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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. It is the web host, it\'s the same thing again with the emails. It\'s probably the PM alerts, notice how it happened immediately after adding LW to the RCK PM conversation.
  2. The PHP is failing because is it pointing to a page that currently doesn\'t exist. Unfortunately, the whole site\'s been taken down again.
  3. We were minding our own business when somebody decides it\'d be alright to go into someone else\'s country and start shooting people, don\'t lecture us about being too interventionist. We\'re trying to give the country back to Uman, but he insists that everyone in the entire country is his very interesting version of \'centrist\'. Iman, we\'re talking in the present tense, and trade embargoes are hardly lethal.
  4. No, Imandreas wants to kill all the socialists, and no-one else cares.
  5. Not post, but use by viewing. When the forum comes back up, I\'m taking the F5 button off of my keyboard.
  6. It does actually seem so, on further inspection. Only (forumname)/index.php is getting the php error, just (forumname) gets a redirect to the host home page. The PHP is throwing up errors because it\'s for a page that doesn\'t exist.
  7. In Imandreas land, nobody has guards, coast guards, or any kind of functional brain. And hitting something kilometres away with an unguided rocket from a small boat is easy.
  8. The chance of completely untrained people sneaking a goddamned rocket launcher across about twelve countries and evading thousands of guards and soldiers is 25%? Bull.
  9. Then we\'d get a message saying so, not PHP errors.
  10. Am I the only one now getting PHP gibberish?
  11. My personal favourite project is AVATAR, because at least they are willing to admit that it\'s currently impossible.
  12. Is the site genuinely down now? I can\'t get to it even through Tor.
  13. No idea. Try every so often. It usually clears up by the next day.
  14. None of those carriers exist in Britain.
  15. It won\'t work for any browser you use that doesn\'t go through a proxy. I get the exact same thing.
  16. It does that for some people. It picks some IPs and goes \'no connection for you!\' for a few hours. Best way around it is to use a proxy service, eg Tor.
  17. I\'m afraid that\'s almost certainly just technobabble. \'Boson\' was just the sciencey sounding word he decided to put on his bog-standard sci-fi engine, it could have been \'superstring\' or \'quantum\' and made no difference.
  18. Kryten


    What you need is a better GPU; they don\'t simply interface with your monitor, they do the processing for anything involving 3D graphics, and on modern computers are frequently used for more than that (e.g. the PhysX engine, which can run better on GPU processing than on CPU). You can\'t find one for your computer because components usually aren\'t made for specific models of computer\' you need to choose one that\'s powerful enough for what you want to use it for, and that your computer can itself power (ie make sure that CPU wattage+GPU wattage is less than you power supply wattage).
  19. Mostly a joke, though some people seem to take it seriously. It\'s not been mentioned by the devs.
  20. Well, the problem is everything doesn\'t. Dark matter probably doesn\'t, and dark energy definitely isn\'t in there.
  21. Of course, we\'re not sure if the boson we\'ve found is actually consistent with the standard model higgs boson. Hopefully it isn\'t, it\'d give us an idea where to go next.
  22. They do actually have a telescope on the ISS, though it\'s only meant to see cosmic rays.
  23. There were some genuine nuclear reactors in space, the soviets used them for a few high-power radar satellites. However, three of them have already re-entered (two had a failure in the system that boosted the core to a higher orbit, and one didn\'t reach orbit at all); two landed in the ocean, and were barely noticed. The other one burnt up over canada, dispersing a few highly radioactive fragments, but still clearly not something you could compare to a \'full-fledged nuclear bomb\'.
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