Romfarer, you work and your investment on that plugin are amazing. I can't imagine the time you spend coding this beast :-0 But, I can't help thinking that you mod is too overkill, as it add too many things at the same time, without be really related (ex : afterburner, night vision, remote detonate, etc...). Moreover, some features are great but some other one prevent me to use your mod because they are too "cheated" for me. (mainly teleport, tractor beam, lazor fuel transfer) I think a separated version of your work will be a lot better. The minimum thing for me would be to separate non lazor required things : KPS, night vision, map augmentor, target cam and guided flight (why use lazor on that ?) People will be able to get only what they want and the UI will be a lot more simple because things are separated. For exemple, KPS will be a separate download with a part and it's own DLL and the GUI will be available only from the map view. Tell me what you think.