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Everything posted by Tim_Barrett

  1. Why not put a strong engine in the middle, and slower ones in the back? So yo dont waste that fuel back there?
  2. If you read, you would of noticed that my fail proved his sarcasm skills. Don't be mad
  3. Framerate in VAB... 10 FPS Framerate at launch? ...priceless.
  4. Not neccesarily, equalized mod packs are great when it comes to ratios, like a modded part will have the same fuel intake, but more thrust and more weight.
  5. Foamy: tellmetellmeTELLMETELLMETELLLME!! Fine, if you REALLY want to know... (deep breath) Thefueltanksareonemeterindiameterwhentheyclearlycouldbetwometersindiameter someboosterscouldbetradedofftoliquidfueltanksforlongerburns andfinscouldbeaddedforstabilityinsteadofthatmuchsasbecausewhenyouareoutoftheatmspheretheinstabilityofthebboostersarenolongerathreatastheyarelonggone But, you know, what ever he wants to do is fine... 'squee'...
  6. No I meant that the height is low-ish for stock parts.
  7. Cool but it doesn't look like the most efficient design... Why did you use RCS modules as the payload?
  8. *Edits .cfg to Saturn V in real life* *makes rocket 3 miles tall*
  9. Not to pewp on yur faic, but 1mil meers isn't alot for stock parts... Especially since it took 20 minutes...
  10. 'Low perigee? Meet the .cfg!' - Me Come on, whats the point of cheating my fellow brony?
  11. ^This But if you ARE cheating, you may not need to, since you can edit the strength of the parts connection to other parts.
  12. Well once one arm turns to the side, it starts to thrust force horizontally, accelerating the craft, making the other arms eventually go with it. Thats why you can use the command pod to spin it the other way, and it will stay like that.
  13. Cool but a large portion of the community has already made asterisk SRB rockets
  14. Whoa whoa whoa, why didn't you shoot the sattelites at a 90 degree angle? I mean I doubt the boosters would go straight but that would be a cool way to get payloads efficiently into orbit. As long as it works xD
  15. Does it have to be a SSTO ship or can it have stages like a shuttle strapped to rockets?
  16. *notices strut connector icons on stages* *foamy shifts eyes* is suspicous. is suspicous like that time when pinkie pie wasn't invited.
  17. Err-uh... if people can't manage to use stock parts and use decouplers, I'm pretty sure they won't be interested in the game and/or comepletely fail at flying a rocket. And what do you mean by trial software? Stock parts? People shouldn't even bother use mods just because they can't get a stock part-made rocket into orbit...
  18. Well actually 950 m/s at that elevation is no where near escape velocity.. So technically within 30 minutes you could see them come crashign down
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