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Everything posted by halocon720

  1. Someone obviously completely insane and related to the Obamas.
  2. The one thing that might prevent me from getting this is the fact that supposedly MechJeb can't land it. I need MechJeb for all my successful Mun/Minmus landings, so this might be an issue.
  3. Hello, I'm just a bottle rocketeer here on the KSP forums, and I just wanted to introduce myself.
  4. What's the gas giant called? I never saw the livestream, but I think the gas planet's name is Meander.
  5. *cough cough* Venus *cough cough* Anywhoozles, to keep this on topic, you should be able to harvest gas from the clouds of the gas giant (like MMI's Kethane mod).
  6. C7, can you make another video for 0.17, this time showcasing the new planets? And maybe you could do that with (if possible) suit IVA?
  7. I've been trying to rendezvous with a Probodobodyne satellite I have in orbit as a rendezvous test and I can't find the Target mode for Smart A.S.S. How do you switch to/enable it?
  8. Here are some suggestions for a future version of the Satellite Pack: 1. Bigger Ion Engine. The one included now is (in my opinion) a little small and under-powered. 2. Internal Batteries. Like stock fuel tanks, except with solar power. 3. Bigger Solar Panels. Again, I think the current panels are a little small. 4. Some actual satellites, like controllable,solar-powered satellites. Sorry if this sounds like a wishlist, but I think that these things really should be in that modpack. I love this pack, and I just want to help out.
  9. Tiberion, when will you update NovaPunch to a version that is fully compatible with 0.16? Some of the parts, such as the 2m fairing plate, aren't loading for some reason, even though I have them in my parts folder.
  10. I have a feature suggestion. With the advent of EVA, there should be a Rendezvous button in Orbital Ops. The REND button would bring up a rendezvous menu including a target select. Once you select a target, the ship would perform the correct orbital maneuvers to catch up and become parallel with the target ship. This would work well with the Orbital and Planetary Construction mod, or if you just want to perform a crew swap between ships.
  11. Anyone have a link to the powertech mumech download?
  12. Guys, I have a problem. When I try to put solar panels on in 0.16, it says that that type of part isn't available in that version. What's happening?
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