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[ Jeremy ]

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Everything posted by [ Jeremy ]

  1. True patience is still here, my friend! I can wait, I've perfected the art of waiting because I have to so much! So much good stuff I had to wait for [Namely czo's AARs, man they are waesome!]
  2. An interesting idea indeed. You could submit this to the SCP wiki, SCP-2462 isn't taken at the time of posting. EDIT: Welcome to the forums!
  3. The GSS advances! after some more time, the sun probe has achieved Low Sun Orbit! From here, the probe can also detect gravioli fluctuations from across the system. Next are the moons, that's going to take some time... EDIT: Here are the craft files for the GSS modules! Requires LLL, Bengsch Industries, Quantum Struts and MechJeb to function. Sun Scanner Module: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c6weqdsbawgt6q1/GSS%20Sun%20Scanner%20Module.craft Solar Power Module: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wvtovted0uxgs6x/GSS%20Solar%20Module.craft Ion Propulsion Module: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rlv24tm0stm21yf/GSS%20StationKeeping%20Module.craft Fusion Propulsion Module: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v4t1gb7n0kimihx/GSS%20Propulsion%20Module-Q.craft
  4. Quite a chapter Mek, amusing as always! Get well soon!
  5. Absolutely brilliant chapter, it really does seem like grade A+++ material you're writing. I'm really looking forward to the pictures, I can only imagine the look of what they might be!
  6. So after a day or two of compiling the data, Pili Industries presents the GSI! After the semi-recent boom in gravioli research, we decided to insert various satellites to scan the planets for various anomalies and to map the gravioli fields of the aforementioned planets. After years of travel, the GSI is almost complete, what only remains are the moons and the Sun itself. An advanced scanner probe is currently being built in orbit and is scheduled to depart within the month.
  7. Yes, submit these, these look so fitting to the Space Center's style!
  8. Hilarious ending there Mek, and what may come from the Foundry I wonder?
  9. Insertion Burn: While aerobraking is an efficient option, there are many risks that come with it, the crew haven't been inane sort of real gravity for over a year at least, a couple of years at most and coupled with the tat that Proteus is in no good condition, aerobraking is almost suicidal. And as Ned said, even if something occurs, Kerbin is waiting for them.
  10. So. Much. Suspense. Absolutey brilliant! Another amazing chapter and another not too far away, keep up the amazing literacy czok!
  11. Stop whatever you're doing and seek medical attention, whatever you coughed up does NOT sound good.
  12. So, after some thinking Ive come up with theory of the behaviour of the gravioli particles. (Does not follow the normal laws of physics, for simplicity and the fact that physics is different in KSP.) [ WARNING! Wall of Text Inbound! ] There are three main components in the gravioli particle; the nucleus, the primary and secondary graviton, the primary orbiting the nucleus, the secondary orbiting the primary. When the secondary graviton passes through the nucleus, a miniscule amount of force is exerted in the direction the graviton was passing through. Notice in the GIF that the secondary always passes through the nucleus in the same direction. Due to this behaviour, the gravioli particle exerts a weak, but directed force. When electrons pass by the particle, they rotate slightly so that the direction of the force and the electron's direction of travel are in line with each other. A special property of negative gravioli particles is that when matter is insides field of the particles, their mass is multiplied due to the forces being exerted in the field. When they exit said field, they split into multiple copies of itself and thus return into normal matter. These concepts allow the gravioli engines to function, the only thing you need is a lot of electricity to redirect the gravioli particles, requiring a superconductor made of Mun crystals to be able to handle the electrical demand. Now about the different flavours of the gravioli, they are tied to the manner that the secondary graviton passes through the nucleus, ie., the angle the particle orbits around the primary graviton relative to it's orbit. For example, one flavour of gravioli is able to short out electrical equipment because the secondary is orbiting at a precise angle that it allows electrons to pass through, giving them a kick as they pass. That's all I have for now, so I'll add on more when I think of something new.
  13. The Internet can be so cruel to authors, always cutting when publishing their work. Anyway, that gravioli particle looks interesting, as soon as I saw it I immediately started thinking of ideas for it... *starts forming theories about the relationship between the flavours of the particle and it's properties*
  14. A new story and unfortunately the final one. Hope this one tops the rest and more stories may come in it's wake!
  15. OK, backstory aside, here's the stats for my company: Name: Pili Industries Founder/CEO: Jeremy Kerman Field: Gravioli Research and Propulsion Development Motto: In pursuit of knowledge for the good of all. Achievements: Self sustaining research station in MKO and and array of exploratory probes dotted around various planets in the system. Mods Used: B9 Aerospace, Proc. Fairings and Wings, LLL, Leucome's ZPinch Fusion Rocket, Sunbeam Lasers, DYJ's minigun and MechJeb. Photos to come in a week or two, because as I said, on vacation.
  16. Companies again, you say? Well, Pili Industries was just starting to take big steps into space at the time. Our research team had done some research into gravioli fields and they decided to study the gravioli fields of other planets and moons. (Include this in a story if you wish Mek.) After the events of the current story, Jeb noticed our research efforts and graciously granted us permission to the KSC launch pad to launch the interplanetary gravioli scanner probes we built. Pictures to come in a week or two, on vacation right now.
  17. //Leonov I've put in a quad core I5 as the cpu and 16G of ram on an Asus Z87-Plus motherboard, if that helps.
  18. I'm currently building a gaming PC and have set aside 200 bucks for a graphics card, any recommendations? Motherboard can support Crosswise and SLI cards, if that helps.
  19. I've been on an anime watching spree for a few months now and the Theme songs are just... wow. I've picked this one as one of my favorites because it sounds so good and the anime is awesome IMO.
  20. Harsen... A very good chapter, definitely tapping into the FEELS!
  21. So, it's been 3 months since i first introduced this game to you people. In those three months, the game has changed drastically. these changes include: New Map More Cubes New Currency New Battle Mode Ingame Chat Additional Garage Spaces and a whole host of other features! So if you just found this, the go get it at http://robocraftgame.com/ , if you're coming back here, pixk it back up, you'll see how much it's progressed! And remember, they try to bring in new stuff weekly, so keep an eye on it!
  22. Ram air intakes are the best ones suited for high altitude / high speed flight, whreas the radial scoops are good for low altitude flying. The best you can do is just MOAR RAM AIR INTAKES!
  23. As I was playing around, I somehow managed to get a circular orbit so precise (1m difference) that things start to turn "weird". What's weirder is when you enter on-rails warp, our good friend floating point imprecision miscalculates the Ap and Pe and makes it less circular.
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