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Everything posted by pikmin2faner

  1. It could be like an iphone game with an 24/7 server: Your ship is going to arrive to the manouver node in 90 days.
  2. Picture=Im a cat lover Name= I was like ten years old and i loved Pikmin 2
  3. Hello again dear KSP Community, I am here with the second installment of the MSL Vehicles, Take a look! This is the second installment of Mobile Spacecraft launcher's because of my illness and coughing are still harassing me, so I decided to upload this file to the internet. Facts: 128 parts, although many are wheels and struts 5 stages Holds 1 Kerbal Completely stock .17 compatible History: In 2012, October 12, Karl Sundström A.K.A pikmin2faner decided to make a Mobile Spacecraft launcher, that could have the mobility of a car and being able to make it to the top of a mountain and launch a spacecraft into space minus the flaws of the ordinary MSL, with seemingly endless funds, Karl created the MSL 2 MK1. Instructions: 1. Go where you want to go. (When leaving the runway, be under 2,5 m/s) 2. Let it slow down naturally until at 1 m/s then it's safe to hold the breakes. 3. Disable the jet engine. 4. Raise the wheels. Or let them be 5. Throttle up to at least 70% 6. Stage. The rest handles like a normal ship. Moving to the desired location: Taking off: Approved for space: Download: Here
  4. NEW: MK4 Edition released! Hello KSP community! I am back with another vehicle, take a look. The MSL Mk3/MK4 is a Movable Spacecraft Launcher it is capable of getting where you want it to be on land and the launch itself into It's own death by oxygen loss. space. As I have been sick this week and my only entertainment has been KSP. So I thought that i should give this one to the forums. History: The Mk1 was a proof of concept although did not get into space. Plus it could only taking one kerbal. The Mk2 was modded with life support and solar panels. It was also Completely unmanned The Mk3 was where i scrapped the previous designs and build a bigger heavier and more unsuccessful rocket. The Mk3 does also hold up to three kerbals. The MK4 has a decoupler for the pod! But fear not! It is still very a very reliable Kerbal mapping craft if you wish. Rules: Don't go beyond 15 m/s while driving. (Like it can do that) Don't let the Space Kraken get you! Don't Break the game Read the Instructions Instructions: 1. Go where you want to go. 2. "Pump" the brakes until at 2 m/s then it's safe to hold them 3. Disable the jet engine. 4. Raise the wheels 5. Throttle up to at least 70% 6. Stage. Facts: 84 parts Download: MK3, MK4 On the runway! Next stop, space! Space!
  5. Pint number 4 sounds good but the rest, err, they might not make those. Although Welcome to the forums!
  6. Looks nice, and maybe youshould move on to the next stage and make a spaceplane that can orbit!
  7. Nice thanks, you're the winner of this challenge! Here's a cookie:
  8. So when I was mapping Kerbin I noticed the button KerbalPedia, I checked it out and there was tons of facts there including that The Moon Laythe, orbiting around Jool, had oxygen on it. So here's my challenge for anyone who has some spare time. Get A Plane to Laythe and fly it. (Although if it may not work please contact me and I'll come up with a new challenge) Rules: 1. Completely stock. No mods whatsoever. 2. The Plane must be jet powered not rocket powered. [Please post pictures I'm curious]
  9. Hi I have been wondering about this for a long time and I was wondering if you could create a inverted orbit going in the other way than Kerbin. Like this: -Kerbin-> <-Vessel- And while doing that, going in the same speed as Kerbin is going in the other way. Is it by that way possible to "Stay" at the same place above Kerbin? Please reply. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ys5xApSO7tg&feature=g-upl
  10. I am waiting and getting money for primal carnage. PS: Don't but Orion: Dino beatdown, its a total scam with lame servers, tons of bugs and horrible AI
  11. A good tip: After you have posted fire posts, you can add files to the post for easier tracking of dowlnoads
  12. You do need to add some ladders because my poor kerbals who went on a spacewalk can't get in
  13. Nice aircraft, though it might need a tailfin.
  14. Hello KSP community It is me, Karl, I am here to collect all my stuff on a single page for easy access of my work. + ERRYTING IZ STOCK (Instructions are inside the folder) My spaceplanes My first and best SpacePlane, The Megawing! Facts: Can go to the south pole. (My flight was not optimized) Holds one Kerbal pilot Lifts off at 70 m/s Low atmospheric flight speed 150 m/s ca 10 km speed ca 500 m/s Great gliding Download: http://www./?3o7mf92gtp3qc8t Second up, my other spaceplane, designed for the highest royalties (and gas bills) The World-Conquerors personal jet. Facts: Lifts off at 70 m/s Low atmosphere flight speed ca 130m/s Pretty decent control NOTE: I can't withstand flying this machine. Download: http://www./?n2ahiifyogv4vh8 My pocket plane that was designed by me and my friends (Woah, you've got friends!?) Video speaks for itself. Download: http://www./?syhosk3d838drr9 My rockets This ship was made by Vanamonde, who is awesome, and the rover is designed by me. It can get to the mun but i dont bother going there because of my lack of patience. But when I was there it could go beyond 50 m/s ground speed! Instructions: (Also by Vanamonde) The bottom stage gets you most of the way to orbit, then the next stage completes orbit and gets you to Mun orbit. It's got more fuel than it needs, in case you want to land at higher lattitudes. When you've got the orbital plane you want, eject it and descend on the third engine stage. Just before touching down, use the engine to bring your vertical speed to zero, then descend on the final stage, which is on top of the rover, and acts like an RCS parachute to bring you down on your tail. Have fun! Download: http://www./?8fkuc60dbo6orb4 The ORBITR1 is a Kerbin orbiter that will get you there easily. And now you're thinking. I don't want to download this is (pardon my language) crap! No it is not, cause' it's single stage. Wooo! Note that your brave kerbal will face a horrific death because of the lack of parachutes. Download: http://www./?9oxv9qckggfvki5 Nothing special, just a munar lander. Video says it all. (NOTE: The spingy thingy that happened when I decoupled happends with every ship if you aren't careful.) Download: http://www./?6fley656y13ws9q This is my by bar smallest ship that I have built, it is capable of getting into a stable 100 km orbit and is capable of getting to the mun, but the space Kraken attacked my Astronaut, and it first ripped off the landing legs, then the main fuel supply so I had to cancel the mission and get back to Kerbin O_o. + My Photobucket account wont work. Download at your own risk, muahahahha! Download: http://www./?6dm1ek6j9nm4u8q Random stuff This is my VTOL: Craft file below ll ll ll v This is all of my ships worth posting because they are at least somehow special. And please leave a quick review of my vessels.
  15. How to post pics: first upload your pictures to photobucket, imgur e.t.c then when posting a post type in If you actually went to mediafire you would see that it is only a craft file, nothing that could harm your computer
  16. Jag lirar ksp nästan dygnet runt ju!
  17. Hi I wanted to know how to change my profile picture. Help appreciated.
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