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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. No, I mean you just save them all in the same orbit until you go back to Kerbol, where they're teleported back to the same orbit they were in before. It's just a storage place, the orbital mechanics are saved elsewhere (in a backend).
  2. Don't be so quick to dismiss NovaSilisko's view. Remember, he was a former Dev, and he actually, CREATED the planets in game.
  3. @RoverDude: We'd need a higher-power drive, maybe 3.75m, with a much higher warp factor. (Up to 70c?) @Deadpangod: I don't think we should start working with new planets until we have some kind of framework that can unload and then procedurally generate planets around other stars, else there's too much memory drain on adding another 8 planets to each of the stars. @Parameciumkid: The Interstellar wormhole is a really good idea! For basic integration, I'm thinking that you use the WarpDrive to get to the SOIs of other stars, then as soon as you get there Kerbol's planets are teleported over as new planets in a procedural orbit, and the states of the planets in the Kerbol system are saved, and all the satellites are saved in low orbit around Shimmy. (The central black hole) For even basic-er integration, it'd be as simple as renaming the Kerbal Warp Drive to "Interstellar Navigation Computer", and maybe some pretty particle FX from the alcubiere drive.
  4. Act, I think Spore's sorta pretending to be normal sized,just in a cute representation... Earth and the sol sytem are in the game, for instance.
  5. Yes, and NovaSilisko said that in fact, the planets are not incredibly dense, it's just the gravitational constant was increased. Kerbals probably calculate planetary mass in a different measurement unit than the mass of rocket parts. IIRC,they use "Kilograms" in the display tab? We don't know if a Metric Tonne is equal to 1000 Kilograms or not in Kerbal language.
  6. I did the same tst. I might HyperEdit a few ships to various bodies for further testing.
  7. Curiosity: Oh no, this will just make matters worse! Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Yeah, this can't end well. Anyway, I've been running the numbers, and it turns out there is a way for you to hide. On the other side of Mount Sharp, there's a cavesdsfstatic Curiosity: The other side? I can't go over a kilometer per second! It'll be a loooooong hike.
  8. reset story to before the Death Star was mentioned.
  9. No, it's intentionally using normal scale parts. Use FAR for the launches, it's meant for that. I did a non-impossibru Apollo-style launch on my stream the other day. (Using low-ish tech!) Also, DL is fixed.
  10. Well crap. I'll try and fix it when I get the chance. - - - Updated - - - The SOI issues ARE fixed. EDIT: Looks like I didn't state this in the OP. Make sure you download from the release thread, this one is an older version.
  11. The HypeTrain has arrived back from its refit at HypeCrewe workshops. Great success! She's been thoroughly scrubbed, polished, cleaned, and washed, and then reassembled. She can now haul 90% more passengers at 90% more speed. Meanwhile the HypePlane has gotten a new set of HyperJet Engines which allow a 90% higher altitude to be achieved.
  12. Curiosity: Oh this is not good. They'll only make matters worse!
  13. Jehnb' Zach: We have gotten news of the discovery of another of the demons. Is is much bigger than any of the mobile demons we've yet to find. Some of the scouts have seen that it's linear tracks of doom are much shorter than the ones found by the other tribes. The empire of [Gale] shall be the first to defeat a demon, and use it to exploit the other tribes! Breb' Krak: Your gloriness, that's a nice speech and all, but how are we going to defeat a demon first when the Southern Socialist Tribe have already captured one? Jehnb' Zach: WHAT? Brek' Krak: You wonderness, the 'Sestees have already captured a demon. It's a little one though. But they're holding it high and proud. Jehnb' Zach: Then we shall be the first to capture a BIG one!
  14. Curiosity: You have a laser too? Mariner 4: Erm.. no. I was making a joke. you have a laser? Curiosity: Yeah! Mariner 4: Wait a minute... I can't stop! Curiosity: You don't have rockets? Mariner 4: Yeah, but no fuel! Curiosity: Well, you're going out of range and your voice is getting even more hoarse. Mariner 4: *unintelligible* Curiosity: Bye! Mariner 4: *unintelligible*
  15. So when the tech tree first came out people were (and to an extent, still are) unhappy that the tech tree starts with manned spacecraft. I think that both styles are fun (from playing pre-0.22 in sandbox, I always used probes first), and starting with the manned capsule certainly seems the most reasonable to me! But still, I think there should be some reforms to the 'tree. (Though not nearly as much as Better than Starting Manned!) 1): Fuel Tanks Make the FL-T800 (long 1.25m tank) available first, then work down in size. This is a more interesting progression, as it removes the ease of fine-tuning your fuel early on. Unlocking the larger tanks first would mean that you are more restricted in early-game missions and staging. 2): Decouplers I think it would be a cooler idea if radial decouplers came before stack decouplers. It's a more kerbal-y idea, and matches reality a bit closer. 3): More nodes for 3.75m parts Right now you get the S3 Kerbodyne parts in one node. When there's more Kerbodyne parts, they should all be spread out more. For instance the F-1 (KR-2L) was built waaay before the SSME (KS-25). There's a few solutions to the Manned vs Robotic start. One: Allow both to be possible, you have to go to the R&D Facility to unlock your starting parts and you can choose either the crew pod or the probe core, and the rest of the tree will (where applicable) be changed based on this decision. Two: have both, but the first cockpit would be unpressurized and thus would overheat and explode (overheating would be representing a pressure buildup) while above 30km. You'd also get a Stayputnik, with a longer battery capacity than currently available (About a day's worth, but no reaction wheels). This would nicely mimic the starting technologies of the space race. Three: Choose between Manned start and Robotic Start in gameplay settings. This would even determine your entire tech tree! One is a more american progression, one is a more soviet progression. (Manned vs Probes respectively) Probe Cores start would have radial decouplers and more time until larger rocket parts are available, Manned start would have stack decouplers and sooner unlocking of larger rocket parts.
  16. Curiosity: Good thing I have a good ol' RTG! Curiosity roves further away from the martian tribe Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Hey, I'm back in range, and you'll never believe this! Curiosity: What? Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Even the old broken and failed probes and robots are waking up! Curiosity: Yeah, I know. I was just talking to Mars Climate Orbiter. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Yeah I was just talking to that guy when our phase angles lined up, then he got blocked out by Ike. Curiosity: What's Ike? Sounds like a nice place! I wonder if I would like Ike? Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Erm... I don't know, I meant Phobos. Curiosity: So you know the situation? Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Yeah. Mars Orbiter Mission: Hello. Curiosity: Who are you? Mars Orbiter Mission: Don't you recognize your own MOM? Curiosity: We've heard that joke already. The indian accent just confused me.
  17. THrottle, easier to use, stockalike balance, and better effects.
  18. Curiosity: I just got a minor blip on my seismic accellerometer. I wonder what that was. Curiosity looks around. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Hey Curiosity, what's happening bro! Curiosity: Hey... erm... Reco. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Curio, my man! You're up and about too! Curiosity: So the other rovers... Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Yeah! The robots too! Curiosity: Any idea what that seismic blip was? Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: A small space rock was bookin' it towards mars, probably a bit of debris from that comet. Viking Orbiter just saw it impact, only a few kilometers away from you. Nothing big. Curiosity: Okay. Anything about some green objects? Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: There's nothing green on Mars. It's the RED planet! Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Erm.. that's not the one I saw... Curiosity: This is gonna be a bit of a problem to get out of the way of. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Oh come on, you've gone through worse! Besides, you got an RTG, not none of these dank solar panels! Curiosity: Do you really think I can make it? Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: THINK, MAN! 0.01 atm, is a little wind gonna hurt you? winds pick up, dust blows across Curiosity: I guess not.
  19. Sojourner: I'm behind the rock. Pathfinder: Brilliant. meanwhile Curiosity: Hmm. I wonder what this rock looks like. Curiosity shoots the rock with the laser, examining the surface. A horn is blown off in the distance (and is also rather high pitched). Curiosity: doesn't hear anything, doesn't have ears. Curiosity: Hmm, I feel a slight vibration in my accellerometer. An alien runs up to a hill, overlooking curiosity. The Alien is clearly a child. Chak' Thos: Momma, look! It's a demon! We gotta go back and find daddy! Mreph' Thos: Alright sweetie, we'd better get out before it's evilness destroys our souls. Curiosity pans around his camera, then spots the two aliens on the hill. Mreph' Thos: DUCK! Chak' Thos: Aww, it's kinda cute! Mreph' Thos: It's a demon! Stop being blasphemous! Bad girl! meanwhile at JPL is playing at low volume in the background.Human 1: We're getting some telemetry from Mars. This is amazing! We're getting readings from Spirit! Wait... what? We're also getting those same readings from Spirit as we were from Curiosity! spear lands in front of Spirit. Human 1: What the heck is that! Human 2: Wait, zoom in on that green bit there... Human 1: What!? That surely can't... Human 3: Did you guys accidentally draw a phallic shape with Curiosity again?
  20. This is better, but still breaking the spelling, punctuation, and grammar rule. Let me edit this post to make it abide by the rules, just for a bit of guidance. You'd be wise to use some proper spelling and punctuation. EDIT: NO.
  21. This is not a good friend. I don't know why you would want to have a person like this in your life at all. It needs to be made clear to this person that their social skills leave quite a bit to be desired by those around him. This is something of a rather horrid type of human being.
  22. There are several mods out there which add some aspects of interstellar travel. KSP Interstellar is the obvious one, but many users (including your truly) find it too difficult to get into. Now there's a nearly complete Warp Drive mod by RoverDude, and between RoverDude and Nertea with his NearFuture packs, Interstellar will be outdated with a more stockalike feel and easier to use interface and less complexity. There's also some other mods which add the physical places of interstellar travel. The "Kerbal Warp Drive" (who's name is somewhat a misnomer) adds a procedural system for re-ordering the planets, and the StarSystems mod adds two stars. (Without any planets) So a lot of these elements are ready, but not fitted together right. How can we fit them together? Use AlcubierDrive and NearFuture Technologies for transportation to other StarSystems, and explore the planets that are procedurally generated from a seed relating to it's distance from the black hole.
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