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Posts posted by cybutek

  1. Das????

    Another update? I never thought I would say this ever to a modder, but, would you slow down with those updates???

    :sticktongue::D Just kiddin, keep on having fun and keep them coming. I know I'm liking them changes..

    Sorry for the update spam. The next one will hopefully be 1.0.12 with features instead of bug fixes :D

    DasValdez is a Twitch streamer and he's currently streaming on KSP-TV (http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv) right now.

  2. Finally installed it :P Some of the things in this mod are driving me insane lol but it's for the most part fun to learn :)

    Question Cybutek, as I'm used to modding games but KSP is unlike any other lol: In order to update KER I just replace files, right?

    Thanks in advance for the reply and the mod itself :) It's great! But I'm gonna have to continue watching Das for a very long time xD Not that I mind that but.. yeah, I'm so bad.

    Yup, just copy/replace. I'm also watching Das by the way :P

  3. Gravity in KSP is 9.82m/s^2. You will get inaccurate results using 9.81 or (worse) 9.8066.

    To convert Isp in seconds into exhaust velocity uses 9.8066 as a constant and has nothing to do with actual gravity and is just for unit conversion.

    Edit: It seems that you are correct. So that means either seconds are not representative of actual seconds in time or the length of a metre is slightly longer than the real world *face palm*

  4. Hey cybutek,

    I'm having the exact same problem as well.

    Took you advice regarding deleting all the settings and reinstalling. Worked for one launch; the next time I returned to VAB, poof, vessel info gone again.

    Here are the logs.

    Thanks for the logs... Are you also able to also send a copy of the BuildOverlay.xml settings file? Nothing is standing out apart from some exceptions caused by other mods. I don't suppose you know how to replicate it in stock? Or know if it's a particular mod that could be conflicting? It's not something that I have ever been able to replicate on my end.

  5. Since KER hasn't required the parts to be attached for some time now (do they actually do anything at this point, or are they basically depreciated?)... would it break anything for me to just remove the EngineerChip and EngineerChipFlight directories to clean up my science tab a bit?

    If you don't use them, you can delete the parts without any problems. They are there because it is still possible to have KER run in "Module Mode" for the Flight Engineer. This is if you want the added difficulty of part cost and strategy of not having blanket KER coverage.

  6. Version 1.0.11 is now available!

    Added readouts that help with manoeuvre node usage. Including the usual vectored deltaV. But also includes burn time prediction that will traverse stages and adjust for acceleration change over time. The half burn time shows the time it will take to expend the first half of the node's deltaV. Time to manoeuvre burn uses the half burn time for its calculation. The "Manoeuvre Node DeltaV (Total)" also shows the stage in which the burn completes in, or an "X" if you do not have sufficient deltaV. The time it takes to stage is not calculated so if you have separate stages for decouplers and engines, you should add an extra 1 second per stage you will go through.

    Added: New readouts to the orbital category:

    - Current SOI

    - Manoeuvre Node DeltaV (Prograde)

    - Manoeuvre Node DeltaV (Normal)

    - Manoeuvre Node DeltaV (Radial)

    - Manoeuvre Node DeltaV (Total)

    - Manoeuvre Node Burn Time

    - Manoeuvre Node Half Burn Time

    - Manoeuvre Node Angle to Prograde

    - Manoeuvre Node Angle to Retrograde

    - Time to Manoeuvre Node

    - Time to Manoeuvre Burn

    Added: Readout help strings by ClassyJakey.

    Fixed: Issue with separators in HUDs.

    Fixed: Issue with HUDs with backgrounds that have no displayed lines.

    Padishar's Fixes:

    Fixed: Issue with multicouplers when attached to parent by bottom node.

    Fixed: Issue with sepratrons on solid rocket boosters.

    Version was also made available the other day. This announcement is for anyone who doesn't use AVC!

    Padishar's Fixes:

    Fixed: Issue with multicouplers when attached to parent by bottom node.

    Fixed: Issue with sepratrons on solid rocket boosters.

  7. Is there good documentation on the relationship between the github and not-guthub fields of the version file?

    If i tell it my github info does that mean i don't tell it my download url, and version and let it draw that from github? if i populate both and screw up and they disagree which overrules the other?

    At the moment, the GitHub field is only there to supplement the remote version data. In its current state, it's used for synchronisation between your committed version file and your github releases. If a github release version does not match the one in the remote version file, it will not display any update notices. This is to solve the problem where AVC users would get an update notification on a newly committed version file whilst the update is still not ready for release. If the download field is left blank or completely omitted and github info is available, it will automatically use the github release page as the download location.

    Note that the usage of the GitHub fields will be changing in the overhaul. I will be trying to keep backwards compatibility with its current use, but expect a much more intuitive system in future :)

  8. Just a quick question: is the loading screen GUI movable, either via config or in game? I have MSI's DevHelper installed that also places its GUI in the top left, unfortunately behind AVC, rendering it basically useless.

    Get the .dll from GitHub, it includes a fix for this. I've just not packaged up and released a new version of KSP-AVC for this one feature that many players will have no use for.

  9. Just looked at your progress and it's looking functional. Although your search isn't very searchy. I've not looked at your code, but I would assume that you've not put in any wildcards in the SQL statement.

    SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE '%search_term%'

    The % signs are wildcards to be used within the match.

  10. Not sure if this has been reported before but I'm having an issue with the vessel info panel not showing up anymore, the one in the bottom left of the VAB. The resources panel shows up just fine, but the vessel one for some reason just doesn't want to show up.


    Try closing the game and deleting all the Kerbal Engineer settings, then starting the game back up again. If this doesn't not solve it, I'll need to at least see some logs.

  11. Is there a way to move the hud windows? The default position of hud2 is really bad for me. I also do not see where you can change the background to smokie.

    You can change the HUD background within the section editor. Go to the toolbar menu and click the 'Edit' button next to the HUD. You will see a button called 'BG' at the top, this is used to toggle the 'smokie' effect. Also whilst you have the editor open you will notice that the HUD windows will have the stock KSP background. Whilst in this mode you are able to move them around. :)

    You can also create your own sections by by clicking the create custom section button at the bottom of the toolbar menu. These custom sections can also be turned into HUDs by clicking the HUD button at the top of the editor window. There's no limit to the positioning, number of HUDs or what you can display with them.

    It may be useful to know that if you edit any custom section including HUDs and delete the text within the small textbox at the top (the one which is used for describing a section on the control bar). The button for that section on the control bar will be hidden.

  12. Just a quick note... I am going to be starting work on a complete re-write of KSP-AVC soon. As it has come to my attention that the extremely simplistic but manual aspect of AVC is proving to be problematic in some situations. With it having started as a simple tool that strictly adhered to Tyrope's versioning system, it's not very modular.

    Considering how widespread version checking using this system has now become, it has to be extended to cater for all situations. This will include full GitHub support and KerbalStuff without relying on remote .version files. Also, where possible information will be taken from already available sources, such as assemblies. With these features working together, it will be completely possible for plugin developers to add AVC support that notifies of updates without the authors having to ever touch a .version after first including it.

    An example of one such .version file would be:


    "name":"Test Mod",




    This could be everything required for FULL versioning support, including all the compatibility checks (when connected to the internet). As you can see, there's no version specific information contained so this particular .version file if included with a mod will never need changing.

    The current AVC implementation will still be supported, backwards compatible and available to use. The goal is to add in as many time-saving and feature enhancing functions to try and substantially lighten the workload of version file maintenance where possible. With the flexibility of adding more modules in the future, including CKAN.

  13. Version 1.0.10 is now available!

    Get it here!

    UPDATE NOTICE: If you are updating from a previous version of Kerbal Engineer 1.0, please

    delete the 'Settings/SectionLibrary.xml' file, or remove the old install first. This will

    reset the Flight Engineer sections to their default values and enable the new HUD functionality.

    Added: New reaouts to the vessel category:

    - Suicide Burn Altitude (height above terrain to start burn)

    - Suicide Burn Distance (distance to suicide burn altitude)

    - Suicide Burn DeltaV (velocity change required to zero vertical speed)

    *** F5 for safety and use at your own risk! ***

    Added: HUD type sections to the Flight Engineer.

    Added: HUD sections can have a smoked background for easy visibility.

    Added: 'Switch to Target' button on the Target Selector readout.

    Changed: The default installed readouts to reduce new user brain melt.

    Fixed: Flight Engineer not saving its hidden state.

    Fixed: Bug in the phase angle calculations.

    Fixed: Bug where the Build Engineer would stay locked after hiding with the shortcut key.

    P.S. If you really want to keep your old section setup, you can go into the SectionLibrary.xml file, copy and paste out the sections you wish to keep. Then delete the SectionLibrary.xml file. Start the game and enter the flight scene to create a new SectionLibrary.xml with the defaults. You can now exit the game and paste back in your old sections. :)

  14. KSP-AVC works slightly differently to how it used to. As in if a remote version file is available and has the same version as the local one, it will use what is contained within the remote one for compatibility checks. This means that compatibility checks can be changed on the fly without having to re-download an entire mod just to get rid of any warnings. For example if a mod still works perfectly fine across a new KSP version, or for any reason the local version file compatibility requires changing.

    @Ferram4 you need to update https://github.com/ferram4/Kerbal-Isp-Difficulty-Scaler/blob/master/GameData/KerbalIspDifficultyScaler/KIDS.version and any warnings users are getting will cease. Might also be worth adding in a "DOWNLOAD":"https://github.com/ferram4/Kerbal-Isp-Difficulty-Scaler/releases/" (or similar) field so players can go straight to the download page from within the game.

  15. Already much nicer, but still overlaps with DevHelper on the top left.

    Would it be possible to detect the existence of DevHelper and then put the toolbar a few pixels below it? I am not sure which would be less work for you, this hardcoded way or somehow make your toolbar movable and remember its last location between restarts?

    I've implemented the hard-coded way as it's easier. It'll be in the next update. You can just grab the latest .dll from GitHub in the mean time :)

  16. Can you please explain what these two features are for and how they work? I couldn't find them in the manual.

    I may have accidentally forgot to actually add that information into the readme. But here's a bit of a blurb about them.

    'Any' type versions are probably not that important from a user's perspective... The old usage was that when there was a blank KSP_VERSION it would replace it with the current running version (this scenario will of course only be useful for authors who want add-on checking but not game version checking). This no longer happens as the VersionInfo class can now work as a generic catch all 'Any' version, working properly with equality and comparison checks. The change here is more for my benefit as it allows a wider scope in how a version can be used. Wildcards are fairly straight forward as in if a '-1' is used in any part of the version, then that part will be treated as a wildcard. This can be very useful for setting a KSP_VERSION to 0.25.* for example. It can be used anywhere so it is also possible to use the wildcard in the add-on version, but I'm not sure how that could be useful; it would be a very special case if it was.

  17. KSP-AVC Plugin 1.1.5 is now available!

    Get it here!

    Added: Remote version files take priority when local/remote add-on versions are the same.

    Added: 'Any' type versions are now fully supported.

    Added: Wildcards for version fields with '-1'.

    Added: New informational toolbar to the top left of the screen, replacing the drop down button.

    Added: Toolbar display's the number of installed add-ons that are KSP-AVC ready.

    Added: Toolbar has a dynamic list that will allow scrolling when taller than half the game screen height.

    Added: Toolbar has a 'Copy to Clipboard' button that will copy the list and environment information (KSP/Unity/OS) to the clipboard.

    MiniAVC has been updated to 1.0.3!

    Get it here!

    Added: Remote version files take priority when local/remote add-on versions are the same.

    Added: 'Any' type versions are now fully supported.

    Added: Wildcards for version fields with '-1'.

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