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Plaatinum Aerospace

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Everything posted by Plaatinum Aerospace

  1. @deadly654321: Did you get the order that i filed to you? I think you should get it done ASAP. Thanks! Plaatinum_Spark
  2. @luigibro606: Can you add our recently joined employees's new spaceships to the front page? I'm working on the August showcase, but I need the new spaceships Thanks! Plaatinum_Spark
  3. Welcome to the community! Also, my favorite mods are the NovaPunch Remix Pack for more power, the MechJeb for getting to places you can\'t, and Kosmos for lots of Space Station parts. Hope this helps! Plaatinum_Spark
  4. @togfox: Thanks for letting me have this opportunity to be in your magazine!
  5. I will bet my 7-penny turf company that I just thought of that it lands safely.
  6. I have a name for continent # 1. It should be called Lapyx because: From Wikipedia: Continent 1 is in the northwest. Just a suggestion! Plaatinum_Spark
  7. I declare myself to be the supreme lord of all worlds. So, all hills in all the universes (multiverse) are MINE! Ps: My citizens accept me and will not rebel. I\'m talking to YOU next poster!
  8. @joshkb01: Your order has been filed to Engineer deadly654321, If there is an inconvenience with this engineer, please contact me and I will reassign the order. Thanks! Plaatinum_Spark
  9. The Kerbin Planetwide Aerospace Administration (KPAA)\'s division called the Office of Public Literature and Doughnut Factories gives this magazine.....on a scale of one to ten..... A ten! Also, I have an idea for your magazine. What if you were able to do a article (not a centerpiece one) but one that is about KSP Versions of privately held company\'s (SpaceX or Virgin Galactic) spacecraft (SpaceShipTwo-Virgin Galactic; Falcon 9-SpaceX) Think of the possiblities! I\'m actually working on versions of these spacecraft, and I will get them to you as soon as I can. (If you want to publish it) Thanks! Plaatinum_Spark Founder of the KPAA and CEO of Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies and Quasar Starships
  10. Hello, everyone. Plaatinum_Spark here. This is the thread for the showcase of Gold Stingray Inc. You may place an order in our thread at: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14804.0 Or PM me (Plaatinum Aerospace) As stated on page twelve of our thread by luigibro606 (our CEO), he is working on making our planes compatible with ) KSP ver. 0.16 Please be patient. Our catalogs/showcases are in the following formats: .pdf (opened with adobe reader) Please use this one the most as it is the one that is compatible with Windows and Mac .ppt (opened with Microsoft Powerpoint) DO NOT USE! (unless you HAVE to) not compatible with newer versions of Windows, at least the ones that can run KSP. .pptx (opened with Microsoft Powerpoint version 2007 or higher. Showcases: (download via MediaFire) -July- http://www./?l88mhyet8bqwvdc Thanks! Please leave your thoughts below. Plaatinum_Spark CEO of Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies and Quasar Starships (Legal Stuff) Gold Stingray (and its affiliates) are trademarked by Gold Stingray Inc. All rights reserved. Also Plaatinum, Plaatinum Aerospace, and Plaatinum_Spark are copy righted by Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies Inc. and its affiliate, Quasar Starships. All rights reserved.
  11. Greetings, uknut. Your order will be filed ASAP (which is like, NOW). Thanks for choosing Gold Stingray! Plaatinum_Spark CEO of Plaatinum Aerospace and Quasar Starships.
  12. Just a story.... Introduction This is a work of fiction. All references to any real objects and persons is entirely coincidental or intended by the author. Kerbal Space Program is copyrighted by SQUAD Inc. All rights reserved. Plaatinum Aerospace is copyrighted by Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies and its affiliate, Quasar Starships. All rights reserved. Chapter 1: Plaatinum_Spark Aeon Kerman, just after graduating from the University of Kalgary (College of Aerospace Engineering and Avionics), decided to join the Kerbin Planetwide Aerospace Administration (KPAA) as a spaceship computer designer. Soon he got bored and he quit, fleeing into the mountains, forming his very own 'mad scientist\'s lair'. Later he joined at the Kerbal Space Center as a engineer. There he remains as a part-time job. Chapter 2: Plaatinum_Nova Plaatinum_Nova needs a biography. His name is Jacob Kerman Chapter 3: Plaatinum_Quasar Mitchell Kerman is an Elon Musk-sort-of-person who co-founded FoodFriend.kerb FoodFriend is an online service that works like this: You order food online, and it arrives at your house is six-to-eight weeks! The other founder, Billy-Bob-Joe Kerman, did not think it through, so Mitchell left and took most of the money, leaving Billy-Bob-Joe with the Kerbal equivalent on 100 USD and a travel trailer. Chapter 4: The meeting of Spark, Nova, and Quasar. Spark, Nova, and Quasar (Aeon, Jacob, Mitchell) met at the Kerbal Space Center and quickly became friends. They kept their jobs (part-time) and founded Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies and Quasar Starships. Aeon became CEO, Jacob became the Head Exploration officer due to his astronomy skills (he had the second highest IQ on Kerbin citaton neededwith an IQ of 37, beaten only by Aeon with an IQ of 120, beating most of the fabled 'human' race as well as everyone on Kerbin (the average is 33 citation needed. Mitchell became Chief constrution Officer. Later, they joined Gold Stingray Inc. Thanks for Reading! Feel free to comment on anything or maybe some of the staff can answer the citations! Plaatinum_Spark, with input from Plaatinum_Nova and Plaatinum_Quasar.
  13. Ah, hello co-workers. Plaatinum_Spark here with a hello and request. I am 83% sure that all of you are working on some sort of non-order side project! So, I would enjoy if you posted below me your current project. It will help luigi plan on what to put on the front page and also help us help each other with our Aeroplanes, Spaceplanes, and other whatnot! The sample below is my current project. Sample: My project is the Truth Interceptor. <Optional Picture> The Truth Interceptor was originally designed as a centrifuge to made Jebediah Kerman tell the truth if he had been hiding on the mountains, building crazy, explosion-prone rockets. Then the Kerbin Planetwide Aerospace Administration (KPAA) decided that it was to harsh to use. So, the project was re-branded as an interceptor. All other information is classified and only accessible by Plaatinum_Spark, Plaatinum_Nova, or Plaatinum_Quasar. Participation not mandatory. You do not have to take a part in. Cheers! Plaatinum_Spark CEO of Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies and Quasar Starships.
  14. Umm...popeter? You have a double post there, send luigi a PM and I\'m sure he will look into it as soon as possible. Cheers! Plaatinum_Spark CEO of Plaatnum Aerospace
  15. Thanks. And if any more spacecraft or employees are added this month, I will revise and update the showcase. Cheers! Plaatinum_Spark CEO of Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies and Quasar Starships.
  16. Hello, Due to the KSP Forum\'s restrictions on attached file sizes, a link will be provided to MediaFire to download all three formats of the July 2012 Showcase. http://www./?l88mhyet8bqwvdc Format: .pdf : requires adobe reader Format: .ppt : for older versions of PowerPoint (use only if necessary) (may not work) Format .pptx ; for versions of PowerPoint Office 2007 or later (please use the most) Thanks! Plaatinum_Spark CEO of Plaatinum Aerospace and Quasar Starships.
  17. I came here through kurtjmac\'s videos.
  18. Hello, Gold Stingray\'s July 2012 Showcase is now completed! Attached is the .pdf version, which can be opened with Adobe Reader. Tell me what you think! Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies and Quasar Starships
  19. Dear Co-workers, I have begun production on a GS Inc. product showcase with all of our ships. Please send me your thoughts. PS: I will only use ships on the front page. Cheers! Plaatinum Aerospace
  20. Welcome to the community! Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies and Quasar Starships
  21. Welcome to the community! Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies and Quasar Starships
  22. For anyone who has not noticed, Plaatinum Starships has been renamed to Quasar Starships. It will follow Plaatinum Aerospace in the end of a post. Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies and Quasar Starships
  23. Welcome to the community! Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies and Quasar Starships
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