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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Where's the tank locking thing? The bits that extend and go into the grooves? I'd really like to just see tanks that still LOOK the same as the HGR tanks, but have the higher quality; like Ven does to stock parts. Emphasis on Russian/Chinese/nonNASA rocketry.
  2. If it's a suggestion for a mod, this needs to be moved to the add-on subforum.
  3. Nova? Have the orange box-things abducted you? Are you okay?
  4. There are only a few species of animals observed in the microverse. On one planet in the Siliskus System, there exists a planet in the habitable zone of it's star. Liquid Water has pooled on it's surface, and life has developed there.This gives credence to the idea that chemistry of microverse matter is identical or at least similar to UnivPrime4 matter. A very interesting discovery, as one might imagine, that life outside of Earth has been discovered in ANOTHER universe. The observed life forms can be described in two categories: Plant and Animal. There is only one observed animal species on the planet Smerbin, but there are at least three species of plants. The animals are orange cube-shaped creatures are called "Hoppers". They have been observed to smash up against the spacecraft rather aggressively. There are two possible motives for this behavior. One: They target any object to smash up against and they reproduce in this manner; or Two: There once was more than one species of animal on the planet, and this was a method of killing it's prey. Perhaps the Hoppers even originated outside of the Siliskus System, or from another planet at a time when it could have supported life. The three plant species are remarkably similar to short grasses, tall grasses and weeds, and oak trees, respectively. Not much is known about the internal structure of these organisms, because the spacecraft sent through the UTC was not equipped with any form of biological instruments. A huge goal to come is certainly going to be retrieving one of these Hoppers and studying them in the laboratory.
  5. I just realized that Hoppers somehow remind me of WALL-E.
  6. So part of the gameplay is about writing your findings of the multiverse down, yes? The following is compiled from "interviews" with NovaSilisko on the IRC, questions answered in this thread, pictures and comments posted in this thread and on the devblog, and the Game Info section. Oh, and a lot of fictional science. Here goes, it's no TR;DL. From what I have determined about the laws of gravitation in the Microverse; It seems that although there is an attractive force that behaves along the inverse square law, that attracts all matter constantly, there is no gravitation. Matter does not attract to itself by means of a mass-based gravital force, instead the only source of "gravity" is provided by the Static Gravitational Cores (SGC). These cores seem to produce similar effects to a moving vehicle as would a black hole, and a certain amount of matter will find itself distributed amongst the SGCs in the system. SGCs do not "suck" things in (unlike the aforementioned black holes of our universe), they do seem to have a surface by which matter will fall upon. An odd incidence has been noted, that gas seems to be attracted to a SGC more than solid or liquid matter. However, unlike what one may expect from following the simple laws of gravitation, the atmospheres of "planets" Do not extend to such large sizes as they ought to. Indeed, a thin atmosphere only 50 meters tall may yield a pressure of around 1 atm at the bottom, and a near-vacuum at the top. This certainly must not be correlated to a lack of natural gaseous materials in the Microverse; as then you would expect to find very low atmospheric pressure at the bottom of an atmosphere. A mathematical law has not yet been named which can describe the attraction of gaseous material to a planet. Perhaps it is not even more attracted to the SGC, and it is the planet itself which is attracting the gas. The only explanation seems to be that the state of matter that we know as gas is replaced by a much more exotic state of matter in the microverse. Not all matter in a "star system" has been found on an SGC. There are chunks of rocks and ice which hold themselves together by normal atomic forces that can best be described as "Asteroids". These asteroids rarely get larger than 6 meters, presumably because they will find themselves torn apart by gravitational forces if they are too large. Asteroids are almost never in stable orbits, though there has been a recorded incidence of a semi-stable orbit of the asteroid labeled "Greg[roxmun]." This orbit is powered by the static gravitation of all planets, and found itself skipping off of the surface of the planet and back into an orbit several times before finally crashing into the surface. Because there are no permanently stable orbits, the older a system is, the less asteroids you would find. All matter will inevitably either be knocked out of the entire system or fall into and become part of a planet. At the "center" of every "solar system", there is one (although perhaps more could exist close by) LARGE static gravitational core. It seems that it is a similar object to a SGC, but it is so hot that it will vaporize anything near it's surface into a gas (which will then cool down or become part of an atmosphere), and the radiation pressure from the "star" will push away any gas more than gravity will pull it in. The interesting thing about "Stars" is that they always form near the gravitational center of the other SGCs. This calls into being an explanation of the formation of Star Systems. As best as can be determined, here is the hypothesis for which the microverse forms. None of which has been entirely proven. It is as follows. The Microverse started with a non-uniform, but mostly static cloud of elements. These elements behave almost identically to our elements, so they can be given traditional labels that correspond to the elements of our own universe. Most of the cloud is lint and dust, but also gases. The elemental cloud uniformly spans the entire Microverse. The composition is in the same order of the most common known elements of our universe. Over time, "Star-SGCs" spawn (or simply "pop" into existence) around randomly, and they attract the cloud to them (until they get to close and are blown back). Then, around these S-SGCs form normal SGCs. At first it is rapid, then over time it slows down exponentially until the rate at which SGCs spawn is practically 0. Larger SGCs have more "gravity", and attract more materials. Since most of the material is gases like Hydrogen, they are blown by solar radiation out to the outer SGCs and away from the inner SGCs. The inner SGCs attract ices and silicates and metals which would not have been blown away. This continues until all of the mass in the immediate area of the star system is in the system. The S-SGCs seem to spawn in clumps, what we may call "Galaxies." The mass in between stars gradually falls into their systems and the mass in between galaxies gradually falls into them as more SGCs and S-SGCs spawn. After millions of years, the rate at which SGCs spawn is practically 0, and the cloud is now semi-stable in Static Gravitational Cores. SGCs and S-SGCs only ever seem to spawn around eachother. There is also evidence to believe that there are superdense SGCs that are not static. They have not been directly observed, as they would be naked. These naked gravitational cores (or NGCs) would move randomly with some slight tendency to gravity. They would be dense enough that they would have an event horizon that would rip apart matter to its subatomic particles if they went near enough. No material would adhere to their surface. This could be the answer to the problem of how different elements could form, as the subatomic particles may recombine to heavier elements in certain conditions. It is unknown if fusion could occur with Microverse Matter, but if it can then fusion would likely be common near the event horizon of a NGCs. NGCs could have formed much earlier than SGCs, and perhaps they disappear over time. If so, this could be the explanation for the diversity of elements in the Early-Microverse Cloud. The Microverse is not expanding over time like the UnivPrime4 is, but there will be an end. Although the amount of SGCs that spawn over time does decrease exponentially, it never QUITE reaches zero. In trillions and trillions and trillions of years, the amount of SGCs in the microverse will have filled it up so that it is uniformly filled with SGCs. At that point, the Microverse is dead.
  7. No. I stream whenever I feel like it about whatever I feel like.
  8. Stream over. And I just realized I posted this in General Discussion instead of Fanworks. That's what I get for having more than one KSPforum tab open at a time.
  9. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=128&day=2014-10-27 Vertical propulsion Emporium! 5:40 PM EDT
  10. It's nearly time for the 6.4:1 scale Steampunk Stream! http://www.twitch.tv/GregroxMun Kerbfu, if you're awake, PM me your Skype contact if you want to be my guest.
  11. Duna to Ike. BigIke will set on BigDuna's sky because it's not tidally locked to BigIke, only BigIke is tidally locked to BigDuna. Geosyc. Orbit of Duna should be Ike's orbital altitude, but it's less than that on BigDuna. Therefore BigIke will set while [small]Ike always remains in almost exactly the same position in the sky. Incedentally, I want someone to make a mod that approximates Barycenters for Ike and Duna, because they're TOTALLY a double planet.
  12. Ike is tidally locked, but Duna isn't. This needs to be fixed! Also, PLEASE make a config for 15-hour Kerbin Days.
  13. Join in on my twitch channel at 4:30 EDT 10/26/2014 (Today) for Kerbal Astronomical Agency! The Steampunk Space Program in the tiny universe! There may be a special guest...
  14. Also the SRBs need a severe decrease in Isp. 190 max in atmo. 80 is more authentic for gunpowder, but then they'd be nearly useless. - - - Updated - - - I might stream in a few minutes using this mod, stay tuned on http://www.twitch.tv/gregroxmun EDIT: KerbFu, would you like to be my guest? PM me your Skype contact info if so.
  15. We need an overhaul of the solar/electric system. We need MUCH bigger solar panels; and furthermore, they need to produce steam instead of electrical charge, but take up water. Generators take steam and turn it to electricity and water. Water is recycled by a condenser in the generator part, so that nothing is lost. You can't lose anything in space unless it's rocket fuel! Or, perhaps you could use heat, which is fed into a boiler to take up water and turn it into steam. Then whatever mechanism (other than rocket) can take the steam and turn it into water and it's own purpose (Rover wheel torque, reaction wheel torque, electrical generation, etc.) Meanwhile, if heat is produced in a firebox that uses combustible fuels, then it will produce Exhaust. Exhaust can be converted back into Munshine, NitrousOxide, or WhaleOil with LARGE amounts of electricity, but otherwise it must be stored or disposed of through the RCS. If an exhaust tank gets full, the exhaust will leak out through all of the RCS thrusters (evenly). If there are no RCS thrusters, the tank will overheat and explode. Then the firebox will overheat and explode.
  16. One thing by the way, an engine of THAT size would not just be a rover, it would be a POWERHOUSE. As far as locomotive engineering goes, that's not a 10 m/s Munchugger, that's a 10 wagon train loco. Wheel power should be proportional to the amount of steam available. A much smaller, more reasonable rover might pump out enough to haul a small wagon behind it for supplies, and would also use smaller wheels. I found some Steampunk Art of mine from about a year ago, I think it may be of interest. The fuel sources are steam RCS fed from a Hydrogen Peroxide tank, and alchohol+nitrous oxide fuel tanks for the main engines. On the CSM, a hypergolic proppellant is used in the picture, but I later changed it to be alchohol+nitrous oxide.
  17. Well, there's only two of them instead of 6; but it certainly looks like it could work. It's pretty good. - - - Updated - - - Allow me to take a moment to draw up some concept art.
  18. No. THat would defeat the purpose. Wait, what's that? There's people who LIKE war? Crap. Then I guess it would be possible.
  19. RealFuels is rather complicated to get working well.
  20. You must forgive me, by the way, for my insistence on your steampunk machines looking like they could really function. I am a big fan of steam machines that can WORK. The idea is that the Radial Steam Engine will be mounted on the rover wheel frames.
  21. This is a radial steam engine. They WERE available in the 1800s, but without the firebox design. It simply takes the steam from a conventional boiler, an drives the six pistons. This would be the best design for a rover wheel. it wouldn't even have to be animated, just have 6 cylinders running into another one and that leads to the wheel. (Just ignore everything in the video after "Now for the heat exchanger") Also, the Munshine tank is much too small. The attachment point is 1.25 meters, but the Munshine itself takes up a tiny portion of the tank.
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