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Everything posted by BlazingAngel665

  1. Heracles was much bigger than anything else that was attempted in the game. Devo's dropship isn't on the same scale. The issues was with nodes and masses (it was explained much better but that post is now gone) and I have talked to c7 on a livestream and he said it wasn't likely to be fixed anytime soon. [/disscussion]
  2. Welcome aboard, if a forum hasn't been posted in for months, blame the spaceship jeb crashed into KSPs forums that caused a backdate to October. Godspeed good fellow!
  3. It breaks PhysX, so it isn't an awesome vehicle, at best it's a lag feast, at worst it can summon the kraken onto the surface of Kerbin, all the way from the moons of Jool instantiously.
  4. Wow, for a second I took you seriously, then I facesmacked myself.
  5. A-freaking-men, no matter, we will have plenty to converse about soon. A Mk4 update is coming, and it promises to A. Fix lots of bugs, B. Include the Pelican ADROP
  6. Try playing with fuel flow, get the side stages to drain last instead of first, then see if when you loose the middle engine you can remain stable with the outer two firing, not exremely efficient I know but. . . hey who cares?
  7. Actually I do quite frequently play 0.16 when my mission isn't specifically going to another planet as .17 lags to hell and back before it actually goes anywhere and any ships over 270 parts will turn KSP into a slideshow. On topic, AWESOME!!!!! Installing now. . .
  8. Not so difficult as one might think, the most delta V is expended getting there and a VTOL capable space plane will get on to laythe and off with little fuss, then land it backwards on the other moons and fire toward kebin and glide in at KSC
  9. AMAZING!!!! To circumvent the single word posts stigma, it warms my heart whenever a new modder as talented as this takes up KSP.
  10. Please note, this mod has surpassed all save Mechjeb (and the protractor I suppose) but this is way better than NP please work on the chopper and the other deployment vehicle. Issues or not the looked REALLY awesome!
  11. Now my KSP vanilla mod test release has a new 'vanilla' component. Between this and MechJeb there is nothing left to do but fly off into the sunset. Also Dev's you seeing this????
  12. Excuse me Bashprompt but If I had the skill to do this (I don't really) then I might like something for my time too. He can do whatever he wants, it's your choice weather or not you want to donate, no further comment required.
  13. Spaceplane will save you a bunch on eve, also keeping the thing controllable after you start losing symetry in orbit will be extremely difficult. I have an 8 tank lander/ascent/rtk lander for Duna if it would help.
  14. Alright so supposing one wanted to allow a craft to be controlable, what would have to change in a preexisting persistance file with a preexisting craft to allow the said rocket to be controllable without a pod, but with the usually Ki Kd Kp parameters of say a mark 1 pod?
  15. Alright first props to Hofugir, he is already fifty levels of awesome above where I am just by being able to open Unity. Keep up the hard work, I am sure it will turn out fine. Please keep working hard, If I can help PM me, I will do whatever I can. As a general rule the community can do better, be nice guys. BA665
  16. I use mythological names applicable to their destination or purpose. A number afterwards indicates the mission number or progression Artemis I-XI is a light lander after that they got MUCH bigger. Kermes (mercury type craft capable of LKO) Artemis I-XXI ( Lunar lander ) Centaur (minmus ) Tranquility (a lander with rovers, crewtanks ready for a duration stay) Ares (Duna is a mars equivelent) Dianna (not exactly equivelent to Eve or Venus but a lot shorter than Aphrodite) Icarus (Moho lander, failed repetedly) Hera (Jool mapsat) Thor (Jool Moon lander) Trident (submarine mod lander for Laythe) Spirit (horendously overpowered maping satellite) Arrow (VTOL interplanatery exploration craft) Godspeed (a large interstellar craft with a distance of over 3TM from Kebol right now) Armstrong Station ( tribute landed at the coordinates of his landing site on the Mun) Discovery (a munolith exploration craft with rover, powered glider, lander and mapsat) Aerosprite (small SSTO) Eve (long distance intra atmosphere craft) Odessey ( the Kraken slayer delivered excess of 30 railguns and fifty missiles to Kebol all laced with potent Krakensbane, please note due to my sub par system, the Kraken was sub optimally slain) Kirk ( CFG edited ship with unlimited fuel and a hyper overpowered engine that has almost zero mass) Hope it helped Cheers
  17. Problem solved by a cognitive reboot (restarting the computer) I don't know what was causing it but restarting fixed the issue. The lines show up fine there is only one protractor and all of my issues with reaching other celestial bodies can be put off to operator error, great plugin thanks!
  18. Wow, really looking forward to the Avatar stuff, that would be amazing, space assembly probbably required. You my friend are AMAZING!
  19. You should combine with the protractor, this would be a really useful function and save me a lot of switching
  20. Screenshot won't help, everything is there, but no line shows up, imagine you standard ship view with the last version of this plugin open (but I have updated so it's not that), however it does work for the mun and Minmus, just not Duna Eve Moho or Jool.
  21. Having difficulties with the closest approach line, it just isn't showing up, I have literally clicked everywhere. Help?
  22. Your download is broken. But as soon as it is unbroken I would love to use it!
  23. Landing on untested engines since 13.1 wink* wink* luckily squad invented repourposed heavy duty metal detectors. . .
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