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Everything posted by trollmylove

  1. use a site like imgur to post the pictures
  2. the orda mod has a rendezvous auto pilot but it's immensely complicated
  3. i saw someone who made a craft capable of getting off eve into orbit but he just cheated it there. i'd like someone to take that design and do it legit.
  4. *slowpoke* they already put in a kerman for him. and made a mod for when he goes on EVA his kermans have 3d glasses
  5. just watching this. i dont think he knows the aerospikes are for rockets LOL
  6. they outright said that they WILL at some point implement docking and that it is defiantly happening.
  7. the NERVA is IMMENSELY efficient in space, if you had to use more than one tank of fuel for a interplanetary transfer, i would honestly be surprised.
  8. like thewinterowl with his kerbals falling uncontrollably down a hill and him laughing manically?
  9. livstreaming tip: LOOK AT THE CHAT, can't tell you how many people do not pay attention to the chat as much as they should.
  10. scott did it from moho and back, well into moho orbit where he could just send a rescue mission he got to duna and back in one craft though.
  11. i'm going to send a link to kurt on youtube about this thread. maybe he will come by and actually read it from time to time! may even encourage him to visit the forums a bit more as well .
  12. i have seen no one land on eve and return safely to kerbin at all. even with like 2 craft i have seen no videos or claims that they have landed on eve and returned legit. even with mods.
  13. that doesn't stop the devs from hinting at the existence of aliens
  14. alot of mods have fold out solar panels. the MMI satellite pack has some good ones though.
  15. are you sure you have the staging step up right for them? and some parachutes deploy alot later than on kerbin due to having a thinner atmosphere. eve is the exact opposite though.
  16. stop time acceleration gradually like go though each of the stages one at a time.
  17. that space kraken was slain. this is the space Cthulhu at work, he destroy's ship parts when using time warp.
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