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Everything posted by Dizzle

  1. Pretty cool! I\'ve always just assumed that they had advanced cities underground, unless Squad plans to add cities.
  2. ...what exactly was spoiled?
  3. Wasn\'t sure if this is the right place for this, but I wrote a short creepypasta about Kerbal Space Program in the hopes that some people will read it and become interested in the game. Tell me what you think! http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Jebediah%27s_Vision_-_Kerbal_Space_Program_Pasta
  4. I feel this is appropriate.
  5. Try placing standard canards at the nose, and control surfaces on the backs of the wings (drag them over to the back and press A, then attach them). An avionics package helps too, it\'s like an SAS module specifically for planes.
  6. Then we\'d just want that... ...resulting in an infinite chain of new content YES PUBLIC RELEASE!
  7. Bob farted in the command pod, forcing a full crew evacuation.
  8. Made my first Mun landing today, though I still don\'t have a way to land one of the huge 3-man ones.
  9. Dunno if this is the kind of thing this thread is for, but I guess posting here beats making a separate thread for it. For a couple of days now, I\'ve been thinking of a level that\'s sort of inspired by the movie Event Horizon. The backstory is that years ago, in the very early days of the space program, a manned ship was sent to explore areas outside the solar system, but contact was lost after it left. Recently, the tracking station picked it up re-entering the solar system, and it\'s now orbiting Kerbol. Your job is to construct a ship to rendevous, dock with it, and tow it back into orbit around Kerbin to be safely retrieved later. The mission is considered to be won when the lost ship is in a sufficiently circular orbit around Kerbin. Starting from the rendezvous, things take a turn for the strange. The ship would use noticeably older and more primitive parts. Attempting to enter the ship via EVA will show that the command pod is empty, though you can send members of your own crew to sit in it. Once you dock with the ship is when the weirdness really starts. During the trip back to Kerbin, your trajectory can mysteriously change abruptly, forcing you to re-orient. You\'ll sometimes see the tags of ships going past that do not show up on the map view or tracking station, and they disappear before you get close enough to see them. Speaking of the tracking station, neither you or the ship you\'re towing are now visible on their end. Maybe your throttle will jump suddenly, or cut out while you\'re using it, or the SAS will turn off. Not ALWAYS, or even often, but enough to contribute to an unsettling atmosphere on the trip back. If you have a Kerbal or Kerbals sitting in the abandoned ship\'s pod at any time, it is possible that their portraits will cut out, or switch to 'KIA', even if they\'re still alive. Much more rarely, the docking could disengage itself, making you maneuver to reattach it. I\'d love to see other ideas, too. Just things that can be subtly 'off' about it. The main question of the mission: Where the hell has this thing been?
  10. This is what I do as well. Seems to work just fine. OP, I would go with Dom\'s suggestion.
  11. Wow, I didn\'t know you could do that ;D
  12. I think so too. My game lagged to the point of unplayability, and it was mostly fixed by that update.
  13. ^^^ Dem stacks Finally achieved my first encounter with Minmus today and established a circular orbit at around 10km. Very nice opportunity to take my first 'family photo.' From left to right: Mun, Kerbin, Minmus, Bill, Jeb, Bob.
  14. That thing looks absolutely epic 1. The terrain on the moon can be awesome. 2. Practiced landing without MechJeb, had a nice view of Minmus in the background. 3. Fuel stack battle fleet in position to invade Kerbin!
  15. He may have meant when you orbit around the Mun at 270.
  16. I have a KSP Hall of Fame text document, listing the first Kerbals to do things. That said, a random Kerbal will be the first to do an EVA in orbit around Kerbin, and Jeb will be the first to walk on the Mun. If the persistent file is intact, he\'ll do so at the wreck of the first craft to land (badly) on the Mun, a mission in which he participated.
  17. I always prefer daylight launches, as my game seems to lag more during night launches.
  18. Kerbinrise. Arguably the best part of the Mun.
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