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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Lhathron the Elf has asked for official HypeEndorsement, and despite the fact that I normally don't enjoy mainstream music, It's so Hyped that I've adopted it as the official HypeEngine07 Playlist. Official HypeTrain07 Playlist https://play.spotify.com/user/stormcutter/playlist/0CgLgPT3of48xlVo4AVgUS?play=true Incedentally:
  2. If intelligent spacemen built children's toys instead of corporate eggheads, the world would be a better place for kids. How would you design a toy, what would it be used with, what is the target player of the toy? I'm in the process of creating the concept for a toy train product that would be in between the overly simplified and unrealistic Tomy Playrail/Thomas Trackmaster style trains, and the realism and detail of model train layouts/sets. If you're a non-minor, feel free to leave your age just so we can get a good idea of how the ideas of a 30 year old differs from that of a 20 year old. If you are a minor, simply state Teenager or Child. (Specific age is not allowed on these forums if you're a minor.)
  3. No, we've been going for several days now. I'm the driver. I would know. Also, it's HypeCoal, not Coal!
  4. Directing fright instead of flights? That's cheating! or You're using only one tool against gravity? That's cheating!
  5. This thread was made before 0.25 Hype anyway. You don't have to insult me so harshly for having fun.
  6. I'm not the servant! Get it yourself! It's in the mini-fridge right next to your bed.
  7. I actually really like the red arrows on the decoupler, please don't change them black.
  8. what would that have to do with groundwork for 0.26's huge art project?
  9. So I just watched How to Train Your Dragon 2, and I was really just confused about the aerodynamics of the whole situation. Standing on an animal's wing during flight, Not stalling out in situations that should TOTALLY cause a stall, and I'm still not entirely sure why Toothless could not fly on his own. Not to mention most designs for dragons make no sense. Of course, it's a kids movie, but for some reason I can't forgive it.
  10. Yeah, make your own Bios, just please try best to replicate this format.
  11. Saving Hype for closer to release date. I've been quiet in response to the growing anger surrounding my HypeTrain ownership.
  12. That's great! I'd forgotten about this thread! Ironically I think having a thread stickied makes it more likely to be ignored
  13. The spare HypeTrain... Alright then! It's a shunter so it can't go very fast!
  14. Kerbalizer doesn't have much purpose. It'd be cool if they extended the Pro version greatly, with custom animations, walk cycles, etc, even a way to 3D print your custom Kerbals!
  15. Admin People complete! Now working on Mission Control.
  16. They are replacing the models with the new ones. Like when you update a mod and it has new textures or models for a part, but it still works.
  17. This is no "news". It's been known that this has happened/will have happened by now for decades.
  18. Perhaps, but they have mostly the same shape. It probably won't explode your planes built with existing parts, but they'll likely look weird.
  19. Dude, you're NOT the HypeTrain driver! If you were you'd know that the HypeTrain has no regulator, and that the driver(that's me)'s own Hype levels regulates the steam!
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