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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. There's a drawing of mine that's my own interpretation of Hayoo's drawing. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86295-Girlbal
  2. I'm a bit disappointed with Crew transfer. You should be able to transfer crew to full module, with a crew member from the other modules taking their place. A swapping-type thing. No I suppose the answer to this is to always have a spare crew-capable part for one Kerbal to sit back in while other Kerbals move freely, then the last Kerbal is moved from the Spare pod. - - - Updated - - - The Reaction wheels are already extremely OP!
  3. Crap. Now I'm addicted to this. Here's what my brain is doing: It's not realistic! But it's fun! You don't get any satisfaction But it's fun! The terrain looks crazy! But it's fun! It's stupidly bad, even worse than stock KSP at realism, and it's demeaning to the very spirit of the game. But it's f- Yes, I get it. "Fun". Whatever.
  4. The HypePlane is far behind us now. Here's a song for the hypeTrain.
  5. What possible use do you have with a Kerbal X? XD
  6. I got an escape trajectory from Kerbin using an Aeris 3A with Turbojet modification.
  7. Me and a friends are working on a game that's kinda like this. 1/10 scale military KSP.
  8. It'd be a cool little easter egg if, when KSP is played during Christmas. (December 25th and 24th) Minecraft can detect what time the calender is set at and give a Christmas easter egg, and KSP ought to have that too. KSP's theme and credits get jingle bells, Kerbals get Santa-hats, and KSC buildings get garland all around them. If you're all upset about political correctness, well then look at this video: Clearly it's okay for SQUAD to have christmassy things because they're not using the religious icon, and also they're a company not a government. . But anyway, A big giant main menu feature that says "Turn off Christmas Mode" can be used for non-Christmas/religious people or humbugs. No, this isn't serious.
  9. I don't think implementation of Re-entry heating and improved Aerodynamics are going to be perfect models of reality. I think they're going to be custom-built for game balance and authenticity. After all, Ferram and the other Realism-Junkies would still be able to use FAR, presumably, and I don't think exact implementation of aerodynamics is what is planned, I think they will probably custom build a system that doesn't follow real rules behind the scenes, but still feels right to the player. I'm sure Ferram will have something to say about this.
  10. I feel like this would be best suited to General KSP discussion. It's intended for Newbies as well as veterans, and newbies rarely ever check down here.
  11. He did mention earlier on Twitter that biomes are coming to all planets anyway. It's not a secret.
  12. So is rank on the list based upon the amount of rep you have? For instance Giggleplex has even MORE green on his rep bar. EDIT: Well looks like I forgot to read. (The answer is yes)
  13. Here's my mandatory acknowledgment of this post. Very glad to be included here. Does this mean I'm famous?
  14. We're still ahead of you! And we've got the Pony Truck back on the rails again. Going forward steadily now! (No, MLP fans, that's not what I meant. I mean the leading wheel of a locomotive.)
  15. Boco was in the TV series. Duck was and now is back in the TV series. What are medium engines? Small engines: Arlesdale railway was cut, but if you're referring to the Skarloey railway you're mistaken. Mountain Engines were cut, but I believe they were mentioned in a DVD extra feature.
  16. It hasn't been derailed! It's just... erm... Okay, it's a tad bit derailed. Don't worry, though. Thomas the hypeTank Engine has just arrived with the hypeBreakdownTrain. We'll be back on the rails in no time!
  17. We totally forgot about recording the launch and flight to Eeloo, so here's the landing and departure. And here's the return to Kerbin. Bob and his nameless crew pulled over 25 gees during their re-entry. #Bobissmart
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