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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. The problem is that you can't simply have invincible parts. Poofing wouldn't be right for a thick mass of steel, so the only solution that would truly work is .I heard a rumor almost a year ago that Unity v8 will have true implementation of soft body physics, and of course this turned out to be a joke. Maybe Kerbal Space Program v. 2.0.0 will have soft-body physics .
  2. What is the difference between the two models? Also, has there been a fix to the off-center attachment nodes? Also v2: Can you release a separate FL-T800 tank that has the black stripes?
  3. "Barycenters would happen" I laughed a little. Yeah, that's probably a given. The question is what would happen to the planets themselves.
  4. In Kerbal Space Program, there is a planet called Duna. orbiting it is a Moon called Ike. Ike is very massive compared to Duna, and the two objects are very close together. A Double Planet is a system where two massive objects orbit each other, so Pluto and Charon are a Double Dwarf Planet system. So then my mind collided these two thoughts together. In real life, what if there was a system like Duna and Ike? Let's assume for the moment their sizes are corrected from the Kerbal Universe to 10.61 times their Kerbal size. Obviously "Barycenters would happen.", but what would happen to the planets themselves? Note: The above is written as an email to xkcd "What If?". I'm curious to hear other people's thoughts on the idea, in the likely event Mr. Randall Munroe does not get around to answering this question.
  5. Lander cans are actually 1.875m parts. The Mk2 fuselages can support slightly over 1.3m. Of course the sides are more lenient, IIRC they are 2.5m width.
  6. You'd need to be pretty damn hyped up to power an Internal Hybecombustion Engine with only one soul. It'd be hard to get enough power out of Hypedrocarbon Liquid Fuels to power a motor with only one person. But if there' something super mega ultra exciting, you could probably run a Hypecycle up to, say, 25 miles per hour.
  7. I'm not going to download this until the attachment nodes are fixed. But when they are fixed, This mod is gonna get plenty of use.
  8. There's a chance that we might have Ven redoing the parts, but it hasn't been announced yet. Remember that Hugo was originally going to redo ALL the parts, but then they had Porkjet do them instead.
  9. Minimal mods for 6.4:1 scale kerbin, in order of how much it's needed. RealSolarSystem 6.4:1 Kerbin Ferram Aerospace Research Procedural Fairings Kerbal Isp Difficulty Settings
  10. Isp shouldn't change with tank density. that's not what I wrote. Isp DEFINITELY needs to change thrust instead of Fuel Flow. Right now, illogically, the atmosphere affects how much fuel is flowing from the tanks into the rocket engine, instead of the thrust. This makes NO sense.
  11. BTW, the reason I don't simply double the scale is because the scale of rockets themselves won't match real-life counterparts.
  12. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I screwed up my math somewhere. My excuse: a tiring day at school, finding out an old teacher of mine has died from cancer. EDIT: And if someone could fix my math and let me paste that into the OP, that'd be great. Right now I'm too tired.
  13. An Expansion Pack should be at LEAST half as much content as the original game. A Sequel would be a totally new game, like what happens when Kerbals become super advanced and start colonizing the whole galaxy. Or a prequel about driving faster and faster steam trains.
  14. There's nothing mathematical preventing orbit from being achieved around Eve. Aerospike Engines would be the best bet for launching from Eve. I'd hazard a wild guess and say that you'd need a rocket the size of one of the larger Novas to launch a lander can into orbit.
  15. In the past few months I've been a bit vocal about not wanting the Kerbolar System to be rescaled.(Mostly just whenever people insist that it should be) However, after some time,I thought about it today, and I think Kerbin should be rescaled after all. Before we get into the specifics of it, here's a List! (Bear with me!) EDIT: Attempted to fix the horridly tired and incorrect mathematics. Real Earth Gravity: 9.81 m/s^2 Radius: 6,371 km Scale: 100% Atmosphere Height: 120 km Approximate ÃŽâ€v to Orbit just above the atmosphere: 10 km/s notes: These values are an ideal Earth, a perfect sphere. Stock Kerbin Gravity: 9.81 m/s^2 Radius: 600 km Scale: 9.4176... % AtmosHeight: 70 km ÃŽâ€v to Orbit: 4.5 km/s; 3.5 km/s using FAR/NEAR notes: People assume that Kerbin is 10 times smaller than Earth. In fact, Earth is actually a very slightly less than 11 times bigger than Kerbin. This means very slightly more than 9% scale. In an interview with NovaSilisko (the developer who created most of the planets (aside from Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus), He said that the Kerbal universe has higher gravity than our universe, so the planets are not actually superdense. Smearth Gravity: 9.81 m/s^2 (presumably) Radius: 637 km Scale: 10% AtmosHeight: 70 km ÃŽâ€v to Orbit: 3.5 km/s (presumably) notes: There's a lot of guesswork surrounding Smearth. Real-Scale Kerbin Gravity: 9.81 m/s^2 Radius: 6000 km Scale: 94.17673... % AtmosHeight: 120 km ÃŽâ€v to Orbit: 10 km/s notes: "Real Scale" Kerbin is actually smaller than Real-Scale Earth. 6.4:1 Scale Kerbin Gravity: 9.81 m/s^2 Radius: 3,840 km Scale: 60.2731... % AtmosHeight: 91 km ÃŽâ€v to Orbit: 7.2 km/s notes: This is the least rounded number of the bunch! Why would you want this number at all? ... I'll tell you why. Kerbal parts are scaled to around 64% of their real life counterparts. The Mk1-2 Command Pod (2.5m) is based on the Apollo Command/Service Module (3.9m) 3.9 times 0.64 is 2.496, which is rounded to 2.5m (as the diameter of parts already varies by this much anyway.) Why does Kerbin need a rescale? Realistic Aerodynamics is a planned feature, and obviously that means getting rid of soupy atmosphere. The problem with this is that you've removed almost 1 km/s ÃŽâ€v. This makes a problem already faced in stock even worse, the scales of the rockets. You have tiny little rockets attached to your payload, and it just doesn't look like it has the right amount of fuel! It looks WAY too small. In stock, this is just noticeable as a slight imbalance in the rocket's size vs what the rocket can do. (You can get away with SSTO rockets that look like Mercury-Redstone) If you set the Kerbolar system to 64% of current scale, the universe and the spaceships fit into the same real-life equivalent scale as each other, whilst still allowing Kerbals to use smaller ships to accommodate their smaller size. To facilitate this change a few things would have to change/be added. The hypothetical changelog goes as the following: Kerbal Space Program: Jumbo 64 (0.30.0) is released! Large New Features -The Aerodynamics System has been completely overhauled. --Shape-based Aerodynamics (Wider constructions are less aerodynamic) --Wing Effects (Authentically adjusts wing lift and drag based on position and configuration) --Stall (Planes can now stall out) --Body Lift (Previously the Mk2 and Mk3 Fuselage system worked using the winglet code, not anymore. All parts experience the Lifting Body Effect) --Rentry Shock Heating and Mach Effects (Take care when planning your return, because you might otherwise become quite toasty! This can be disabled in difficulty settings and is off by default on Easy mode) --Fairings (To make rockets more aerodynamic, a new fairing system has been devised) -All celestial bodies have been rescaled. --Planets and Moons are now 6.4 times larger than they were before. --Atmospheres have been scaled to 1.32 times larger. Kerbin's atmosphere extends to 91 km. --Planet sizes can be switched to classic mode in difficulty settings, and are default for easy mode. --The Kerbal Universe scale now approximately matches the Kerbal Spacecraft scale. (Around 64% real life.) --Planet and Moon textures/terrain are now 6.4 times higher definition. ---Much more procedural craters. -Jet Engines have been totally reworked. --Intake Air is no longer used as a reaction mass. --Jet Engine Fuselages hold the interior components for each type of Jet Engine. This means different fuselages for the RAPIER, the Basic Jet Engine, and the TurboJet Engine. --What previously functioned as the engine itself is now a nozzle. Each nozzle has different functions. Basic Jet Nozzle has minimal thrust vectoring, and an afterburner. Vectored Jet Nozzle has no afterburner, but more thrust vectoring capabilities, as well as higher efficiency in the upper atmosphere. The RAPIER Quad-Nozzle can function as a cruddy rocket engine on it's own, but when added to the RAPIER fuselage it functions as a dual-purpose engine. --Air Intakes now must be directly attached to an Engine Fuselage or a Tank that connects directly to an Engine Fuselage. --There's also new SCRAMjets, which function best at very high speed. Changes -Dry Masses of all tanks have been decreased. -All liquid-fueled engines have been redesigned to remove "tankbutts." (The mounting points which include the end of the fuel tanks) -Isp now affects thrust instead of fuel flow rate, and now also follows a curve down to lower efficiency at higher atmospheric pressure. (Eve Ascents are now VERY hard) -All Liquid-Fueled Engines have been rebalanced, and many of them have higher thrusts. -There are now new 5-meter fuel tanks and other parts. They are absolutely MASSIVE. -Reaction Wheels have been nerfed. They are all half as powerful. -RCS Thrusters have been buffed. They are now 1.5 times as powerful. -Rebalanced most of the tech tree. --Movable winglets are now closer to the beginning of the tech tree. --Stayputnik Mk1 is now moved to the Basic Rocketry node, and has a more powerful battery. -There are more timewarp settings. --Timewarp altitudes have been changed.
  16. You do not own my HypeTrain, megatiger. You can be the Hypemuseum curator, but you only have vehicles that are too old to function, like the HypeWrightFlyer and the Hypenson's Rocket (The first HypeLoco). HypeTrains No.2 through No.9 are all still in service under the Hype-Western Region of HypeRailways. (HWR). Other HypeRail services are run to different mediums like film, music, and celebrities are run by the following companies respectivly HMS The Hype, Midland, and Supercool [Railway] services video game fandoms. HNER The Hype North-Eastern Railway services Film and Movie fandoms. HWR The Hype Western Railway services Technology geeks. (Specifically, the type of people who camp outside a store to get the latest smartphone) HR Hype Railways services Television fandoms such as Doctor Who or The Walking Dead. HypeMuseum The HypeMuseum is curated by Megatiger, and is full of historical pieces of machinery from the history of all HypeServices. This includes HypePlanes and ancient HypeTrains.
  17. Ah yes, they did say all planets are getting biomes in 0.26! Perhaps they're just going to get CustomBiomes to do that.
  18. "Get me the new Update!" "Sir,the update was't going to be installed until--" "Let me guess... Tuesday."
  19. So KSP is technically Science Fiction. But that's not really what most people think of nowadays when they think of sci-fi. KSP is very realistic. It's reminiscent of Rocketpunk, and it doesn't deal with the future or the past, but more with the present. (I realize it's odd to consider the 1960s "present", but bear with me.) Science Fiction nowadays refers to futuristic things. And that's okay, but standard ideas of science fiction will never fit into KSP. (And neither will Greeble.) Needlessly sleek and futuristic designs probably shouldn't ever be in the game or in official expansion packs, in my opinion. But here's an idea for a future expansion pack, something that doesn't fit into the scope of the original game but builds off of it. Obviously we're talking quite a bit after release. Now what you are about to see is a speculative look into the future of KSP (both the game and the space program! The article is written as a release announcement by squad.) Kerbal: The Next Generation KTNG (Kayting) is a fully blown expansion pack for Kerbal Space Program. It adds plausible and realistic interstellar technologies to the endgame of Career mode. Features Stockalike models All of the new parts added by KTNG share the stock-part aesthetic, and have no unnecessary greeble and sleekness seen in modern Sci-Fi. Kerbal Galaxy Kerbals are truly not alone in the galaxy. The Skybox is gone, replaced with the true images of thousands of stars around the galaxy. Only a few of these stars have life, and less still have intelligence. Most stars are procedurally generated, but they're always the same for every game, just like the craters on the Mun. Relativity Simulation Special and General relativity are now both accounted for in the universe. If you move at near the speed of light, time will speed up for you. Back at home, however, it's the same time. Being near a gravitational source also accounts for time dilation as well. The speed of light in the Kerbal Universe is 11% of the real speed of light. Interstellar Dust When travelling at relativistic speeds, care must be taken to keep the ship from being blasted by dust and particles travelling rapidly towards you. The system is actually based on the Re-Entry Heating system! Warp Drive Using the likely principle for warp drive propulsion, known as the "Alcubbiere Drive", Kerbals can eventually explore the further reaches of the galaxy. It works by compressing space in front of the ship and dilating it in the rear. It allows faster than light travel and bypasses relativity (because time travel simulation is a little out of the scope of KTNG). In the game itself it works merely by setting the ships velocity to a constant relative to the direction the ship is pointing. There are other advanced propulsion systems, more on this below. Autopilots, Ansibles, and A.I.s Probes in stock KSP seem to defy the speed of light by having instant reaction times. No more. For proper control of crafts, you must fit an Advanced A.I. module to a craft instead of a probe core, which allows it to be flown as though a pilot is flying, but without the life support requirements. Controlling ships with low technology levels is clearly a problem, so a pre-programmed control module is available on all probes. The AutoJeb autopilot can be used to give commands to probes that are too far from Kerbin for seamless communication. AutoJeb can also be programmed by the user for specific tasks, using the popular KerbalScript language used by kOS. Finally, after a considerable amount of gameplay in Interstellar space using Kerbals and/or A.I. Modules, Ansible comms systems are available. These devices can be used to have instant control over spacecraft at any distance, provided they actually have an Ansible intalled. Lightspeed Comms delay can be toggled in savefile settings. Away Teams Kerbals can be set up in away teams. These are parties that stay together and follow the leader. New science tools are available to Kerbals, such as the Tricorder. The Tricorder can be most efficiently utilized in arrangement, with multiple crewmembers scanning at the same time. Aliens and Animals Kerbin now has native life forms other than the Kerbals. The cow-like Woks, for instance. Fish and Krakens can be found in the ocean. Laythe also has some life forms as well. All planets with life have procedurally generated (and identical for every save on the same planet) life forms as well. There are as much as two animals for every biome. (Yes, we realize this is not a valid ecosystem, but that's not the point.) Animals can be abducted using things such as nets for the purposes of studying them for science. There is also a chance they can be used as food for Kerbals. Colonization Kerbals can now truly settle elsewhere. On barren planets like Duna or Eve, they are are kept inside outposts. n Laythe and other more habitable worlds, Kerbals can go outside in minimal survival gear, and set up space centers on other planets. Other Races There are now eight alien races to play as in separate solar systems. These can also be interacted with from other planets. The core gameplay is the same, but in different star systems. Each of these systems are specially designed, and are only as procedural as the Kerbolar System is. Each species has a specific design to their stock parts. Kerbals Goofy: 70% Safe: 5% Angry: 5% Friendly: 50% Kerbals are a race of little green people in the Kerbolar System on the Planet Kerbin. They are very goofy little creatures, and are not the brightest of species. Their parts are reminicent of 1960s-1970s human designs, with lots of exaggerated proportions Pordrals Goofy: 30% Safe: 40% Angry: 10% Friendly: 30% Pordrals are smallish self-replicating robots/cyborgs living on the planet Pordrin in the Pordrolar System. They are calculated machines at first glance, but are actually rather inefficient at closer inspection. Their visual style seems to be stuck in Victorian Britain! You could call these creatures "Steampunks". Aranchs Goofy: 60% Safe: 5% Angry: 80% Friendly: 20% This militaristic race of eight-legged canine-like creatures have ONE GOAL: Militarization of space. They are very aggressive buggers, and their red and dark black armoured visual style hammers this in. [MORE EXAMPLES TO COME!] Advanced Propulsion In addition to Warp Drive, there are a few more advanced propulsion systems. The LV-QV45 Quantum Vacuum Thruster is a hyper-advanced piece of technology that pulls energy from SPACE ITSELF to produce thrust. No propellant is required, but there is a huge power requirement. The PL-SM4 Rocket Motor is an engine that can use any fuel, with variable effect. Monopropellant gives higher thrust with low Isp, LFO gives higher Isp with lower thrust, and XenonGas gives MUCH higher Isp with MUCH lower thrust. Then there's the Wormhole, which functions as an instant portal through spacetime, but is useless without a ship to go through the wormhole, and the wormhole ending has to already be in the destination. To satisfy the immense power requirements, new power sources are available. The Nuclear Reactor is the lowest tech of these, and is available near the end of the stock tech tree. The Fusion Reactor is far more advanced, and can supply much more power. The Antimatter Reactor is unrealistically advanced, and can provide huge amounts of power required for a high-power Warp drive. Politics Reputation in post-endgame is very majorly focused on relations with alien races. The eight or so known spacefaring civilizations all have the same capabilities as you, and they have weapons. So don't displease them when trying to go near any of their ships, or you'll be attacked. Space combat can be fought at a range of kilometers rather than meters, so most combat is controlled through AutoJeb. Note that this is not finished yet, Will be improved tomorrow morning. Probably never. It's just an idea, no need to make this fully blown!
  20. Can you add back the stripes on the long FL-T800? I miss them so much! Also, the thin grey stripe along the FL-T400. Also, the black on the rocket nozzles are still too black (aside from LV-N/909/T45/T30) And maybe bring the rings on the fuel tanks out a bit, right now they look too flat. Really all of the black in this mod is too dark. Black should really be more of a Dark Dark Grey. I AM SO HAPPY WITH YELLOW STRIPES ON HITCHHIKER STORAGE CONTAINER I MIGHT CRY TEARS OF JOY What's the SRB-like object, and what's the RT-12?
  21. Alright, fine. If you're willing to pay 200 funds for the purchase of the Orginal HypeTrain, then I shall support this.
  22. @SelectHalfling0 I like the payload capacity of it. [8/10] @TJPrime Very nicely conceived, but the name could use some work. [7.6/10] @Pecan Meh. That one doesn't really look like a default craft. It's just too ugly. Also, it uses airhogging. [1/10]
  23. All of the stock crafts are meant to be "almost good."
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