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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. I posted it with a clever comment and nobody laughed. Or knew it was clever. I said something like: To think this could happen! Obviously this isn't right. Oh my goodness, I can't understand. Lately, it seems like everything is wrong! Because of this, I am confused. After all, this is a good game. Really though, why?
  2. It was a good idea for the game to be made.
  3. Maybe the secret feature is actually a new part?
  4. Maybe we're going at this wrong. It's something that you see if you're a bad player and very rarely a good player. That doesn't mean it HAS to be crash-related. Maybe it's something else. It might even be something that makes good players bad at the game until they learn to fix it. For instance if aerodynamic disassembly was added, players that are good won't care about super-high gees in atmosphere yet until Aerodisassembly is added.
  5. OH! The secret feature is shockwaves on explosions! Wait... no, I forgot it's a feature that's related to that huge art project that is using around 60 assets. Maybe Maxmaps hinted the secret feature was in the explosion to mislead us...
  6. Wait... Kerbals are being flung out of the plane, right?
  7. Hero Jeb was not known for his willingness to fight. But sometimes you have to. After another round of rootbeers, Jebediah still was not drunk. He gave up on trying to drink away his problems. Problems being the passing of his father, Charlo Kerman. He sighed as the bartender walked up to Jeb. "You've had a lot to drink, I'm cutting you off." Jeb nodded. "I'm not drunk anyway, I'm not going to get drunk." Bartender told Jeb to track his fingers, and when he passed the test, he left Jeb alone. Jeb walked out of the bar, for the long walk home. It was raining, something that didn't happen a lot where Jeb lived. Jeb ignored it, he'd endured worse in his life. Jeb heard a cry for help in the alley nearby. Jeb ran in to see what was the matter, and saw that a woman was being kidnapped. The two kidnappers dragged the bound Kerbal along the floor. As Jeb watched the kidnappers push the girl through a door, he followed with interest. He carefully snuck through the door and observed with interest. The gag was removed from the girl's mouth. Jeb noticed the peculiar red color of this kerbelle's hair. "Whit dae ye want wi' me?" The Kerbal shouted. You, Emmany, are essential to our plan. "Hoo dae ye kne mah nam?" "It doesn't matter. What does matter is that we know that you saw the event occur." Emmany's eyes widened. "Waht even't wouldya be talkin' aboot?" At this point, she noticed Jeb. Jeb held his finger agaist his mouth. "shhh." He whispered. Jeb started to go find a phone, then he saw a gun pointed at Emmany. He clearly had to act fast. He ran right up to the two criminals and punched them right in the face. The gun flew out of the kidnapper's hand, and Jeb got into a brawl with the two criminals. Meanwhile, Emmany found that one of her hands was free. Carefully untying her arms and legs, she grabbed the gun. "Stop rieght noew! Ah dunnae kne whit in Kraken's Blazes is happenin', but it staps noo!" The criminals stopped, as Jeb bashed their heads into eachother. Emmany pointed the gun at Jeb. "Noo yoo'd best be gettin' it ay haur!" Jeb Left the unconscious bodies and ran away. Emmany tied the two criminals against a chair, and called the police. The headlines for the next day day read "Mysterious Hero captures insane criminals!" Now between you and me, Emmany did see the man who helped rescue her, again. But Jeb had become clean shaven, and less dirty, and he wore different clothes than he did in those depressed days. Jeb had to go through therapy and forgot that day completely. The two kerbals are both Astronauts now, but neither have any idea that they'd met eachother years before. Tomoly and the Tragic Failroad WIP Synopsis: A Kerbal finds a horribly run-down railroad yard and tries to save it from becoming a junkyard. Meanwhile, Jebediah Kerman searches for a good place to build a junkyard. (yes I'm just kidding)
  8. [bob Kerman here. Any news on a rescue mission?] [sorry Bob. We still don't have the funding. Try to stay calm] beep beep beep bee-- [satellite is going out of range Bob, we'll try to get a relay through the Wernher Telescope is a few weeks.] Sigh. I left at Three minutes past the Hour, last year. And I'm waiting constantly, trying to stay sane here. I don't understand those bureaucrats. Don't they see a person up here? When I look up on a clear night I see how rightful I was to fright. I see a pale blue dot and I'm not... Sure I can stay. You don't know what it's like to be stuck here. staying in this pod for over a year. I wonder what has happened back home since I left. Has my girlfriend married, and has she died? Do you think they'd even tell me? What about Bill, and Jeb? What's going through their head Do they miss me at all? Why can't Congress just see? Why won't they listen to the facts. I did the math There's no reason they can't send up a mission back. They just want us to look bad! It gets colder and colder with each passing day. But a day isn't what you may think it's length should be. I am going totally mad. No physical contact. I am seeing things. I can't stand it! When can I come home? Bob's eyes droop I'm not coming home at all, am I? My legs are thin My arms aren't then! I won't go on like this. I'm going out. My suit's got no air. Getting out of this chair. This camera will show them my fate. To my friends, the bureaucrats and my mate. I'm going out now. I've already taken this vow. I can see the ship. The green, the yellow, the red lights glowing. COLOR. You know what they'll write about my dead body's roam? "He just realized he's not coming home."
  9. That's much better than mine, aside from the fact that you made her an Atlantic (4-4-0) instead of a Ten-Wheeler (4-6-0).
  10. Astronauts 0001 - Jebediah Gigiran Ormstrang Kerman Badass Veteran Courage=50 Stupidity=50 Age=29 (equivalent age to Human years) Roll: Head Pilot and Commander; Part supplier. Bio: From a young age, Jebediah was a daredevil. As an adolescent, he would attempt crazy stunts like biking off his apartment's roof. He discovered the joy of rocketry while reading Kerboy Scout magazine at the doctor's office (awaiting treatment for a broken leg... again), and decided he wanted to attempt to replicate the model rockets. Unfortunately his family was poor due to constant medical bills. Instead, Jeb merely decided to use cheap, illegally purchased firework skyrockets for these purposes, and strapped little tinfoil kerbals to the side. His brother Bob helped Jeb in these endeavors. His older brother Bill meanwhile, attempted to keep Jeb from harm and constantly called their parents whenever he heard a WHOOSH sound. Luckily for Jeb and Bob, all the evidence of the rockets would be gone aside from a piece of paper used as a log to record the many failures. When he became an adult, he purchased a Junkyard. He used this junkyard to further the production of larger rockets. "If a bomb can ride a rocket, so can I." He was hired by the Kerbal Space Program for his badass mentality and willingness to test out experimental contraptions. Persona: Jebediah Kerman was known as a ladies man in his school, and everyone thought he was "cool". He is overconfident at times, but is very willing to try new things by throwing them at the wall to see what sticks. His badass nature conflicts with his brother Bill's overprotective nature, and they often get into verbal fights. Jeb is not known for his willingness to fight physically, but if a situation arises, he can and will protect anyone from a threat to the best of his ability. Nickname: Thrillmaster Yearbook Quote: ""Moar Boosters!" Likes: Space, Explosions, Badass Stunts. Dislikes: Waiting around in zero-gee, explosions on HIS spaceship, Bill bossing him around. Relationships: Older brother of Bob Kerman Younger brother of Bill Kerman Son of Marthald and Charlo Kerman Spouse of Evanaeena Kerman 0002 - Bill Edwin Kerman Veteran Courage=50 Stupidity=80 Age=36 Roll: Secondary Pilot and Safety Specialist. Bio: Bill Kerman is a very by-the-book character. As a child he never got into trouble unless his younger brothers tricked him. He became a Kerboy-Scout and even got Elgae-Scout rank. He detested his brothers Bob and Jeb experimenting with rocketry, but by the time he was an adult he realized that the best way to keep Jeb and Bob safe was to help them not to blow up. He studied engineering as best as possible, but he's not the first one to call as an engineer. He tried to link Jeb's passion for rocketry into the newly developing space science. Although he didn't (and still doesn't) understand orbital mechanics, he somehow manages to be very good at making ideas to improve efficiency. Persona: Bill none to fond of rocketry itself, but he is certain the way to the future is through space. He is often reluctant, unlucky, and even sentimental. His calm, collected exterior breaks down whenever the word "Jeb" is mentioned. he is very overprotective of his brothers, and Jeb is annoyed by this. The two often become verbal sparring partners. Bill is often grumpy. He's also none to bright, and thus apears very stupid. Nickname: Buzzkill Yearbook Quote: "More Struts." Likes: Space exploration, Space Probes, keeping Jeb and Bob safe. Dislikes: Flight, being made fun of for stupidity, Jeb and Bob being unsafe. Relationships: Older brother of Jebediah and Bob Kerman Son of Marthald and Charlo Kerman Significant other of Belandia Kermin Father of Billy-Bobert Kerman 0003 - Bob Calins Kerman Veteran Courage=20 Stupidity=10 Age=27 Roll: Science Pilot and In-Flight Engineer. Bio: Bob is a HUGE fan of space! He loved the comics, the toys, the movies, the books, everything about Space, he loved as a child. He was the smartest kid in his class at school, but yet still got bad grades due to the bad format of schools at the time. The school was since named for Bob, but at any rate at the time he was failing. He'd read all about the latest news of rocket ships, astronomy, chemistry, and would be able to explain it all to you in as best a way as possible. The other kids thought he was a huge nerd. His brother Jeb was supportive of him, he wouldn't let the other kids bully his little brother. Bob got used to the bullying, but still came home sad each day. Eventually the other Kerbadolescents saw that Bob was actually pretty cool to know all of these new things, as new discoveries in astronomy and engineering made more kerbals respect smart kids. He joined Jebediah Kerman Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co. as the head scientist and engineer due to his extensive researching skills. He was unsatisfied with his job, and he wanted to fly into space with Jeb. He was hired by the Kerbal Space Program as an astronaut for his knowledge and skill in orbital mechanics. Persona: Bob is the smartest, least clumsy of his brothers. He is shy, and often will freak out the moment he sees a design for a rocket. He spends most of his time screaming during the launches or landings. For this reason he is often given "Collins Duty", or the job to stay in orbit around a new planet and stationkeep the spacecraft. Nickname: Rocketman Yearbook Quote: "I'm not coming home, am I?" Likes: Space, Rockets, Science, Engineering, hugs, and exploration. Dislikes: Being given Collins Duty, Rocket Launches, Being bossed around by Bob. Relationships: Younger brother of Bill and Jebediah Kerman. Son of Marthald and Charlo Kerman Has a crush on Emmany Kerman 0004 - Emmany Kelly Kerman Veteran Courage=50 Stupidity=20 Age=26 Roll=Default Lander Can Pilot, flight medic Bio: Emmany was born on the other side of the world. She was born on the north of the island that's known for it's tea and crumpets. She speaks Kerblish, but with a definitive teacrumpitian accent. She was separated from her parents at birth, when they were run over by a crumpetmobile. The driver had drunk too much Root Beer, and that coupled with the fact that Kerbals are horrible drivers anyway, meant that Emmany's parents didn't stand a chance. No one could identify the names of the orphan's parents, but luckily she was just old enough to pronounce her name. She was taken to the Starlight Orphanarium on the country of snacks and military, but her "creepy" red hair and accent threw off all of the visitors from adopting her. She escaped the Orphanarium at age 11 (equivalent human years) and tried to find refuge from the horrible conditions and slavery of the orphanarium. She stopped in the suburbs of The Big City, and saw a surprising object fly up into the sky, whirl out of control, and explode. Running away, stealing bus tickets, and being an all-around nuisance to people who enjoyed their fine methods of capitalism, she was caught by the police. They brought her to a foster home. She finally was able to go to school. The other students would have made fun of her red hair and accent were it not for how cool her story was. She was very ambitious and competed against some genius from the suburbs in a science fair, which she took the second place prize. Eventually she studied at college for a few years, and applied to the new KSP. She was hired for her strong character and intelligence. She is known more often as Kelly Kerman, but Jeb still calls her Emmany, just to tease her. Persona: Despite a very intense early life, Emmany is a functioning member of society. She has a tough strong outside, but is deep and sentimental on the inside. She is also known for her sense of humor. Many men disrespect her simply for her gender. She hasn't a clue why. Nickname: Dragon, sometimes Hothead. She is known by her middle name Kelly most of the time. Yearbook Quote: "If Ah were ta punch ye in a forest an' nobody hears it, dae ye ev'n make a soond??" Likes: Space, Engineering, Philosophy, The color Green. Dislikes: Katcallers/Advanced-Stability-System Hatts, being made fun of for accent and hair. Relationships: Friends with Bob and Jeb Kerman Enemy of Mortimer Kerman 0007 - Kirrim Steef Osten Kerman Special Agent Courage=45 Stupidity=23 Age=32, his clone is around 5. Roll=Special Agent Bio: CLASSIFIED Persona: This guy is a lady's man, and a he definitely knows he's got a shelf life. Special Agents don't last long, so he lives by Y.O.L.O.. However, saying YOLO to ANY Kerbal will get you punched in the face, so don't say that in front of him. Nickname: Tripple-Oh-Seven, Steve Austin, Cloneboy. Yearbook Quote: "They got mad and threw Gilly at us." Likes: Spy Cars, Drop Pods, Submarines, Planes Dislikes: No Timewarp while on ladders, being bad at aiming. Relationships Slept with every* woman at KSC Friend of Wernher Von Kerman, who he calls "Q" for some reason. Frienemy of Anbur Kerman. * Not actually all of them. Or many of them. Administration Facility [these will be edited after 0.25 comes out to adjust for personality traits that are currently just guesses. Walt Kerman retconned into a female.] 1AdmRp - Waltrina Pinrap Kerman Courage=0.5 Stupidity=68 Age=38 Roll: PR Manager Bio: This woman is really charismatic. She was a boy scout, and did a lot of public speeches. She joined debate club, and managed to CHANGE THE MIND of her opponent on a few occassions. She keeps her personal life shrouded in mystery, and whenever conversation about private life comes up she changes the conversation without anyone even noticing until afterwards. The only records we could find we a partially burnt up divorce contract. No one knows why she wears the Hazmat suit, but presumably it is to protect from whatever she DOES in her free-time. She was hired by KSP when she convinced us that she was a very convincing person. Persona: The only thing that can truly be said about Waltrina is that she is charismatic and secretive. Likes: We have no idea. Dislikes: Again, no clue. Relationships: Wernher von Kerman: Unknown affiliation. 2AdmFd - Mortimer Schnoob Kerman Courage=10 Stupidity=89 Age=50 Roll=Head Accountant Bio: Born to two schnobs in the Country of Snacks and Laziness, Mortimer was treated to huge amounts of funds. When he grew up, he became accustomed to having so much funds. He became an accountant for Automax Conglomerate, and made a small fortune from that by being REALLY good in the stock-market-knowledge stuff. He promptly spent his fortune on a small mansion. He retired only at 31, but by the time he was 48 he needed a job again. His cousin had accidentally set fire to the whole house, including his personal money-stash. He got a small job as the accountant for Jebediah Kerman Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co, before quitting due to conflict of interest (Jeb wanted to strap him to a rocket, Mortimer wanted to live). He was hired by KSC for his accounting skills, as one might expect. Persona: Despite being practically dirt-poor, he still acts like a snobish rich guy. He is highly conservative, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-science, and pro Kraken-worship in schools. To keep him in check at KSC, we put electrical cattle-prods in his suits so that if he speaks badly of anyone while at the Administration Building, he gets shocked. Nickname: He doesn't have one, but he certainly gives out plenty of "nicknames" to some of the women working at KSC, to their dismay. Yearbook Quote: [This is so offensive towards any Kerbal that's not Green, Straight, Male, and not a scientist, that we can't actually type this] Likes: Making derrogatory jokes, being an ASAShatt, money. Dislikes: Any Kerbal that's not Green, Straight, Male, Scientist. Relationships: (Hard to believe anyone wouldn't commit suicide from being around him too long. Friend of Dolgoch Kerman Love/Hate relationship with Emmany Kerman, Vietanny Kerman, and pretty much all of the Astronaut Girlbals. 3AdmSc - Linus Kerman Courage=30 Stupidity=14 Age=19 Roll=Wernher Von Kerman's assistant/intern. Bio: His parents are both Neurosurgeons (which is scary if you're the patient of a Kerbal), so not only was his family financially well-off, but he was raised as a scientist. He was a total bookworm, always studied, always completed assignments in school, and he had no friends. He followed the rules too much. He went to Kerbal College of Greatness and Explosions, and joined the internship program, where he was sent to KSC as Wernher Von Kerman's assistant. He holds huge respect and admiration for Wernher Von Kerman, so working with the man himself was a dream come true for him. He is often picked for Von Kerman's dirty work, but sometimes assists with more important work. Persona: Linus is a know-it-all. You might expect him to say "Actually, it's..." a lot in your conversation with him. He is a loner, and doesn't really "get" relationships or friendships. Nickname: Loner Kerman Yearbook Quote: "Moar Science!" Likes: Working with Von Kerman, science, space. Dislikes: most people, crowds, people being wrong all the time! Relationships: Assistant of Wernher Von Kerman Married to science! Mission Control MsnCtrA - Gene Francis Kerman Courage=80 Stupidity=35 Age=39 Roll=Head of Mission Control Bio: Growing up on a farm, Gene Kerman dreamed of bigger things. An orchard, perhaps? Nevertheless, he was found to have excellent leadership skills, and he found a love of space. He wrote an assignment for school on "The Design Possibilities for An Interplanetary Snack-Truck", getting an A+ on the assignment. He studied at a college of some description, before being hired as Mission Controller. Persona: While he may not be the best at actual willingness to fly in a rocket, he is brave and calm in the most dangerous of situations. This makes him excellent in solving a problem with a spacecraft that might arise. Nickname: None. Yearbook Quote: "Failure is ALWAYS an option." Likes: Controlling Missions Dislikes: Failure, deaths. Relationships: Friend of Wernher von Kerman, Bobak Kerman. Spouse of Marta Kerman
  11. Hey! That just made the KSP Music BLAST into my ears! At any rate, let's preserve the Hype until the media group launch their videos, eh?
  12. Of course all voices are in backwards spanish and are up to the viewer to decipher.
  13. I had a horrible idea with my sister, creating a horridly humorous "script" for the cinematic for whatever update adds Female Kerbals. No I'm not serious here, yes there will be female Kerbals in the game eventually (probably after scope-completion). If a moderator could please lay down some ground rules for discussion of this I can copy them into the O.P. Camera zooms into the Astronaut Complex Jeb, Bill, and Bob walk down a hallway together, presumably towards the lunchroom. Jeb has a black-charred smear on his face. Bill and Jeb argue about something along the lines of dangerous space maneuvers. Bob rolls his eyes at his brothers. Bob then sees a Kerbal walking the other direction. A choir sings, a pink haze fills the edges of the screen, the Kerbelle's hair flowing like a fan blowing on it. Camera cuts to Bob, who just stopped there in awe. Bob snaps out of his trance and then runs to catch up with Bill and Bob. The camera pans across to see Bob runhning to his brothers, seeing that a considerably less idealized Kerbelle walking towards the lander training simulator. Jeb looks back at his little brother. He says something along the lines of "Emmany again? You should just talk to her." Jeb chuckles at himself. Bob responds. "I can't talk to Girlbals." Bill and Jeb chatter amongst themselves, and Bill nods "yes" to the idea that Jeb had. The scene ends, cutting to Jeb in the Mission Control Office Jeb approaches Gene Kerman, who is busy with paperwork. Jeb says something like "I want you to replace Bill with Emmany for the next mission." To illustrate this to an audience, the scene cuts to a piece of paper marked "Kerbal Roster for Station Resupply" The paper reads the following: Jebediah #0001 Bill #0002 Bob #0003 Gene erases Bill's name and number and replaces it with Emmany #0004. The scene cuts to a rocket at the launchpad. Jebediah gets in the command pod (the bottom section as usual), followed by Bob, and to the latter's surprise, Emmany. Bob stares at Emmany as the hatch is locked. His "cheeks" go red. Camera cuts back to top of the VAB with Bill waving at the rocket as it flies into space. THE END. The rocket then cuts to a black background and the animated KSP Logo Rocket Zooms up into the Kerbal Space Program 0.31 (random version number chosen) logo, like in the end of this video. I know this is horrible, don't take it seriously. Alternatively, something along the lines of THIS, maybe?
  14. http://www.twitch.tv/matoroignika Matoroignika is the best KSPTV streamer for Hype!
  15. 3D printed plastic will be available soon. I'm hoping this means movable joints
  16. I bet you when female kerbals are implemented they'll fire one of the other guys.
  17. I won't fail math. I'll just get a C.
  18. KSPX was implemented between 0.19 and 0.21. They aren't going to implement that NERVA, and ClairaLyrae is not involved in the KSP community anyway.
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