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Everything posted by Apatheticjester

  1. I think you should outline HKA and GMI, what sort of aesthetics they might have, or design philosophy. Something that would visually differentiate sides. I would pick a side, but not enough information.
  2. I tried my hand at building a small capitalship. A Leonid Troika class frigate. Uses Spaceplane Plus. Craft files in the Album.
  3. Correct me if i'm wrong, but the SP+ wing strake is the single greatest addition to plane building ever created.
  4. I represent Labor Representative Dilmar Leonid Kerman, Chief Secretary of Leonid Advanced Applications. We at Leonid Advanced Applications do not choose sides and would prefer to deal with highest bidder. We present system of two aircraft for ground support role. The Leonid L-19, a short range hypersonic interceptor and Leonid Logistica, a long range cargo aircraft. Only mod used is Spaceplane Plus, Mechjeb just used for endurance stats and removed. Craft files in the album.
  5. Absolutely love the mod, super excited about it becoming stock. Can you speak to whether the lift property you added to the fuselage parts will remain in stock? It really helps with making what would otherwise be noseheavy aircraft.
  6. I made an SSTO with only the Spaceplane Plus mod. Turned out pretty .... looking. Spaceplane plus's hacked bodylift allows for sleeker more realistic looking ssto's.
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