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Everything posted by Andrezado

  1. Banned for 10char limit not affecting you
  2. Banned for denying that he denied the hax
  3. Banned for having 215 posts and not mentioning I'm from Brazil. And because you're walking through the fourth wall.
  4. Banned for banning someone on a thread that has more than 600 posts
  5. To all of those who are asking where the fairings are; he said he was working on them like, 5 posts ago.
  6. Can't you just clone the CFG or something from one of the StretchySRB/StretchyTank's cfg file and put it as the fairings cfg (I mean the module of the CFG, excuse me for my non-expertise on anything at all and dumbness if it's not possible)?
  7. Ooooh sorry I read things too quickly lol, didn't see that. Well, I hope you release them soon, I really use ProcFairings on pretty much everything I can.
  8. Hello, I'm having some issues... where the hell are the fairings at? I only see the normal ProcFairings and KW ones. Shouldn't there be more fairings (the KW fairings you mentioned)? Because I can't/don't know how to paint the normal ProcFairings, if there is even a way to.
  9. The hell amo? I'm not raging on them or anything, also what do you mean by "go back to the minecraft forums"? I'm just saying that some of their ideas don't seem too good, that's all. And when they had another thread, everybody hated them, I didn't. I purely said that he was reusing a fuel tank engine and retexturing it (Squad). Also i did read all the posts... i'm not the kind that skips every post. God damn you're annoying.
  10. Yes but it's ethanol, it's a fuel for cars, i'm pretty sure it can't be used as rocket fuel, at least not efficiently, also it by itself is not close to efficient, also, gotta agree with jacob, there isn't a self sufficient fuel so far, the closest we have ever gotten so far to it (on rocketry) is Ion Engines. Suggestion would be to make the fuel not unlimited, but just make it last for a long time.
  11. So. The answer to my question was; power, you'll need lots and lots of power and sunlight. Wich doesn't seem quite balanced, seems like an ion thruster but with infinite fuel.
  12. So something in the lines of ... mining? Because i don't see how fuel generators will be balanced without something bad going for them.. like massive weight or something that doesn't make them unlimited.
  13. Well, even though you reduced the load, don't you have a fuelgenerator on the pack? That's the op part, I'm not really bothered by the engine too much, but by the fuelgen
  14. https://www.avmdynamics.com/images/software_08.jpg, with kerbol in the background, and K.I.S.A Space Networks written somewhere and of course, kerbalize it. EDIT: too complicated, resumed it all.
  15. Pretty much looks like a cheat part, like it was before on the other thread. 5000 thrust? Hyperium? Um yeah, seems like a cheat part. Even though the model looks great, gratz on that.
  16. Did nobody here realize from the picture that the fuel tanks, (hyperium) are retextured ... Squad small fuel tanks? Just a metallic paint over all of it...
  17. The engine nodes came back to normal, I don't know what was causing them to be weird before, TBH. I had removed the other engine packs, and I only had FASA/RealFuels installed to see if they were conflicting with other mods.. turns out they werent, it was something else.. no idea on what it could have been.
  18. Anyways, It's working now, somehow, sorry for the waste of time...
  19. Nope, every time I try to upload to either DropBox/Mediafire or even MEGA the upload gets corrupted and then cancelled, and it's only 32 megabytes.
  20. Well, it's a HUUGE file, probably because I played for quite a while yesterday, and I can't paste it in pastebin or any other paste sites because it's too big..
  21. I did, delete SFJBRealEngines.. and what log am I supposed to post, since my game did not crash?
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