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Plaatinum Aerospace

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Everything posted by Plaatinum Aerospace

  1. I\'d prefer Modern Marvels and The Universe on History. Or Mythbusters because they have new episodes every sunday (on discovery)
  2. The two attached rockets are part of the Plaatinum NOSTALGIAseries. The 'KSC Sol' is a rocket that, if time warp is on for long enough, will pass the mun, minmus, and then start orbiting the sun: Kerbol. The KSC Galaxy can do the same (probably) but is meant for orbit of Kerbin. Required Addons: NovaPunch Remix Pack (newest version) Also attached are two screenshots of the KSC Sol. Made by Plaatinum Starships, a division of Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies, and a proud member of Gold Stingray Inc. Edit: Katurn V officially renamed to 'KSC Galaxy'
  3. Hello, co-workers! I have a question: Does Gold Stingray have a VAB division? I am personally not very good at spaceplanes but I am successful building upright spaceships in the VAB. Just a suggestion.....
  4. Oh, say can you see? By the noon-time\'s bright light What so proudly we launched At the sun-set\'s last gleaming. Who\'s broad hull and para-chute? Through the smoke a debris O\'er the tall launch pad That was loudly ex-plod-ing And the booster\'s red glare! The spaceplanes in mid-air! Gave proof through the night That our command pod was still there. Oh, say does that command pod Still fly above our head? O\'er the planet of Kerbin! And the home of the space-faring! To the tune of: 'The Star-spangled banner'
  5. (reply to Luigibro606) thank you! are you currently accepting applications?
  6. RP Name: Lukas Klingman Biography: Lukas Klingman is an entrepreneur who founded Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies. Klingman graduated from the University of Kalgary, College of Aerospace and Avionics. After school Klingman decided to found a company that would revolutionize the development of computers and robotics for spaceships. The result: Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies! Organization: Plaatinum Aerospace Technologies Title of piece: Article/Advertisement for company Article text: Plaatinum Tech. has worked closely with STEADLER Corps. and C7 Aerospace Division to create the most advanced state-of-the-art computers for the space industry of Kerbin. They also are one of the leading companies in cybernetics research. If fact, they have successfully created the computers to be launched on the KERVOYAGER probe, a probe that will be sent past Kerbol to find and charter other planets in the Kerbol System and beyond. A division of Plaatinum Technologies, dubbed Plaatinum Starships, creates plaatinum-quality rockets and spaceplanes. In conclusion, there is a bright future for all who work in the space industry now that Plaatinum Tech. will start revolutionizing the production of spaceships! Any further questions will be answered if you send a letter to our global headquarters at: 343 Rocket Road, Kalgary, Kerlington County, 57557. Our Q&A team is on line 24 hours a day 7 days a week! (More like 8 hours a day and 4 days a week but it sounded sooo cool to say it the other way) P.S. I know I mispelled platinum, its how Kerbin residents say and spell it! xD
  7. Hello and I am happy to be joining this community full of people who are passionate about KSP. I have founded Plaatinum Aerospace Corporation in order to give myself a boost of inspiration to live up to our motto: 'Reaching for the stars, one spaceship at a time'
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