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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by KospY
I hope I didn't miss something with the fix. It's been a while since I did not touch the source code ! Keep me informed if something else is broken on the x64 version. I can't play a lot right now... Also, the changelog for v0.4.8 : - 0.24.2 compatibility - Fixed explosions when grabbing a part with x64 version of KSP - Fixed kerbal teleportation to zero velocity when grabbing a part in space (ex : orbiting moon) - Fixed NRE when grabbing a stateful part from a container (Thanks to Angavrilov) - Some Spelling/grammar fixes for part descriptions (Thanks to Dennovin)
Last updated 12 June 2016 - v0.5.8 for KSP 1.1.2 KAS introduces new gameplay mechanics by adding winches and eva attachable struts/pipes. It gives some purpose to EVA and can be used for many things: Resource transfer Towing parts Base/vessel interconnections Vessel consolidation Cranes Airship anchoring Skycranes Elevators ...and more Change log ! Important note ! Since KAS v0.5.4, KIS is no more mandatory (only highly recommended). However by using KAS without KIS, take note that you will not be able to : Attach/detach connectors from EVA Store hooks in containers Mount hooks on winches from EVA Attach hooks from EVA Attach ground pylon on the ground To get all this features, You need to install KIS. You can download it here. Notes for user upgrading from KAS 0.4.X As KAS v0.5 now use KIS and KSP 1.0 is out, I took some time to reduce the part count by removing/merging some parts. To avoid loosing a ship because of a missing part, you can download old parts from KAS v0.4 from the curse mod page. The old parts will still work, but I will not maintain them, so I recommend to trash them. Here is some methods to safely trash them : Put them in a container (missing part will be ignored after part removal) Let them alone on the ground or in orbit Destroy old parts with the new KIS explosives This old parts will not be available from the editor, so if you want to continue to use them, you need to change the line "category = none" to "category = Utility" in the corresponding cfg file. Useful Links KAS Wiki - See the wiki for frequently asked questions, version history, part details and more Default keyboard shortcuts Issue tracker License Source code Reviews (KIS & KAS) Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mXesHNX1JM Authors KospY : Plugin design and development, C# coding. Winn75 : Graphic design, 3D Models, textures.
I wrote this licence quite hastily, sorry if it leaded to some confusion. I do not want to restrict the use of some modules at all. As long as your are using KAS as reference/dependency, everything is OK. I modified the licence on my Github page, I hope the new text will be better : Changed that: To that If someone think something else need to be modified on the licence, feel free to PM me.
That... Really impressive... The idea of splitting players to a past or a future universe are genious and it solves a lot of problems with warp. Nice work TehGimp66 !
Ok, finally get tired of the missing pointer bug, that fill the thread with junk This time it's really my last update : #### 0.4.3 #####Bug Fixes - Attach pointer will no more disappear (for exemple after going to the map mode) - Winches control key on warp are now disabled to avoid issues (mainly explosions) - Warping with an hook or a part attached at a high velocity (in space) will no more cause explosions - Warping with a part grabbed is now fixed (freezed kerbal) - Fixed drop after warp in space - Some physic handling changes that can cause less explosions (hopefully) As say before, Majiir will continue this project, and will update KAS as soon as possible for the incoming 0.22 update
I'm not sure, but I suspect this : There is some old reports of problem with winches when using an octogonal strut. Because they are "physicless", they can cause trouble on "dock" I didn't take a look on that but can you try to attach pipes end point directly on the vessel tanks for exemple ? Know bug. Will be fixed in the next version. (warp with a grabbed object is buggy on 0.4.2)
I agree If I get time I will maybe try to release another fix for this. I think Majiir will take care of this. Basic things will be to link KAS parts to tech nodes and remove unlocked part from the container editor. Impressive base ! And it's good to know that you didn't have any issues About this, here is what I thought : https://github.com/KospY/KAS/issues/52 It's really an interesting fact. Can people how get issues with pipes confirm this ? Photos will be nice. Also, if you didn't use too many mods, I will be interested by the save game too. A easly reproductible issue on a save can really help.
Unfortunatly I think no. I didn't have this problem in fact, I'm on a slope too but maybe is too light too notice something. Can you post a picture of your base ? The slope is maybe a little bit high ? Also, be sure to not have parts that are rotating because of the slope. If one of them are the root part, that will rotate the entire ship after warp/load. So if you made pretty long pipelines one side on the entire vessel can be in the air and the other one will be underground. (linking pipes will make all the parts to be the same vessel) The only thing I see to fix that issue will be to update constantly all the original part position and rotation. But it's really something that I want to avoid as much as possible, especially on all the parts of the vessel. It mess up the original structure so parts under tension / high force will move increasingly after save/load. What I thought is to add a deploy/build/pose button in the container so you will not have to grab the part first (it will directly show a attach pointer instead) So that will be possible to "deploy" bigger parts. However, that will need bigger containers and I will need to find how to handle the reverse operation (packaging)
v0.4.2 released : ----- Features - Added a new button on the connector for mounting the hook whithout dropping it ----- Bug Fixes - Grabbing and attaching hooks is now working correctly - Magnet cannot be attached without a power source anymore - Attach node on the horizontal stack winch are now correctly placed - Winches GUI cannot be opened anymore with the "P" key when no winches are present on the vessel - Debug warning message "...heightFromTerrain are negative..." do not show up anymore when vessel are not landed - Changed shortcut key numpad "." (eject) to numpad 8 as it was already used for showing/hidding the navball - Magnet on/off context menu are now hidden when the part is grabbed - Moved some stuff in the code - Added the last module I worked on (prototype state, no part yet) Good chance to be my last update. But the good news is Majiir are taking over the project, and given the really good work done on Kethane, I'm sure that KAS is in good hands
If I remember correctly, addmodule.cfg are reloaded eachtime you go to the spacecenter. So just go out of the editor and return. CTRL+K will also bring up the debug menu. It has been changed a bit and you will need to click on a KAS part to show configuration menus. I do not test it recently so if you have any bug just tell me. Also, list of all the keyboard shortcuts are on the wiki : https://github.com/KospY/KAS/wiki/Default%20Keyboard%20Shortcuts PS : About wiki, just wanted to say that some modules are missing and It definitly lack tutorials. I will surely not have the time to complete it until mid-october but will try to finish at least the part module description.
About this two issues, I tested in game and they are working fine. The instant stretch option only set the cable lenght to the current distance between winch and connector. So if you eject the grapple, and it go the maximum distance, (300m for you), using it will change nothing. However, it will be usefull if for exemple you eject the grapple and it collide with something near, so the distance will be lower than the cable lenght. (ejecting set the cable lenght to the maximum allowed) And for the magnet, I do not have this problem. If I fully retract a winch with a magnet attached it will lock. Maybe you have a heavy load attached so the cable can't retract as the distance between connector and winch are longer than 0.08 (default value of the lockMinDist parameter)
It's for mounting a magnet in a fixed position. Sure it doesn't really usefull right now, because magnet is the only usefull hook to attach.(and you can directly attach the magnet to any part in the editor) However, I'm plan to add a "docking" hook later so that will be possible to exchange hook easly. It can be usefull as modular end effector (think about constellation mission) What part are you talking about ? the magnet ? Interesting, however I'm not sure that part orientation change something (at least I do not noticed it ?). I also used my own implementation for docking parts so I do not use docking node at all. However, about "bugs" related to the way KSP handle things, I found myself that is really important that the root part of all connected parts are strongly FIXED and DO NOT MOVE when using pipes. The game rebuild the ship from this root part, so if you construct a ground base and it get inclined for what ever reason, using warp or save/load will reset parts position of the ship and you will have good chance that opposed parts get below the ground or in the air !! Thanks a lot for this well explained issues list, I added them to Github : https://github.com/KospY/KAS/issues?state=open I will take a look at this for the next version. As I talked before in the thread, I will need to stop working on KAS mid-october for at least 15 months. (but I will keep an eye on the mod) So I'm currently adding to the KAS plugin all the remaining current module I worked on, even if they are not used. Majiir are currently taking over the project so it will be able to finish up the work and find someone for making models for this modules. If you look closely to the code, their is also another module that is not used at all and everyone missed Also, I will add the last one in the next update. About jetpack, well I'm not at ease with engine but I'm pretty sure this is possible as I added an option in the cfg for a "physic" grab. I don't think people noticed it but one part has this option enabled : Again, I missing model. One day a smaller parachute suited for Kerbal will be nice (Meanwhile, It's possible to copy the part config and make it smaller with the rescale parameter)
I must say that I didn't test magnet on Minmus as I only have a Mun base for now. Did it happen everytime ? and only on that planet ? Also interested, I can add it to the main page if there is a working solution. I will maybe wait that you redo the video when KAS 0.4 will be confirmed stable. A video with bugs like this are not really reassuring for users I hope that with the latest bugfixes the situation will change. As I released 0.4.1 today, I guess I just need to wait the feedback now. (for me the game is running fine so far)
New version released (0.4.1) #####Bug Fixes - Container mass are now correctly calculated - Hopefully fixed under ground part spawning bug after warping/loading - Universe will no more vanish when the coupled vessel was the active vessel (can happen with winches) - Universe will no more vanish sometimes after loading - Ground attached object now re-attach correctly to the ground after save/load - Added a warning message in log if heightFromTerrain get negative (just in case, related to under ground part spawning) - Fixed winch connector which disconnects after a save/load - Removed pipe and strut tube renderer from attach pointer - Attaching a pipe or strut linked now unlink automatically - Struts now use the correct texture - Adjusted the coupling behaviour Hopefully all major issues are fixed. Under ground part spawning was prertty tricky to find. It was related to the stock function "GetHeightFromTerrain" that seemed to collide with the tube renderer of the pipe when linking :0 For an unknow reason it mess up all the vessel height. Removed the collider of tubes did the job for fixing that issue However, I added debug logging when height of the current vessel get negative, so if the problem happen again, please check your log, (alt+F2 in game) and report it here.
About KAS 0.4 bugs, I'm working hard on it, and so far I fixed one that complety mess up the container mass calculation. It seem that nobody see it, but I'm sure a lot of people moving around more than 5 tons containers containing only struts I found that bug by chance after I wondering why my munar lander was so difficult to fly after repacking stuff in it's containers ! (I was moving my base) Also, I'm on the right track for fixing one of the universe destroying bug, I was able to reproduce the problem easly with this simple setup : Winch ready, let's extend the cable What the ? Where is the universe ? At least the winch continue to work Edit : I think I also found the problem of the other "universe destroying" bug, (A little bit different of this one, it happen after loading and the screen get full of fire or your vessel are flying across the planet at very very high speed)
Thanks for the report, I will take a look. This under-ground part spawning is really problematic... This problem come randomly, so it's pretty difficult to find what cause it. TO ALL KAS USERS : I will need more information, please report me when you get the problem on the forum : - Describe what you did just before it happen - Specify with which KAS part it always happen (winches only ? Pipes ? etc...) - Also list all KAS part present in a 2.5km radius (loaded vessels) - Does it happen only after the kerbal fell down ? - Does it happen only when parts are grabbed around ? Thanks for your help ! Another confirmed problem Can't find out why it happen too, but I think it's related to the under ground part spawning.
Already know bug, and I didn't found why it happen. Sometimes after a load/warp parts get spawned under the ground for an unknow reason. It seem to be a KSP bug, however using struts, pipes or winches increase the chance of this bug to appear. The only thing I found about it is when a Kerbal eva get stuck, it happen every time after a save/load ... The attach pointer do not work sometimes, i didn't found why yet but yeah a save/load will make it work again.
Grab and attach module has been merged, so some parameters will not work correctly with old config file. Anyway, That will be better for you to use the new "addModule.cfg" file located in the KAS root folder. The plugin look into it at start and add the corresponding grab module to defined parts in the file. So there will be no need to modify original config files anymore.
Finally released KAS 0.4.0 ! I think that will be my biggest update so far : > Features •Added eva constructible struts and pipes •Added containers for storing grabbable parts •Added supports for storing containers on the ship •Winch & connector are now merged into the same part •Rewrited the magnet module to make it usable without a winch. •Added a configuration file for adding grab module to parts without modifying their original .cfg file •Some smallest stock parts are now natively grabbable and storable in container (RCS Block, battery, etc...) •Added two new radial winches (horizontal and vertical) •Added a new part (pylon) as ground support for attaching stuff (pipes, solar panels, batteries, etc...) •Added a new part for attaching a hook in a fixed position (hook support) •Grabbed parts now move in accordance with the eva kerbal movement •Added a "reaction wheel" to connector ports for rotating winch attached part •Part bay module now support multiple storage position •Existing attach node on parts are now used for grab and attach •Winch speed can now be changed from the winch GUI. •Winch now have an acceleration effect •Anchor will now sink in the water •Kerbal EVA can attach to a winch while a part is grabbed. •Attach mode now align the part to the target orientation by default. •Added an option in the config file for enabling physic joint between eva and grabbed part. •Grab module now support multi-colliders parts (ladders, wheels, etc...) •Added a setting file for configuring keyboard shortcuts > Bug Fixes and Tweaks •Fixed attach problem appearing when orbiting some planets (mun, minmus, etc...) •Grabbed parts will now be dropped before entering a pod instead of being destroyed •Using winch keyboard control key will no more give input to others winches nearby •Alone parts attached on the ground will no more disapear after a save/load/warp •Greatly reduced sounds radius of KAS parts •Changed some default keyboard shortcut •Removed the attraction effect of the magnet (better performance and unnecessary complexity) •Removed the portable connector port and made the standard one grabbable •Removed the hook bay as containers are now better for storing parts •Debug menu can be used by pressing a key combination instead of adding lines to part.cfg •Rewritten most of the modules, moved some to KSPAddon •Cleaned code and removed unused stuff •Misc fixes Hope you enjoy it