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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. Which mumech install did you use? The most recent one\'s part of the \'fixed camera\' addon.
  2. You need to eject the fairings, then the stage decoupler, in different stages.
  3. The next launch (a Delta-IV heavy carrying a large spy satellite) happens tomorrow at around 10:00 UCT, streaming coverage will be available here.
  4. The catch is that it\'s a joke. I mean, the contact phone number is (123) 456-7890...
  5. Not really, unless you count six nations beating up Imandreas as a \'world war\'.
  6. Nope. As stated, use tor if you\'re having issues with access.
  7. Has that actually worked? It hasn\'t for anyone else with these issues as far as I can tell.
  8. Yup. Got \'server too busy\' messages for a few minutes, then just \'cannot connect to server\'. FAKE EDIT: Resolved while writing this.
  9. It\'s not classical if you\'ve just created it, is it?
  10. While we\'re waiting, would anyone be interested in doing some writing for Verdad? There\'s certainly now a lot to write about.
  11. At least we didn\'t manage to overwhelm it ourselves this time; this really does to be a much better site than the others, apart from the random botnet attacks.
  12. You\'d also need to land in an area not covered in boulders, which are not exactly common on Mars.
  13. Posts in off-topic don\'t count.
  14. Four times. Don\'t forget Mars 2 3.
  15. So for the EVA update, does that mean the Kerbals have just worked out \'door\' technology?
  16. Tor\'s not a browser, it\'s a form of proxy service. Switching browsers hasn\'t worked for anybody, as far as I\'ve found.
  17. As with all the \'outages\' of this site before, it still works on my kindle, for no readily apparent reason. There were a few people who could get on with normal home connections in the last outages as well, including one using the same internet package as me. Anyone have any idea why this could be happening?
  18. Kinda-sorta. We still don\'t have stuff like GM point values, and the forum continues to go up and down.
  19. Is one of those me? Because I\'m not functionally online, thanks to crippled mobile browser.
  20. It seems to work for a few people, pretty much at random. Luigibro\'s got the same ISP and internet package as me, and uses the same browser, but it works fine for him. EDIT: Still not working for me. DOUBLE EDIT: We still need GM point totals.
  21. At the temperatures and pressure that would be present at Kerbin\'s orbit, \'snow\' is itself a gas.
  22. Yes, but Radion can\'t get on it either, so it\'s seems we might have to cancel that.
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