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Everything posted by Radion

  1. The Golden Age of the Brick has begun.
  2. Yes, he is. That is what I gave him praise for, and how Nova and Sordid made religious combat with .gif\'s.
  3. Nova, I hope you don\'t mind if we start a religion to worship you. Or perhaps would you like to be added to the Probe Pantheon?
  4. Excersion flying into the sunrise: She was never seen again.
  5. You run to level 68, but its too late, your ears have been burned shut. You locate a button on the floor that says 'push me.' Do you: a) Push it Don\'t push it and go on c) Don\'t push it and go back to level 67 d) Shoot it with a conveniently placed bazooka.
  6. I think the key should be something other than 'g,' as we already use that for landing legs. This is a well done part overall, however.
  7. Happy Birthday to both of you! And the promised cake:
  8. You are a video game character. You are the sim in the Sims. There is currently a giant REAL person controlling you, making your every move. They also decide at what point you die, and how humiliating it will be (rest assured, it is ALWAYS humiliating.).
  9. You grab some peanuts, then limp up the stairs to level 60. On level 60, the movie Microsoft Word: Return of Clippy plays constantly, and a dark, camo Clippy comes out for revenge for your actions against him back on level 53.
  10. Well, despite living in Texas (which gets tornadoes, wildfires, hurricanes, and droughts), I have yet to experience any of those (save for the drought. It doesn\'t affect me though, I\'m not fond of walking home.). My condolences go out to those affected by the tornadoes that have struck quite early in the year. I shudder to think of what the summer, and the subsequent hurricane season, may bring.
  11. Your signature is the answer, my friend.
  12. Yes, I did ask you something sir.
  13. A little photo I took while trying to rendezvous with a space station. While the mission went horribly, I like this picture.
  14. I believe its more 'weapon of mass destruction' than reentry heat.
  15. Well, if you believe the roleplay forum, its the Kerbit. If you don\'t, its (fill in the blank) Also, those are stunning models to both of you.
  16. Hey, it is real. I\'ll have you know I did in fact receive those recognition awards, and I would post them, but that is risking far too much personal information.
  17. You go to level 42 and accidentally kick the GlaDOS power source over, breaking it. In your haste to fix it, you decide to use the GlaDOS potato to power the system.
  18. I welcome thee, my naval pancake overlord.
  19. 8/10 - It is definitely a great work of art, but I do not know what it is. I\'m not an anime fan, and so I may just be oblivious to the character.
  20. You go up to level 39 in the virtual world, and interrupt an elephant opera during the ending high note. Because you did so, angry mobs of efficiently entitled elephants scream various insults at you while charging vigorously up the stairs of the opera house towards you.
  21. The 24th floor comes into view. You open the door to find a large SRB bell (about the size of a school bus in length, width, and height) and a countdown at 3 seconds. Do you: A) Run screaming MOMMY! down the hall and up the stairs to the 25th floor Jump into the SRB
  22. You then move to the 22nd floor, where you are lectured about being able to go up or down only 1 floor at a time.
  23. You then move on to the 20th floor, where Internet Forums LLC is based. There, forgetting your promise to Skunky, you give the location of the lab away to the internet world.
  24. You advance to level 17, in which you find a portal to the future where KSP-OS 9 is the most popular computer/mobile/tablet/hologram operating system in the world.
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