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Everything posted by Kryten

  1. Berthing attempt should be around 3:15 UCT, according to the BBC.
  2. Remember, it\'s not a boat, It\'s a gigantic boat shaped rocket. Look at real rocket explosions, like the N1s; they don\'t \'gradually collapse\' or anything like that, they go up like bombs.
  3. Finding something this big is hardly a challenge anyway, really; I found one by accident on my very first 0.15 Mün trip.
  4. Kryten

    Iron Sky

    Most of the \'WWII technology\' that wasn\'t outright made up was stuff that was stuff that was basically drawn on napkins about ten minutes before the soviets rolled into Berlin; a lot of it wasn\'t even physically possible at a basic level already, never mind the added stuff.
  5. You were announced just before it went down, though I\'m not sure if that\'s sticking.
  6. But surely we can\'t tell what \'stock\' will be at that point? We know for a fact that docking is planned beforehand.
  7. That\'s because it doesn\'t. Read the post above yours.
  8. I did the same thing, but was more careful about completely removing my horizontal velocity.
  9. Kryten

    Iron Sky

    Do you ever say anything that isn\'t taken straight off of Tvtropes?
  10. Looking at the economic details he was asking for, it looks like he\'s going for a mandatory version of the \'treasury monitors\' system from the old RP.
  11. If you want something that is exactly like KSP, then play KSP, problem solved. Don\'t try to turn this into a disorganised mess for the rest of us.
  12. I\'m pretty sure the braking stages were just burns of the Blok D.
  13. We need a consistent, fair system, not shouting contests. It\'s not like war is supposed to be a common event, anyway.
  14. The cost of building military equipment is tiny compared to the cost of maintaining, supplying, and training new recruits for it. I feel the current system of a limited permanent pool of military points works best.
  15. A re there any thoughts about developments with the war system? My personal worry is the GM system; specifically that it\'ll just get ignored in favour of borderline flamewar light GM. Do you think it would be sensible to make the system mandatory, in at least some situations?
  16. Presumably, the person above is...some kind of orbital factory?
  17. Will this affect my already-approved nation?
  18. I\'m very uncertain about that bit. I\'m not even sure that\'s the right side of the map. We\'ll have to wait and see.
  19. Or he could enjoy his holiday, and not worry about a bunch of ninnys on the internet.
  20. Blender works fine, it\'s what most people use; the plugins use C#; you have to do any programming, if you aren\'t making a plugin; and there\'s nothing stopping you developing on a mac. Good luck!
  21. Here\'s the current map; a couple of countries were approved after this, so I\'ve sort of scribbled on where they roughly are.
  22. Site\'s down, not just the server; should be back on sunday.
  23. For hecks sake, it\'s a reboot. Nobody else has been wingeing about people taking \'their\' land from the old RP, because they realise it\'s not actually theirs anymore. I didn\'t complain when Caesar took my country, Weegeee hasn\'t been moaning that I took half of his, etc.
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