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Everything posted by CosmicX1

  1. when you realise that you're coming in to dock with your space station at 30m/s...
  2. Well that monstrosity is hilarious Moar struts? Or would they upset all those precise and careful calculations?
  3. Flipped my rover on the Mün. Then found that the self-righting landing leg didn't have the power to self right the rover Something else stupid I did in an earlier mission was assume the altimeter was displaying meters above sea level. Crashed into a mountain at 2000m. I'll justify this story being on this forum post as I technically landed, but then everything exploded!
  4. 84. If you crash enough rockets into Kerbol can it turn into a black hole?
  5. Why would I be disappointed? I understand that given enough time SQUAD will eventually get all the features we desire done. The order doesn't really matter, I'm just happy to see new features!
  6. I always thought the highest terrain on the Mün was around 2 km (as I learnt from experience). This knowledge will put a new and terrifying slant on all my future missions to the Mün (especially on the dark side). 0_0
  7. I remember hearing about an Alarm clock mod that will pause your game after a given time. This would allow you to leave the burn going for 30 mins and then come back to find it done!
  8. I remember the good old days when landing on the Mün required you to stick canards on radial decouplers for use as improvised landing legs!
  9. Cool! Never seen an eclipse from the Mün before! Did Kerbin pass in front of the sun making it completely dark?
  10. The first thing I thought of when I heard that track was that it was a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference!
  11. Currently I'm just sticking my rover at the very top of the lander with a docking node and then the plan is to spin the wheels a lot until the rover falls off in the right direction... well that was the plan anyway. Instead the entire lander bounced on impact and tipped over allowing me to just detach the rover and drive away while pretending nothing had happened
  12. Didn't vote because I find rendezvous the most difficult. Docking fairly straightforward if you're going very slow, however rendezvous is the only thing in KSP that I've been able to unlearn!
  13. I'm a survivor! Just had to re-upload my profile picture (the incredibly awesome B★RS) and everything was back to normal Edit: Oh no, I went down to 10 posts! From the huge total of 33! The tragedy!
  14. How about tiny solid rocket boosters that could be attached to stages that would be otherwise be left in orbit? Kind of like RCS thrusters that stay even after a stage is ejected until they run out of fuel.
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