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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. If you look through that thread, people have already done that as well; most notably this guy: Kerbin orbit, Mün landing, Minmus landing, then back to Kerbin, all without parts being shed.
  2. Kryten


    Remember, from a corporate point of view, they only \'need\' to introduce new consoles when people stop buying the old ones. Nintendo have reached that point (posting a loss this year), as their main selling gimmick is now available in the more powerful consoles; Sony and Microsoft haven\'t, and probably won\'t for a while.
  3. It shouldn\'t be too dangerous, but if you manage to spray it directly at the cat, or if they end up ingesting some, it could have quite nasty effects. EDIT: It should be fine, the info I was looking at was for much higher concentrations of the same stuff.
  4. Kryten


    Microsoft and Sony officially consider Kinect and PSMove as their \'next gen\', and don\'t plan to release a new console for a few years yet.
  5. You\'d just say \'half a metre\' in practice. We haven\'t completely lost use of fractions, you know.
  6. They apparently plan to fund it through sponsorship. I don\'t really think that\'s feasible, for the amount of money they want; the initial estimate is $6 billion, and we all know what kind of inflation these kind of estimates go through in the space business.
  7. No. Do not try. Seriously, don\'t.
  8. He\'s on the dev team now; he doesn\'t need to release mods, he\'s got the actual game to work with.
  9. You don\'t need to open it. Go into your KSP folder, delete your settings.cfg file, and replace it with this one. If you do want to have a look at it, (or edit any other .cfg files,) you can just open it with notepad.
  10. What the heck kinds of sites are you guys browsing that you get thousands of viruses?
  11. I\'d personally prefer something actually latin or greek for a binomial name, rather than some pseudo-latin gibberish. How about Debitos Viatorem (doomed traveller)?
  12. Does this mean that Kerbal water was brick-solid before 0.9? Or that Kerbin didn\'t rotate? I don\'t really think you can use the fact that stuff hasn\'t been added to the game yet as proof, especially considering life support has been stated to be planned many times.
  13. Disregard that man, use MSE. Seriously, don\'t install AVG or Norton, or you\'ll never get rid of them.
  14. He retracted that; from the \'dev chat\' thread in stickied in GD:
  15. You might want to take that link out of your sig, considering what it now leads to.
  16. Well, we\'re moving into a quiet period now; next scheduled launch isn\'t till the 13th, and it\'s a pegasus launch, which I don\'t think are streamed. After that, it\'s a Chinese launch, Shenzou 9, on the 15th; it\'s an important one (first crewed visit to Tiangong), so we can at least expect that to be broadcast, probably on CCTV.
  17. Those are the number of parts in stock, not the prices.
  18. That\'s pretty clearly just a thin layer of soot; look at where it\'s been scratched through. EDIT: And a massive crack... don\'t know how I managed to miss that.
  19. So about when do you plan to have it actually up?
  20. Arise.... Launch of a Zenit-3SL going ahead at around 5:20 UTC, stream (when it goes up) here.
  21. There\'s absolutely nothing to stop people being on both, Charzy.
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