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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Well most of us don't have to deal with launch windows! I have to go to school, then get my laptoip out oand OMGIMUSTHURRY
  2. Heh. They can't roll all the way back to the VAB IRL, but I see what you mean.
  3. They... they reset the countdown timer. I hope the countdown resume while I'm at school and not while I'm in the car.
  4. Yay! I hope it works this time! T-3:09 is holding the timer momentarily. Wait... Abort?
  5. What's the launch window for, anyway? Proper phasing of the Moon? Gravity of the moon might get in the way? Surely not, they don't get anywhere near as close to the Moon.
  6. What's the emergency launch window? Like, if this doesn't launch today, when's the next window?
  7. Didn't think of that. I just thought it looked beautiful. I hope that's not a problem.
  8. A boat got in the way, then the second stage tank propellent had a problem, then a gust oif wind blew on the rocket a bit too hard, what next? Explosion? I hope not. The capsule will be saved still; there's a launch escape system. - - - Updated - - - Convince your teachers to put on the launch.
  9. Let's take a break from 0.90.0 HYPE and take a stop at Cape Canaveral for the launch of EFT-1 HYPE HYPE HYPE!!!!
  10. Good to hear! HYPE! - - - Updated - - - Now make a replica of the actual HypeTrain. (A Gresley A3) But seriously, that's pretty cool.
  11. Huh. I wondered who that corpse was. I guess it wasn't a corpse after all. Just a sleeping person.
  12. Ah, your train replica. Pretty neat, but not accurate. the 0.24 HypeTrain (and 0.25) was a Black Five locomotive. Now it's a Gresley A3.
  13. The aerodynamic coverup just adds extra weight. The Gresley A3 is a far classier class of locomotive anyway, imho.
  14. It's not the official HypeTrain, that's for sure, but it's tha darn-best model HypeTrain I've ever seen. I am insanely happy right now at this rocket. This shall be a great launch. I can tell. *goes and retrieves all of the straight pieces of model train track left in the storage wagon, and prepares to but a rocket motor on a train wagon.
  15. The Boss is just something I made up. He's not real. So no, you can not merge HypePacific with HypeRailways. It wouldn't be a practical business decision. - - - Updated - - - But guys, we can't take the whole roleplaying aspect too far. - - - Updated - - - Yes indeed.
  16. READ IT: "And what of the HypePlane? JediAerospace has allied with HypeRailways, and thus the HypePlane service is still available, if you want. (but remember, the HypeTrain won the race to 0.25.0.)" Also:
  17. I actually made the post a few days ago, and as soon as I posted it he hid the thread for me. Basically, I didn't want any chance of the entire HypeTrain post being delted so Kasper let me post it and he unhid it a few days later. (Today) And Kasper can edit posts.
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