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Everything posted by Warringer

  1. Little info on my little project. The base program runs now and saves the data it receives to a csv file. But those files get so big so fast that I have had to cut off some data. At the moment it only saves the data to the file every 0.1s. Later for longer missions that may be reduced to 1 second. Maybe I even make it dynamic in the sense that in orbit the data is only saved every 5 or 10 seconds. But that is for later. Then I have a request! Please find a way to integrate the number of the stage the sensor is into the readout! That way its easier to deal with multiple sensors in the same rocket. Like getting data from a freshly discarded stage...
  2. I bet there is a way to get the number of the stage. Nothing like getting a kick in the rear end to get going, eh? Now that would be telling.
  3. Well, I could try and build it myself via Mono, through then I\'d jump into cold water with working on C#. Another separator would be better for pushing it into an external program to read the data. Mainly because I now trying to develop a Java program to externally read the data stream and then do stuff with it. EDIT: I just tried out to put multiple telemetry modules into the same rocket and activating them at the same time. I noted that the UUID field in the data read out indicates the different modules. So there is no read need to send the vessel ID more then once. (May change later on) EDIT2: Important! I have found a small error that preventy me from correctly use the data in the datastream! Line 154 should be To allow correct slitting of the string for later use! Please correct so that I can use the data for a program that is already in the works!
  4. I\'d like to note something that popped up while looking at the output of three different flights and rerouting the output into a text file. The first actual line of data when getting the raw data is interrupted by the line that displays the data header. (Line Bolded) Would be nice to have that line moved to above the actual data, so that we can get just the pure data from the beginning. Something like this (Lines 138 - 147): That way the header isn\'t in the way for programs to read the datastream.
  5. Ohhhhh... Can\'t wait for it. Even better, make a console version.
  6. I fully support this product and/or service. EDIT: A thought... Such an API would be good to have with any plugin requesting the use of a key, as its perfectly possible that multiple plugins request the use of the same key. Would be bad if pressing one key activates the self destruct, while you just wanted to extend the solar panels.
  7. Well... I would try to make a new Telemetry Reader Program anyway. Best would be to just dump every bit of available information of the craft into the network, as long as its in machine/human readable form. And as long as there is documentation for the available data. Anyway, I once again note that I\'d prefer UDP. And you can always read up on UDP. If UDP is used to make sure you got the correct package is easy. Include a timestamp.
  8. Better use UDP for telemetry. That way you don\'t have to implement any code for the possibility that there is no one listening. UDP doesn\'t care if someone is listening.
  9. You do that. And after you did that, I will try to see if I can come up with a decent implementation and API. I think I start from scratch with a new display engine.
  10. There\'s a nice simple way of dealing with that. Make it an option in a config menu.
  11. Please try to map the activation key to a different key. Thank you.
  12. At the moment, I don\'t see what I could include what WX did not already add to his calculator. I did take the offer, to program a 3D orbit display, but there was not much in the way of response.
  13. Hmmmm.... So male Kerbals only have short hair, while females grow longer hair? So instead of going for boobies the guys go for lush long hair?
  14. Now that is one Kerbal we need. Stoic no matter what.
  15. That takes off like a lead zepplin...
  16. Great... Now I want a KSP point&click adventure...
  17. Perfect start for lifting fuel for larger missions into deep space once persistence and other stellar objects are there...
  18. I don\'t mean only rotation. I mean pitching and yawing as well. Translation works through. It feels like an unyielding SAS in in effect.
  19. Trued to makes a Mun lander with the Cyclone... The actual lander became unresponsive to any control input. RCS fired as intended, but the entire thing did not turn in any way. And I had the SAS turned off.
  20. Nova, I just found a bug in your ASAS. You have declared the Ki value twice and missed the Kd value. Not that it stops my two stage 2 meter rocket from shaking appart at the decoupler between stage one and two...
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