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Everything posted by BlazingAngel665

  1. You need to animate the nacelles and add the launch vehical (ex-nuke) Pretty awesome though, captures the patchwork look of the Phoenix just a little to well me thinks though. . . Maybe clean the textures up some?
  2. Not to worry, a simple design will work 8.1/10 times. . . Use a decoupler, then put four large tanks below it and a large enging, then radially attach the same stack you just made in x6. Use fuel lines so the inside engine burns the fuel from the outside. Then set the staging so you fire seven engines at ignition. Tie together with struts, then add MORE struts. Then practice flying, it might not be easy to fly but a whole lot of rockets are worse. If the rocket weighs too much on the pad then use SRBs the old ones to kick start it (the new SRBS are puny) hope it helps. BA665
  3. Kethane sounds really cool, I hope to be able to use it soon.
  4. Great challenge, however. . . SPACE KRACKEN EATING MY FACE!!!!!!!! My retrograde burn was neigh impossible as the kracken was spinning me in all directions. Short bursts were eventually enough to point me homeward. . . amen for time warp! I used the small parts and could easily boost 6+ fuel tanks into high Kerbol Orbit, landing might be finiky, returning more so as the gas is left in an orbital stage with MechJeb and a claw to facilitate "docking" and then still allow me to fire the engines post decoupling. The orbit I simulatedly reached was Mars, and convieniently enought I was planning on using rovers next time around to "simmulate a mission, I really hope we don't break our saves (or .craft) for .17 as I am all ready to fly. . . err. . . boldly go! With explosions!
  5. Great mod (prometheus) from Lionhead Areospace. Already landed Sojurner, Spirit, Oppertunity, Curiosity, and a 5 kerb pressurized module. The skycrane works great with all manner of CARTS from Tosh.
  6. Since 0.16 the Kraken has gotten stedily more aggresive to the point that ships in LKO are being fed upon regularly (I made one complicated enough to get attacked on the launch pad, but that was the point of that ship) I can't hardly launch any stations anymore with out my ship spinning out of control into deep space.
  7. Whoa, I have tried things like this, but. . . wow. Timing would be hard, I used smaller SRBs on Minmus to land my crewed rover, but they were tiny, and I could trigger them as needed to supplement my skycrane's liquid engines. I suppose it could work, baring massive explosions. . . Jeb approved! Trying when I have a computer that runs mods. . .
  8. Well, depending. The engine I use most frequently is a LV909, I just burn low and long. If I am landing Cargo I use the -45but that is much more difficult to return to kerbin. Running out of fuel? Wow, what are you doing!?! I have a 4 stage lander that has 4 3/4 full tanks left on the moon and I can land it with over half fuel left. I have no idea how to help you other than redirect you to the Optimal descent challenge (once again) where we determined the most efficient landing profiles. Lowering your periapsis first will save you gas, then at your new periapsis, start your landing burn and do a reverse gravity turn. Remember if you are bringing more fuel do longer burns sooner, otherwise the mun will have a new crater named after you. . . thats the best I can do for you unless I start posting .CRAFT files, but I would have to wait until I am back home for that. . .
  9. Welcome, please note, mods absolutely enjoy eating newcomers who ask this. . . beware! You have been warned! On a more pleasant note welcome to the forums, and hope you enjoy your stay!
  10. If it is ONLY 2 years with Spirit and Oppertunity's track record I wouldn't be suppressed if it was more like 20, heck it could be there to greet the first men on mars! And VERY Kerbal landing technique.
  11. All hail mother Kerbin and the radiant Kosmo(kerbo)naut future! I love it!
  12. Well for sure the budget need redoing! Loving the landing type, I used the Lionhead aerospace skycrane/rover, works pretty well. Out of curiosity, what partpacks do you use for your main base?? and how do you launch/land it, as I have had some difficulty with my bases. Thanks. BA665
  13. Kay, well, powered landing on Kerbin is easy, just free fall until 2000m and then point straight up and burn till you slow down enough. The atmosphere already cancelled out lateral movement for you. For landing twice, I would put drop tanks on my lander, three or four, attached radially, without engines. Then you can put landing legs on the radial tanks and the inner stage. If you are a GREAT pilot, then you can use a single half tank, but that is incredibly difficult (see optimal descent challenge). After you have your lander, make a TLI stage and an ascent from kerbin stage, then add boosters till it gets of the ground and you have a fairly workable craft! Godspeed Jeb!
  14. HOLY BACON AND EGGS BATMAN! That is one impressive infiniglide, look like one of those Nazi helicopters designs you see on the history channel.
  15. Wow, this is really impressive! The rover is fairly AMAZING, and the delivery system just so, maybe you could make a crewable rover once you animate the skywinch? Axiously awaiting the next update. . .
  16. The collision mesh on the Mk2 fuel tank in the center is so large Jebediah fell through and was trapped IN THE TANK! I have since given up on him and ended his flight as I needed his piloting skills, so just a word of warning. . . WEAK COLLISION MESHES
  17. *removes sunglasses* mother of god! That is amazing my friend, simply amazing!
  18. Off topic: We also have Apollo 13, one of the Gemeni (sp) capsules two flown Russian ships Voskhod and a Soyuz we have the bottom stage of a proton rocket, an unflown LEM an unflown rover and a moon rock as well as a bunch of other stuff
  19. Do you have good pictures of everything? I have two rockets in my (rehtorical) backyard, at the museum, the paint needs restoration, but I can get close ups of the fins next time I go on both the Atlas and Redstone. We don\'t have any others, but Kennedy in Florida can provide nice shots from their rocket garden. The only other interesting thing is we have Liberty Bell 7 in our museum (the real one from the bottom of the ocean) if the pics would help I can run out there and grab some pics. . .
  20. Great work yogui I am excited to try this out!, What are the chances of a MechJeb controlled rover folding out of the MEM? Wink wink
  21. I made some changes to the points scheme, I agree that the half tank should be worth less, as well as clarifying the order of point subtractions, and the reason the LV-909 engine is expensive is that fact that it is a fancy thingamajig that gimbals and operates well in a vacuum, not exactly simple tech, where as the LV-T30 is a bell shaped piece of metal with a fuel intake and a spark plug, if you catch my drift. I have updated the leader boards for the Ultra Min submitted by UmbralRaptor and I recommend the lovely format he placed his entry in to the other contestants, sorry about the screenshots, I\'m traveling right now away from my KSP computer, (backstory) this is actually the inspiration for the challenge, the Mac Air isn\'t exactly the proper computer for a true Kerbal rocket. . . Bluejayek I am not sure anyone landed that contraption... Also, I am adding a new category just for those who make it to other celestial bodies, so we can have the minimalist Mun rockets as well.
  22. The Kerbonaut community watches with growing excitement as docking approaches (whenever it does) and we need to prepare ourselves, especially as eventually, money will be a factor in the game here is the challenge then, Launch the simplest Rocket into a 70x70 orbit, land, and post screenshots of you doing it! 1. On the pad 2. In Orbit 3. Splashed down/landed Scoring: Each part is worth points, lowest score wins! Command Module, 1st Parachute, and 1st decoupler are free. If the part survives then it only counts as 1/3 the points, screenshots of landed parts must be included! Negative points for the following: Landing on minmus or the moon = -20 Having NO (0) decouplers = -30 Rendezvousing in orbit before deorbiting = -30 These bonuses are calculated in After dividing by 3 if applicable Parts: Tiny Fuel Tank: 2 pts Large Fuel Tank: 3 pts LV-T30: 3 pts LV-T45: 4 pts LV-909: 4 pts RCS Tank: 3 pts RCS Thrusters: 1 pt Jet Engines: 3 pts Areospike: 6 pts SRB: 3 pts ADV SAS: 6 pts SAS: 3 pts Small Control Surface: 1 pt Large Control Surface: 3 pts Either Canard: 2 pts AV-R8: 2 pts AV-T1: 1 pt Wings (Structural, Delta, Connecting) : 3 pts Decoupler or Hardpoint: 2 pts Tricoupler: 6 pts Fuel line or strut: 2 pts Landing gear or parachute: 1pt The idea behind the points is cost/complexity, eg the simpler/cheeper the part, the fewer points it is. Rules: No glitches or moded parts Horizontal or Verticale takeoffs allowed ALL KERBONAUTS MUST SURVIVE!!!! LEADERBOARD Verticale 1. BlazingAngel665 -- 15 pts 2. 3. Horizontal Launch 1. UmbralRaptor -- -20.67 pts 2. 3. Astrokerbals (landed their minimalist contraptions on other bodies) 1. 2. 3. Cheaters (mods, mechjeb, or incomplete screenshots) 1. 2. 3. My rocket, screen shots below 4 gas tanks x 3 pts = 12 pts 1 LV-T30 x 1 pts = 3 pts Total = 15 pts The point of this is an economical way to take Kerbals into space without killing them or the budget, so lets see what we can do!
  23. Very possible, Optimal decent challenge had four people (myself included) return a pod to kerbin sans chutes, wings, winglets etc. just four lander legs and an lv909 engine
  24. Squad needs to push the game as an educational tool, our math teacher used the demo to teach advanced formula\'s and physics to our class in Feb, I think I am the only forum member but a couple of kids purchased it afterwards.
  25. Build a rocket looks exciting! More, more, more! This way my incredibly overweight munland can have it\'s very own underburdened (overpowered) engine!
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