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Everything posted by CosmicX1

  1. Could it be possible that you have your trim set?
  2. Wow. I never thought that when I first picked up KSP I'd be watching rovers absail down cliffs! And I used to think winglets on radial decouplers were genius!
  3. Would you have anything interesting to say like Kurt does when doing FLoB or would your journey be done to the sound of awkward silence?
  4. Rolls 6. Oh no! I landed on "solid rocket booster explosion" again! Fined 200 Kounds Kerling! I'll never be able to afford a satellite on Eeloo now!
  5. Uh oh, I just made it a draw
  6. This makes sense, however we'd probably see a resurgence in people complaining about accidentally recovering/ending their flights. I suspect though that people don't have flights that are that important to them on Kerbin though, so it wouldn't matter so much.
  7. You guys are all Kerbal murdering psychopaths 0_0
  8. Perhaps we could have owls hooting or crickets at night. Well whatever those things are. The only organisms I know of are Kerbals, giant grass and trees!
  9. The only times having control surfaces using electricity be an annoyance, would be when gliding (it might even help combat some infini-glider designs) or if you stick an unreasonable amount of them on your plane! Otherwise the jet engine should provide more than enough electricity!
  10. They're obviously all clones from the original Kerman triplets of Bill, Bob and Jebediah. This would also explain their orange suits differentiating them from their artificially created brethren. Perhaps mutagens are introduced into the cloning process in order to create Kerbals of different courage or stupidity, or perhaps this could be the result of enviromental effects/epigenics.
  11. I guess when career mode is fully implemented they will probably be very useful to cut fuel costs... if you're willing to leave your computer alone for a couple of hours while you complete the burn.
  12. Photoshop and the magical wonders of Google image search!
  13. My first Mün lander had to use winglets mounted on radial decouplers! None of that landing leg nonsense back then!
  14. I looked at the amazing 'Oliver patented 3D effects' and was in awe. But then I was outrageous enough to think to myself, '"I think I can do better". So grab some red cyan glasses, a cold smoothie with a crazy straw, and sit back and admire the results of my labours: It's just... so... beautiful *tears up*
  15. Those canards just look backwards, they're actually meant to be that way round. I there's a Russian jet fighter that has wings like that, but I can't remember what it's called.
  16. I can imagine SAS would be singing 'Daisy' while C7 replaced it with reaction wheels.
  17. I'm guessing then that the Hitchhiker's Storage container has some kind of spore repellant all over?
  18. That's not quite what I meant by 'stereotypical starfighter', but thanks anyway! I agree with Panichio though, an action groups key that works like 'f' does for SAS would have all sorts of uses! I might try and build this craft myself and fly around with hack gravity on. That way you can have the ground as a point of reference!
  19. I was wondering if it would be possible to build a stereotypical starfighter in KSP (or if it's already been done). The kind you see in movies and games where all the spaceships look and behave like atmospheric planes... But in SPACE. This craft would have to change direction depending on which it was facing (so you couldn't fly it side on to the imaginary 'space air') and be able to slow down without having to turn around. I'm guessing you'd have to use clever usage of RCS, engines and action groups (and maybe even rebinding some keys) to achieve the desired handling. I can't think of any particular uses for such a craft, except maybe strapping some 'torpedoes' to it, blowing up a space station, dodging through the debris cloud and, then doing victor roll as you fly towards the Kerbin sunrise! EDIT: Well I meant to put this in General Discussion, but sure, How To will do... :/
  20. When trying to dock the 'Cosmic docker' to the 'Cosmic-station' (I know. My naming is brilliant), I was all out fuel and running low on RCS. I got within range of the docking magnets, but then to my horror, the 'Cosmic docker' bounced away! "No matter, I'll just try again" I thought, lining the 'Cosmic Docker' up for another attempt. That's when I ran out of RCS fuel. All hope was lost, the cosmic docker was doomed to gradually float away from the station and Charlie Kerman would never make it home... but then a brilliant idea struck me! I'll just have to move the space-station to the spacecraft! After several perilous docking attempts I finally managed to dock the entire 'Cosmic-Station' to the 'Cosmic docker' and Charlie Kerman returned from space a hero! So technically: 0 units of RCS fuel!
  21. Depends on your definition of 'good'. I liken the pain of watching Duncan have no idea what he's doing to that of having your heart torn out by the Thugee and then slowly lowered into the flaming vortex at the bottom of a huge pit. I guess if you haven't played much KSP yourself he could be enjoyable.
  22. Charlie. It's all I can remember currently!
  23. You shouldn't need a perfect orbit to dock. Just pull on the purple toggles (and the others if you need to) on a manoeuvre node till you get an encounter and then do a burn at the node!
  24. I think it's a mixture of royalty free tracks and their own music. You'll have to search around on the internet for the Royalty free tracks though, unless anyone knows what they're called and where to find them.
  25. They're covered in Jebediah's patented magical everything retardant paste!
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