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Plaatinum Aerospace

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Everything posted by Plaatinum Aerospace

  1. Hello, Some of the Mods might remember me, I am Plaatinum Aerospace. I have taken an eight-month hiatus from KSP and the forums, and I have returned! -Plaatinum Aerospace, at your service!
  2. Personally, my favorite way to destroy the Earth is to increase the chance of the curious quantum event called a "total existence failure" to 100%. Sort of (read: exactly) like the starship Titanic in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  3. Here's the Leviathan II and Deep Space Horizon persistence file. http://www./?7rfxqfvobc8kwqt Enjoy!
  4. Ok, I'm putting up a persistence file tomorrow that has the Leviathan and Deep Space Horizon. If I forget, yell at me
  5. Ok, You can call it the second I don't care. Other wise it's fine. Also, I HATE CORRUPTION TOO!
  6. Behold.... The Leviathan II. This space station, launched aboard the Plooto V, is design to stay in space for as long as possible. It is also VL's first station! Constructed using parts from the Deep Space Mission Pack and Probodobyne. Download: http://www./?uk7b58c290tw81e Pic: Enjoy!
  7. Wow. I realized that I am an employee and I haven't dowloaded the pack. I am a total N00B.
  8. I love the new rockets! EDIT: I'm working on the Leviathan space station...... I need a launch system to place it in Kerbin Orbit. My attempts killed my CPU and devoured my RAM. Hopefully I'm getting a new laptop soon! Nothing is known except this picture: P.S. Uses deep-space mission pack
  9. Granted, but you notice that someone dropped poison in your glass exactly 7 minutes and 33 seconds after you drink it. I wish for a better computer
  10. I do too. I wanted to develop one of the lightest space craft to reach solar orbit. The result: Jooptiur V! Thanks!
  11. Hey Sbowyer, I've got the Deep Space Horizon download here if you would like: http://www./?xj8pxy7pupyfd8r You can add it to the rocket pack under the name Joopitur V, Deep Space Horizon is the mission name. Please keep in mind that the Joopitur V is all stock, but Deep Space Horizon, the payload, uses Probobodyne. Thanks! Plaatinum Aerospace
  12. I really enjoy my Win7 PC..... even thought it is a ThinkPad T60 and is probably not supposed to have Win7, anyway, I'm thinking of getting a new computer soon, one that is a everyday-use kind of thing, but can at least run KSP v0.17 on NORMAL settings... Does anyone have any ideas? Oh, PS, I'd like a Windows PC. Thanks!
  13. Hello, I've finished the Joopitur project. The Joopitur V is the pride and joy of this. Aboard, we have Deep Space Horizon, a solar probe designed to monitor Kerbol. If you want to send something else into solar orbit, replace the Probe at the top stage with whatever you please. Picture: Download Link: http://www./?xj8pxy7pupyfd8r Thanks! Plaatinum Aerospace
  14. Here's one that will........ YOU GET THE PICTURE! PS: Don't quote me I know Luke Skywalker blew up the Death Star and so on, har, har.
  15. Hello, Welcome to The Unoffically Official KSP Community Farlander Megathread. The ultimate discussion place for all subscribers/followers of YouTuber "kurtjmac" dubbed "Farlanders"! Current Topic: FLoB Season 4 http://farlandsorbust.com/ http://www.youtube.com/kurtjmac http://twitter.com/kurtjmac Enjoy!
  16. My apologies, but I seem to not know you. 0/10
  17. Hello, Voyager Labs! I am Plaatinum Aerospace, your new receptionist! I have experience in this position from Gold Stingray Inc. (Now defunct) I take orders in the form of a PM then relay them to an engineer for construction. Thanks, Plaatinum Aerospace
  18. Ah, there it is! EDIT: Here's my ship: The Quasar 575-E! Description: The Quasar 575-E is an amazing multi-purpose plane, used for all things such as hauling freight as well as passengers, and all that good stuff. Made by Plaatinum Aerospace (Receptionist) Download Link: http://www./?z8hm60mydqjvnbx
  19. Nice! I only have two cores on my ThinkPad
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