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Everything posted by KospY

  1. Romfarer, you work and your investment on that plugin are amazing. I can't imagine the time you spend coding this beast :-0 But, I can't help thinking that you mod is too overkill, as it add too many things at the same time, without be really related (ex : afterburner, night vision, remote detonate, etc...). Moreover, some features are great but some other one prevent me to use your mod because they are too "cheated" for me. (mainly teleport, tractor beam, lazor fuel transfer) I think a separated version of your work will be a lot better. The minimum thing for me would be to separate non lazor required things : KPS, night vision, map augmentor, target cam and guided flight (why use lazor on that ?) People will be able to get only what they want and the UI will be a lot more simple because things are separated. For exemple, KPS will be a separate download with a part and it's own DLL and the GUI will be available only from the map view. Tell me what you think.
  2. Fantastic mod, one of my favorite so far. Do you plan to overhaul the kethane detection for the next release ? Right now the bitmap thing is really not user friendly... I really think something like KPS system from Romfarer Lazorsystem will be the best choice : What do you think ?
  3. For information, I found another way to test my plugin : using Unity. The only problem is I cannot load the KSP C# assembly DLL in it (a strange error happen), so I have no access to KSP class. In my case it's not important because I'm creating something that only use unity objects. When all my functions will be ready I will switch to KSP for coding the rest of things that need it.
  4. And how do you change the lazor into a rope model ? It's possible to load a model programmatically in KSP and stretch it on the Z axis to make a simple rope ? (like fuel line and strut in the vab editor) ?
  5. I play around with the plugin developement for KSP and I wonder if there is a faster method for testing the plugins when coding. Right now I use a post build event from visual studio to copy the DLL and a shortcut pointing on a "lighter" KSP (I removed several parts for faster loading) Even with this, it take a long time to wait : squad credit, loading parts, start a game, resume game, click, VAB, assemble ship, lauchpad, TEST ! It can be very long and boring when we compile often, any tip about this ? Maybe a launch parameter for the exe to skip some repetitive task ?
  6. I tried to recompile the code from source in 0.17 for myself, and it's impossible because the 'InverseScaleFactor' definition from the 'Planetarium' class does not exist anymore in 0.17. (why the dev removed it ? I don't know...) As I just wanted to add the UI hiden by default (like mechjeb), I recompiled the DLL with the old version 0.16 with my little modification and it work. But I think this mod will be broken somewhere for 0.17... If someone have enough skill, here is the line that cause problem : line.SetPosition(i, network.ControlPath.nodes[i].Position * Planetarium.InverseScaleFactor); Replacing 'Planetarium.InverseScaleFactor' with something working in 0.17 will maybe fix the problem.
  7. Really interested by the working eva command pod Nutt007, I tried to do it my self but I didn't found how to add an hatch. Please release at least the command pod
  8. @Fyzzi Sure, the tricky part is to fly throught Jool, but the mining part coding itself is for me relativly easy to implement. About drag, maybe the kethane recovery and conversion must be enough to keep running the engine... So it's a combination between speed (high speed = more kethane), altitude (low altitude = more kethane), size/numbers of atmospheric scoop (more kethane input), numbers and power of fuel/kethane converter (more fuel) That will not be easy, but nothing impossible for Jeb
  9. I also agree with nova, an atmosphere scoop part is the best option for "mining" Jool, and I think it add something really interesting do do with the gas giant. Moreover, I don't think it really difficult to implement, simplified ex : IF planet = JOOL and altitude < minimumaltitudeformining THEN startmining It's also possible to made the mining speed related to the altitude (gas is more concentrated), so it will be more fast to go deep, but more dangerous. I like the challenge
  10. The lack of bicoupler in the game frustating me for some designs, so I decided to create one myself in blender for my personal use. After using it for a while, I thought it would be nice to share it with the KSP community even if it's a very simple part. Download link : http://www./?m5clmzt37g5gomn It's the first part I made for KSP, texturing is not really good and can be improved. But it's good enough at least for me See attached screenshot :
  11. Can someone explain me the difference between powertech, PowerTech - MuMechLib and electrical energy plugin ? I'm quite lost between this 3 plugins and I don't find any clear explanation.
  12. Any plans to add MFD diplay like orbiter ? Some kind of touchscreen that can be coded in c# like a part ? Something like this : I think it's a must have for adding extra fonctionality easly to the IVA cockpit without modeling. It can also be used by a lot of modder to integrate their own interface. Without that we are stuck with a basic panel. So we will continue to use the old "ugly" interface for mechjeb, fuel transfer, isamapsat, etc.. I really hope that kind of MFD will be present in one of the next update !
  13. It's possible to "hide" the remotech UI by default ? (like mechjeb, isamapsat, kethane...) This mod is really great and the only thing missing for me is that !
  14. It's possible to "hide" the fuel transfert UI ? (Like the mechjeb, kethane mod or ISA map sat tab) This mod is really great and the only thing missing is that for me. With this it will be awesome !
  15. It's possible to include the "control" of the pod directly ? Some sort of plugin that will add the controlable possibilty to the pod (like mechjeb)
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