mods: Yes, mine so probably buggy I think the issue lies in having too many part modules on one part. . . maybe?
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