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Everything posted by Warringer

  1. Even if there was any problem, it would only be needed to change a single constant... Two seconds tops.
  2. If you go into the 'Calculator' Menu and select 'Configuration' you can point the calculator to the main KSP directory. That way the calculator will read out all your custom parts when you start the program again.
  3. Considering that the graphic tool was pretty much cludged together, there are bound to be some bugs like that. I will eventually get to it to fix it. I used to have an edit button for the stages. Still need to reprogram the edit feature.
  4. Well, that is because of the actual drawing of the orbit. Its not scaled to anything, only zoomed in/out when needed to display the orbit. A bit stupid to try and display an elliptic orbit of 40km/41km, isn't it?
  5. I know, I missed to make a change in one place and just remembered yesterday when I went to bed... >_< Perhaps we were both at fault.
  6. That explains that then... >_> I know that something was bugging me... Okay, off to correct that long oversight of my program... >_<
  7. I'm doing the calculation over the Specific Impulse of the Engine. Where I need to have a correction factor of 10 to the Specific Impulse to match the observed Delta-v in KSP. For example the Specific Impulse of a booster SHOULD be ~230 seconds, but that would only get you a Delta-v of only ~370 m/s. The actual result is ~3700 m/s so the SI of the booster is corrected to be ~2300 seconds. Going over the Specific Impulse is a little easier as I don't need to Integrate the whole thing. Through looking at your result, I'm currently looking for a way to get rid of the correction factor and might works with that instead.
  8. No you don't! You still own us updates! *shakes fist* ;D
  9. The Bi-Elliptic Transfer Orbit someones takes even less Delta-v then the Hohmann Transfer. For getting it, you transfer into an Elliptic Orbit, not unlike a Hohmann Transfer, but you got further out then to the target Orbit, At the Turnover Point, the new Perikee of the Elliptic Orbit you either do a prograde or retrogade burn to raise/lower the apokee. Followed by a retrograde burn to make sure that you remain in the target orbit. Essentially its two Hohmann Orbits chained together. The Turnover Orbit/Altitude is the Altitude where you do the correction burn to get to the target orbit. Just enter something in the calculator and hit the 'Show Orbits' Button to take a look at the resulting orbits.
  10. Was just about to say the same. Building an SSTO and land it safely is rather simple, even with stock parts...
  11. To quote someone over at SpaceBattles. He should be singing 'Ring of Fire'... 8)
  12. I'm tempted to build one of those myself, but attach a booster/small rocket to it that ignites after/before decoupling it.
  13. Interesting idea... I will think about it, but truth be told, I cannot think of any other application for that safe for this single challenge.
  14. Oh, you found a typo. Now you can keep it and put it into a frame for your wall.
  15. You think that 15 pages of 15 entries in three days are fast? That'll only be about 75 posts per day. Okay, this is only a small forum, but over at Spacebattles we had threads that went up to 300 posts in a single day... Strangely enough those threads are either political or religious. :-\
  16. For that we'd need useful angle displays for the orbit pane and the point over the surface. So until further notice not.
  17. It was back in the late 90s when we finally got an Internet connection with a modem 56k. I had this good idea to get ICQ and AIM to chat and needed a handle. So, I looked to my favorite SciFi series, Perry Rhodan, and selected the name of a top scientist there. But I didn't correctly remember the name and made a typo, making me known as awarringer for a couple of years. Eventually, when I joined SpaceBattles, i decided to drop the 'a' and as such became known as 'Warringer'. The rest, as they say, is history.
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