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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by KospY
The new one too Anyway, don't worry, I think I will release an optional pack with the old containers when KAS will be updated.
Off site VAB is the end goal yes. But before that, I need to work on the release of KIS 1.1, fix bugs, update KAS, fix bugs, create KCS (kerbal crafting system), fix bugs, and maybe create a fourth mod (Kerbal Building System ?), I also need to convince my wife that I'm not loosing my time to code weird things for a game with small green fellows... So it's a long way to go.
You are mixing KAS and KIS features here You don't need at all to "take" the part on kerbal back for attaching stuff, this is the old KAS system. KIS is a lot easier to use, just grab parts by holding G key and attach using X key with an correct tool equipped (wrench or screwdriver). Check the user guide (PDF) on the main page for more info. - - - Updated - - - Unfortunatly, KSP physic on ground is pretty buggy... Avoid dropping small part on the ground. I personally drop them on the container to avoid problem - - - Updated - - - I'm currently always working on KIS. There is some important features missing from KAS (multiple mounts on the same part, ground anchor, carryable container), so I need to update KIS again before updating KAS to remove the old storage system. The good news is KIS 1.1.0 is feature complete right now. I'm only debugging and waiting Winn75 to update the user guide. Be prepared for a major update, there is also some new awesome features not even existing in KAS for the next update.
KIS 1.0.2 released. Small update this time, only fixing a critical issue 1.0.2 (5 April, 2015) [LIST] [*]Fix wrong mass calculation for part with resources
Released KIS 1.0.1 Change log : Change volume unit from M3 to L Check kerbal skill instead of trait name for tools Added default kerbal mass parameter in settings.cfg Disable drag for greyed parts in the editor to prevent storing them without bought them from research in hard mode Add decimals to maxVolume for the inventory module tooltip Prevent a part to be mounted on itself Fix grab not working in some specific situations Fix crash when dragging a container from a mount to another mount Fix crash when attaching a docking node Fix container mass calculation Fix inventory click-through not working correctly Fix framerate drops while hovering inventory in flight Fix debug menu not working Fix exception thrown on first time entering VAB Fix exception thrown after loading Fix exception thrown when using release on empty mount
This is a know bug too, release the container before mounting it. Moving container from a mount to another mount crash the game in KIS 1.0.0. This bug will be fixed for the next version (1.0.1).
This is a know bug, drop the docking port before attaching it. Attaching it directly from the inventory crash the game in KIS 1.0.0. Don't hesitate to look the Github issues page if you have a problem, check open and closed issues to see if it's a known bug : https://github.com/KospY/KIS/issues This bug will be fixed for the next version (1.0.1).
Some update about my last reply about carrying containers on back : I played a little bit more about container manipulation in space and I must admit that I have changed my mind about this... I think the planned eva tether for container manipulation in 0g will be a nightmare to use, as it will unbalance the eva RCS, and cause container to spin around without control. In fact, it will be more easy to move containers if they are attached to the kerbal (like KAS). As container mass is addded to the kerbal, there is no problem about this afterall, moving heavy containers will realistically be more difficult and use more RCS fuel, and moving multiple containers once will always need some kind of vehicule. However, I'm worried about carrying container on the ground. For me it seem like a "cheat", as you can carry 1000L on back without any downsides (like a giant backpack). First I thought I would disable this feature when kerbal is on the ground, but after some thinking the current system is not really practical for some tasks like attaching container on top of a rocket (using ladders). So what I planned to do is to disable running (or restrict kerbal speed) when a container is carried. This way there will be no problem, and rovers will also always be usefull for moving containers on long distance. What do you think ?
Sorry for your losses... I can confirm after testing it that dragging a container already attached to a mount to another mount crash the game. Thanks for reporting it. I'm working on a fix for the next 1.0.1 release. Meanwhile, please avoid doing this, release or drop the container before mounting it on another one. - - - Updated - - - Can you give me more details ? Did it happen when attaching a part with the screwdriver or by dragging a container on a mount ? Did you do it on the ground or in space ? If in space, what body are you orbiting ? - - - Updated - - - There is a bug that disable the grab key after going on the map. This will be fixed in 1.0.1. Meanwhile you can save and load to fix it.
If you have multiple tether in your inventory I think it's possible to attach multiple tethers to one kerbonaut. About 'chain link' part together that will another item I think. Eva tether is just for attaching things to eva. - - - Updated - - - As KIS and Kerbalmass changing the same part variable (part.mass), it seem difficult to resolve this kind of conflict. However, the default kerbal mass is hardcoded in KIS, so I can add a parameter in settings.cfg, so you will be able to change the kerbal mass to what you want. - - - Updated - - - We thought about that, but what rule to apply when moving part in space ?
I found the problem, it only happen on new containers added on the ship. Saving/loading the ship fix the issue. Thanks you for your help ! - - - Updated - - - Added to issues list on Github, I will take a look - - - Updated - - - Just drop the part on your kerbal in space
No, attaching part on static need a dedicated module on the part (so after save/load it anchor again on ground automatically). That was not a problem on KAS because grabmodule was added to stock parts. However, I want to avoid "patching" every part of the game for mod compatibility and simplicity. Only some dedicated part will be attachable on static (like the pylon on KAS). For KIS, we are working on a new part for this. Old pylons will also be KIS compatible when KAS will be updated.
I don't have this issue, what did you do exactly ? Does it happen in the editor or in flight ?
Besides the "realistic/weird" problem of carrying containers on back, there is also a gameplay problem. KSP is all about building vehicules. It seem logical to use rover for moving containers for me (and it give purpose to them) and you can also use KAS magnet to lift them. With bigger containers incoming, that will be the only viable solution anyway. In fact thinking about how to move containers is part of the game for me For container manipulation in space, it's always possible to use some kind of "space motorbike" : You can even build it from containers parts. Also, the eva tether will be another solution to move containers around later. - - - Updated - - - It's a KSP engine problem here, nothing I can do for that... I'm hoping squad will fix the ground collision in the future (especially for small parts). - - - Updated - - - Known bug, will be fixed for the next update.
An eva tether item is planned later. So you will be able to attach kerbal to anything (including containers).
Sorry, but with the release of KIS I will not fix the storage system of KAS as it will be removed later.
Well, there is no way to add an experience effect without MM (from code ?) I'm trying to avoid any dependancy with KIS. Also, what exactly is your problem by checking the trait name ? It seem simple and good enough for me. I'm using it only to restrict the use of the screwdriver and the wrench to engineer, but if you don't set the parameter in the config file, nothing is restricted at all. If you want, I can however add a new config file parameter to check experienceEffect requirement for an item, I don't think I will use it, but if it can help you. For information, it's also possible to write your own item code and check ExperienceEffect from here : https://github.com/KospY/KIS/wiki/ItemPlugin - - - Updated - - - Didn't think about that. I will change the behaviour for the command pods. Added to my todo list too Also, don't hesite to use the issue tracker for that kind of things : https://github.com/KospY/KIS/issues - - - Updated - - - Yes it is the error (EditorPartsList.Instance is null). I just fixed it by checking if null before (see my commit) As awake seem to fire two time in vab (don't know why), it work. Not sure if that will fix the problem with FilterExtension however.
Well, "Inside" storage are planned for the next major version. This way you will be able to move items/parts directly between vessel parts by opening both storage inventory and using drag & drop. What do you think? - - - Updated - - - Nice report I will take a look. Thanks.
You can grab ANY part. Restriction are only mass (you need multiple kerbals to move heavy parts) and volume (part need to fit in the container / inventory)
This error can be ignored. Anyway, I fixed this for the next version. I'm checking the experienceTrait.title of protocrewmembers to restrict the use of an item (ex : screwdriver need trait "engineer"). If a new trait is created, you just need to put the item restiction to "medic" in the config file no ? But may be I didn't understand what you want exactly... Sure you can send me a PR if needed, i'm open to any suggestion to improve compatibility with other mods Added to my todo list. Sorry but can you be more precise ? We can't "delete" item in the inventory so I don't understand what you did. There is no problem about storing science part in container. The "state" of part is preserved in the container. If you recover a container with science part in it, the experiments (and part cost) will be recovered. (It also worked in the last version of KAS) If you put a part that do not fit in the container, a message with the volume of the part will be displayed. Sure that will be nice to see the volume from the editor tooltip, but I didn't find a way to do that (yet). Grabmodule is no more needed. As I say on the first post, KIS is standalone, so it work independently of KAS. Too avoid confusion, I also recommend to remove "MM_Science.cfg" and "MM_Squad.cfg" (ModuleManager patch file) from the KAS folder after migrating from KAS container to KIS container. This way the grab module will not be activated on stock parts. I will add this to the main thread. Carrying container on back is removed. You can only move them around with drag & drop. With the bigger containers coming next, it will be completly weird to do that. Also, it give purpose to rovers for moving containers. Stack snap attach is attachment via the green nodes yes. I'm pretty close to finish it, but I can't give any ETA. I also need to update KAS before adding new feature to KIS (because if not, KAS will never be updated ) Well, I didn't check the mod with ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads, I will try to take a look.
It's supposed to be like that, the kerbal fun pack just add some parts in the KIS parts folder (just merge the folders). I will update the thread with the pictures of all parts later, right now I am happy to leave you with the surprise of what there is in the pack
Thanks, It taken months to do it, I hope you enjoy it Also, you can thanks Winn75 for his fantastic work on models / textures and the PDF Guide !
Last updated 21 June 2016 - v1.2.12 for KSP 1.1.2 KIS introduces new gameplay mechanics by adding a brand new inventory system and EVA usables items as tools. You want to build a rover on Duna from scratch? Now you can... Main features KAS inventory system overhaul. Visual and user friendly inventory interface using drag and drop system. Unique EVA usable items as Screwdrivers, Explosive charges or extra EVA fuel tank... Use tools to attach or detach part from your vessels in flight. Use tools to build rockets, rovers or anything else from parts stored in containers in flight. Inventories for Kerbals. Stock alike containers and parts. Containers Mounts for easy container detachment and reattachment. Item stacking. Put/remove kerbal helmet. Career compatible with research progression and container content recovery (science point and part cost) Sounds effects. Clear code and .cfg modules to help other modders items creation. Standalone (KAS and ModuleManager is not needed). Change log Items pack You can download an extra items pack for KIS (see curse files page). This items pack is for fun and to show the capabilities of KIS. Don't hesitate to take a look on the wiki to see what you can do with KIS. KIS is pretty moddable and you can create your own items easily! Known issues - Small parts dropped can go throught the ground or explode. I recommend to avoid dropping them on the ground directly, and instead drop them on another part (container for exemple) - EAS-1 External Command Seat cannot be dragged in the inventory because the icon is missing. Hopefully next KSP release will fix this issue. - If you use tweakscale, parts will not be stackable - Mirroring a container will not mirror the content. However, you can save a container content using sub-assembly. Mods using KIS Kerbal Attachment System Universal storage Pro Props OSE-Workshop Portable Science Container Phoenix Industries Cargo Resupply System Mk3 KIS Cargo Containers Pathfinder Planned 2.5m and 3.75m containers + mounts Mechanical help for moving and attaching bigger parts Storing vessels Kerbal parachute Items improvements More items Crafting Building construction ... Useful Links User Guide (PDF) Wiki (See the wiki for more information on KIS : how to, version history, modding guide, etc...) Issue tracker License Sources Reviews Authors KospY : Plugin design and development, C# coding. Winn75 : Graphic design, 3D Models, textures and user guide. Igorz : Plugin maintainer, C# coding.
I already did some kind of trailer with KAS and it worked fine for me. Do you use KSP x64 Windows version ? Can you post a screenshot of your trailer ?