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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. Seriously, the first thing Wasteland did after being promoted was kick you.
  2. Peter, you actually have been banned from the new RP already.
  3. It was very much improved just before it got hijacked; proper moderation was set up, people stopped claiming each others land, and some persistent troublemakers were removed.
  4. Yeah, this is the kind of rubbish that domain providers put into unowned domains, to catch anybody following a dead or broken link.
  5. Can you still access the data?
  6. It isn\'t working for me now, either. I\'m getting redirects to multiple spam sites.
  7. I\'m almost certain that Kerbin\'s gravity well is perfectly spherical.
  8. Works fine for me. It may be the ending, that whole domain is crawling with malware and spammers. EDIT: People with redirects, what browser are you using?
  9. Except the sun-synchronous satellite. That\'s not currently possible.
  10. Nope, sorry. Here\'s the current map if you want to put it on and ninja it in first when the forum comes back up;
  11. The site was back up, and was then put into maintenance mode While Radion and Wasteland (now a global mod, btw) sort it out.
  12. What are you after? The stuff in the OC sections isn\'t getting deleted, and maps wouldn\'t be of any use anyway.
  13. What type of file is it currently? KSP uses .Dae . EDIT: Oh, and did you assign a material?
  14. Who knows? Most of the planet is apparently property of at least 5 nations, because people apparently don\'t understand the idea of \'draw your claim on the last guy\'s map\'.
  15. But not the rest of them. What then?
  16. Yeah, that\'s the kind of thing I\'m saying didn\'t happen. Tim put most of his claim on top of my claim, then somebody else decided half of my country was actually their country, and somebody else decided to take the other half. Then popeter claimed the lot of it. The only way to solve that fairly would be first-come-first-served.
  17. How, exactly? I had four people claiming the same land as me; not a little bit of overlap, the same land. One of those was popeter. How was I supposed to sort that out?
  18. Obviously we need to go to Tokelau and threaten them into turning the server back on.
  19. It was going to be in 0.15 when he wrote that, but it became clear during developement that it wouldn\'t be finished in time, and squad focused on the patched conics system and SPH instead.
  20. I\'ve found that a major cause of wander is that it\'s possibly to attach something (e.g. landing gear or tail fin) so that it looks like it\'s on the centre of the aircraft, but actually isn\'t quite.
  21. Do you know where? I haven\'t seen Chines flights being broadcast outside of the really important ones on CCTV itself.
  22. What? It hasn\'t even been updated. Why would you think that?
  23. How high did you drop it from? Anything that gets more than 2.4km from your craft in the atmosphere is auto-deleted, which is probably what happened unless you saw an explosion.
  24. Comets only form tails when they\'re venting material. One that\'s constantly close to it\'s star (like Minmus is) would rapidly run out of material to vent.
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